- 2010 Emma Stone comedy inspired by {/The Scarlet Letter/}
- Picnic course?
- Course that's a cakewalk
- Calculus 101 (for me at least)
- Checkers 101, probably
- Passable course
- Class you'll pass (unless you really muck it up)
- Breathing 101, for example
- Cake class
- GPA fattener
- It can fatten a GPA
- Something an athlete might take
- You hardly have to go to it
- Stress-free course
- Cushy course
- Gut course
- Pushover class
- Collegian's cakewalk
- Grade-boosting course
- Hardly a course of study?
- It requires little effort to pass
- It's almost always passed
- Its tests don't test you
- You can coast through it
- What doesn't require much studying
- Simple school assignment
- Grade made in the shade?
- Cushy class
- High mark with low effort
- Student's dream class
- Cushy school course
- Grade in a "Mickey Mouse" course
- Snap course
- Mickey Mouse class
- Sure report card booster
- Average booster
- Class that doesn't require much studying
- GPA booster
- Gut course, like "Rocks for Jocks"
- Basket weaving class, maybe
- No-brainer course
- Gut class
- Simple course
- Snap course, slangily
- Basket Weaving 101, say
- Mickey Mouse course
- Unchallenging course
- Boon to one's grade point average
- 2010 teen comedy influenced by "The Scarlet Letter"
- Course with a lot of curves, perhaps
- High mark requiring low effort
- Collegian's piece of cake
- Class requiring little effort
- Good course for your GPA
- Cinch course
- Course with no unexpected curves?
- GPA-boosting course
- No-brainer college course
- Unchallenging college course
- Hardly a tough course
- Class that requires little effort
- Class without struggle
- Course that's good for one's GPA
- No-sweat grade
- Class with no struggles
- No-sweat class
- Course that helps your GPA
- Undemanding class
- Cinch of a course
- Course not requiring much effort
- Breeze of a class
- Course to breeze through
- Piece-of-cake course
- Snap course, in school
- Smooth-sailing source
- Student's delight
- Snap of a course
- Snap class
- Effortless course
- GPA improver
- Simple class
- Snap of a class
- Opposite of "tough course"
- Soft course
- School class that's simple
- Low-effort school course
- Undemanding course
- Class to coast through
- Course to coast through
- Problem-free school course
- Tutor's lofty promise
- Simple school class
- Average helper
- School course that's simple
- School course to breeze through
- Mark of effortlessness
- Class that shouldn't be taken pass-fail
- Course nicknamed "Rocks for Jocks," most likely
- Gut
- Course that requires no brain strain
- Class that requires very little work
- Class with a take-home, open-book, true-false final, say
- GPA-boosting class
- Class that's a cakewalk
- Class that's no struggle
- Desire of a quick study?
- Northwestern breeze?
- School softball?
- No-stress class
- You hardly have to study for it
- Expected grade in a gut course
- It's hard to fail
- Piece of cake in school
- Breeze on a college campus
- No-brainer in school
- Course that you waltz through
- G.P.A. helper
- No-brainer class, an example of which is named by combining the ends of 20-, 36-, 42- and 55-Across
- 2010 Emma Stone comedy set in high school
- Course with no homework, say
- Rocks for Jocks, most likely
- Course that's a cinch
- Something requiring little study
- College softball?
- Course for which you hardly need to 51-Down
- College booster?
- Course that's a walk in the park
- Course you hardly have to study for
- Its material is not hard
- Course you're almost guaranteed to get a good grade in
- What an A.P. class likely isn't
- Course that's free of obstacles?
- Course you slide through
- Component of a "Mickey Mouse degree," say
- Course that's a breeze
- Intro to Ballroom Dancing, most likely
- Class you can sleep through
- Cheese Appreciation 101, say
- Breezy class
- Very cushy course
- Piece-of-cake class
- A working class it ain't
- Course you can't fail
- Low-stress high grade
- Class graded solely on attendance, presumably
- Class that doesn't require much effort
- High mark, little effort required
- Student's safety net
- Course that doesn't require much studying
- 2010 Emma Stone movie
- Chill class
- GPA padder
- Low-stress class
- Class that's a breeze
- Emma Stone film partly inspired by "The Scarlet Letter"
- Low-stress course
- Straightforward class
- Simple course at school
- Class that's a walk in the park
- Class you'll surely pass
- Emma Stone movie
- Class to breeze through
- Virtually unflunkable course
- Class that doesn't require a lot of studying
- Course that's hard to fail
- GPA-padding class
- Class that shouldn't be hard to pass
- Course anyone can pass
- Unchallenging class
- Class that's a piece of cake
- GPA-inflating class
- Hardly challenging course
- Gut course, perhaps
- Class with low standards
- Light course
- Class for coasters
- Cake course
- Class for coasting
- Course that doesn't require cramming
- Course you can breeze through
- Course for coasters
- Course you just have to show up for
- No-sweat course
- 2010 Emma Stone comedy
- GPA booster, usually
- Grade-boosting class
- Rice cakewalk