- Candidate, at times
- Pro in a certain contest?
- Pro, half the time
- Con, half the time
- School team member who argues a lot
- Lincoln or Douglas
- Kennedy or Nixon, in '60
- Legislator, at times
- School-team arguer
- High school team member
- Certain college team member
- Member of a college "team."
- Douglas, for example.
- Arguer.
- Member of a college group.
- Political candidate, at times.
- Disputant.
- Douglas or Lincoln
- Pro or con man
- Word for 34 Down
- Con man, at times
- Politico, at times
- One engaged in logomachy
- Participant in an arguing contest
- Opponent who's all talk?
- Person who may go pro?
- Accentuater of the positive
- Kerry or Bush, in 2004
- Forensic expert
- Presidential candidate, at times