- Head honcho
- Kansas City footballer
- Main
- Primary
- Leading
- Crazy Horse, e.g.
- Most important
- Number one
- Hail target?
- Crazy Horse, for one
- Maxwell Smart's boss
- Firehouse foreman
- Lakota leader
- Tribe leader
- Top cop
- Fire department head
- Fire department honcho
- Address for an officer, perhaps
- Boss
- Tribal leader
- *Recipe creator
- The "C" of CEO
- Principal
- Firehouse VIP
- Editor in __
- Head of a fire department
- Big wheel
- Fire department boss
- Fire department leader
- See 5-Down
- Title for 23-Down
- J. Lawton Collins' title.
- Allie Reynolds' nickname.
- Taylor or Twining.
- ___ of Staff.
- Highest.
- Hail to the ___.
- Leader.
- Foremost.
- Dominant.
- Indian V.I.P.
- K. C. leader
- Sitting Bull, e.g.
- Kind of Justice
- Braves' boss
- Cardinal
- Powhatan, e.g.
- Perry White, on the Daily Planet
- Perry White, e.g.
- Fire department V.I.P.
- '11 Eric Church album
- Sitting Bull, for one
- Top dog at the firehouse
- Word in many executive titles
- Indian head
- Arch
- Major
- Head of the tribe
- Caleen Sisk, for the Winnemem Wintu
- Principal ___ (Cherokee Nation title)
- Chuck Hoskin, for the Cherokee Nation
- Perry White, to Jimmy Olsen