- 1978 Cook thriller
- Robin Cook novel
- Cook thriller
- Senseless state
- Time out?
- Robin Cook thriller
- State of deep unconsciousness
- One may be induced in a critical situation
- Deep sleep
- Extended time out
- State after a head injury, sometimes
- State that's hard to get out of
- The Smiths' "Girlfriend in a ___"
- Prolonged sleep
- Very deep sleep
- Robin Cook book
- Thoughtlessness?
- Senselessness?
- Unconscious state
- Senseless situation?
- Popular Cook book of 1977
- Food ___ (big-meal side effect, facetiously)
- Plot point in the 2017 film "The Big Sick"
- ___ Berenices (constellation now distinct from neighboring Leo)
- Robin Cook book of 1977
- It may be purposefully caused by a surgeon
- It might be induced by a neurosurgeon
- Bujold thriller
- Cook book?
- Robin Cook best-seller
- Soap opera plotline, sometimes
- Condition for some soap opera characters
- 1978 Michael Douglas film
- State of unconsciousness
- Unconsciousness state
- What one may slip into
- More than just a deep sleep
- Someone in it is out of it
- Deep unconsciousness
- Unresponsive condition
- Knocked-out state
- You can be in it and out of it at the same time
- Michael Douglas medical thriller of 1978
- Robin Cook thriller made into a Michael Douglas movie
- Down time?
- Unconscious condition
- It keeps you out past your bedtime
- Michael Crichton film of 1978
- Robin Cook title
- Part of a tailed astronomical object
- 1977 thriller set at Boston Memorial Hospital
- 1978 Geneviève Bujold film
- Long time out
- Unresponsive state
- 1978 medical thriller
- Prolonged unconsciousness
- Food __: listlessness after a large meal
- 1977 medical novel
- Food __: after-eating drowsiness
- 1977 medical thriller
- Drama-free state in many a daytime drama
- Robin Cook medical thriller
- Robin Cook's breakout 1977 novel
- Food __: lethargy after a big meal
- Comet's head
- Cook creation
- 1977's "#1 thriller of the year"
- Food __ (overeater's state)
- Food __ (big-meal aftereffect)
- 1978 Geneviève Bujold thriller
- If you're in it, you're out of it
- It might be medically induced
- 1978 Michael Douglas movie
- 1978 film directed by Michael Crichton
- Trance.
- Topknot of a pineapple, in botany.
- Cloudlike mass around a comet.
- That K.O. feeling.
- Cloud around a comet.
- Cloudlike mass at a comet's head.
- Cluster of bracts, as on a pineapple.
- Leaf cluster on a pineapple.
- Part of a comet.
- State of insensibility.
- Insensibility.
- Tuft at end of a seed.
- Cluster of bracts on a pineapple.
- Torpor: Colloq.
- Cloudlike mass, in astronomy.
- Part of a comet's head.
- Trancelike state.
- Silky tuft on a seed.
- Astronomy term.
- Silky tuft of a seed.
- Unconsciousness.
- Nimbus of a comet.
- Torpor.
- Deep absence of mind
- Botanical tuft
- Part of comet's head
- Comet head
- Best seller by Robin Cook
- Best seller in '77, by Cook
- Book by Robin Cook
- R. Cook novel
- Michael Douglas film: 1978
- Hospitalized condition
- 1978 Bujold film
- Hospital status
- Out-of-it state
- 1978 film sleeper?
- There's no sense in it
- 1978 movie thriller
- A person in it is out of it
- Film "sleeper" of 1978
- It may be hard to get out of
- Unwakable state
- What an out patient may be in
- What you might be in when you're out
- Hospitalized patient's state
- What someone who is out might be in
- Possible result of a shock
- You may be in it if you're out of it
- What a conk on the head may produce
- Result of a serious head injury
- Stuporous sleep
- Unwakeful state
- What a person who's out may be in
- 1977 best seller set at Boston Memorial Hospital
- Result of going out?
- Result of a big hit, maybe
- Result of trauma, maybe
- State it's not good to be in
- Result of a concussion, maybe
- Bad state to be in
- Head case?
- Out patient's state
- State made up of two state postal abbreviations
- Food ___ (post-Thanksgiving meal condition)
- Food ___ (Thanksgiving drowsiness)
- Food ___ (Thanksgiving feeling)
- 1977 best-selling novel set in a hospital
- Food ___
- Plot device for many a soap opera
- Food ___ (post-meal state)
- '78 Bujold thriller
- Really deep sleep
- Slash/Axl penned epic
- GnR "Use Your Illusion 1" closer
- Unconscious GnR song?
- What GnR slipped into on "Use Your Illusion I"?
- GnR "Use Your Illusion I" closer
- 1977 best-selling novel by physician/author Robin Cook
- Result of trauma, perhaps
- Unconscious state that can be medically induced
- Best-selling Cook book
- Michael Douglas film
- There's hardly any sense in it
- Bujold/Douglas film
- Insensible condition
- Cook bestseller
- Whoever's in it is out of it
- It may be hard to come out of
- Sleeper hit of 1978?
- Vegetative state
- Hospitalized patient's state, perhaps
- Deepest sleep
- Incredibly deep sleep
- Extended unconsciousness
- Girlfriend in a ___ (Smiths song)
- State of prolonged unconsciousness
- Food ___ (Thanksgiving woe)
- Food ___ (feeling after a feast)
- Food ___ (post-buffet sensation)
- Result of a KO?
- Comet's gaseous cloud
- Medical condition
- Intensive care condition
- Trauma-induced sleep
- You're out of it when in this
- You're out of it when in it
- Robin Cook's classic novel
- It may be medically induced
- Extremely deep sleep
- 1977 best-seller set at Memorial Hospital
- 1978 sleeper film?
- State without awareness
- State that may be slipped into
- Sleeper film of 1978
- Medically induced condition, maybe
- Medically induced sleep
- Induced unconsciousness, perhaps
- Medically induced state
- Medically induced state, perhaps
- See 49-Down
- Food ___ (tired feeling after a big meal)
- Kohoutek follower
- 1978 Bujold thriller
- Result of shock, maybe
- Food ___ (state after a Thanksgiving feast)
- Trope used in many a hospital drama
- Early Robin Cook thriller
- 1978 movie directed by Michael Crichton
- 1977 bestseller situated at Boston Memorial Hospital
- Thriller set at Boston Memorial Hospital
- When you're in it, you're out of it
- State that may be medically induced
- The Dead Zone plot feature
- Soap opera plot device
- State of boredom, casually