- Converse
- Gabfest
- Internet conversation
- On-line conversation
- Bit of a gabfest
- Internet room
- On-line discussion
- Shoot the breeze
- Chew the fat
- Room on-line
- Schmooze in cyberspace
- IM exchange
- Talk online
- Tête- -tête
- Online talk
- WhatsApp conversation
- Yak it up
- Speaking engagement?
- Messenger conversation
- Wood warbler
- Confab
- Gab session
- Do some yakking
- Confabulation
- Schmooze
- Gossip
- Type of room
- Shoot the bull
- Breezy back-and-forth
- Something to do in a room
- Let's _____
- Cyberspace conversation
- Exchange words on the Web
- Kind of room on AOL
- Talk via an Internet connection
- Converse on the Web
- Friendly talk
- Have a tête- -tête
- Kind of cyberspace "room"
- Natter
- Casual conversation
- Hobnob
- On-line activity
- Common on-line activity
- Kind of room on-line
- Discussion among netizens
- Have words on the Web
- Online exchange
- Powwow
- Conversation
- Event in a cyberspace "room"
- Make small talk
- Informal exchange
- Informal talk
- Nice kitty?
- Exchange of IMs
- Socialize in cyberspace
- Friendly exchange
- Trade instant messages
- IM
- Skype convo
- ___ show (genre for Alan Partridge, Graham Norton, and Rob Brydon)
- Yak in the box?
- Internet exchange
- Palaver
- Tete-at-tete
- Easy exchange
- Gab
- Klatch talk
- Small talk
- Kind of room
- Friendly conversation
- Have a few words
- Online banter
- Chinwag
- Old fireside event
- __ room
- Online dialogue
- Casual talk
- Online service option
- Rap (with)
- Talk
- Afternoon tea accompanier
- Online shopping offer
- Series of 69-Across
- Facebook option
- Talk over tea
- Talk in a virtual room
- Brit : chin-wag :: Yank : __
- Zoom option
- Online customer service option
- Talk a bit
- Catch up, maybe
- French kitty
- Swap words on the Web
- French feline
- Net activity
- Online room activity
- Cyber-conversation
- Informal conversation
- Rap
- Cyber-exchange
- Parisian pet
- Rap online
- Have a conversation
- Jaw
- Facebook function
- Facebook facility
- Back-and-forth
- E-tailer's help option
- Conversational communication.
- Idle small talk.
- Talk informally.
- F. D. R. specialty.
- Bird with a vibrating call.
- Bird named after its call.
- Engage in small talk.
- Bird with a rapid, indistinct call.
- Converse idly.
- Cat: Fr.
- Confabulate.
- Oscine bird.
- Talk idly.
- Party-type talk.
- Wheatear.
- Passerine bird.
- Fireside ___.
- Songbird.
- Causerie.
- Visit, colloquially.
- Old-World thrush
- Small thrush
- Talk in a way
- Yellow-breasted bird
- Exchange gossip
- American warbler
- Bird
- Bat the breeze
- Chew the rag
- Dialogue on a low level
- Noisy bird
- Small bird
- Light talk
- Talk casually
- Interlocution
- Light conversation
- Converse with chums
- Felix, in France
- Tittle-tattle
- Chit follower
- Gossip, perhaps
- Chit attachment
- Tête-à-tête
- Facebook Messenger activity
- Quick talk
- Text back and forth, say
- Bird talk?
- Prattle
- Heart-to-heart
- Modern kind of room
- Chin
- Many people now do it online
- No formal discourse
- Online event
- Web conversation
- ___ room
- Online pastime
- Something to do in a virtual room
- Bit of back-and-forth
- Facebook feature
- Many people do it online
- What some people do in an online "room"
- Activity in a virtual room
- Web ___
- Convo
- Heart-to-heart, e.g.
- I.M.'ing session
- Some back-and-forth
- Gossip, e.g.
- F.D.R.'s fireside event
- Heart-to-heart, maybe
- Zoom window
- Talk politics, maybe
- Exchange I.M.s
- Sidebar, e.g.
- Exchange D.M.s
- Cyberspace room
- Electronic discussion
- Fireside talk
- Room in cyberspace
- Fireside event
- Claver
- Type of room in cyberspace
- Chit chaser
- Swap words
- F.D.R. conversation?
- Bit of chin-wagging
- Schmooze online
- Easy verbal exchange
- Word that bookends "chew the fat"
- Video ___ (Zoom event)
- Conversation in Slack
- ___GPT (AI model)
- Heart-to-heart talk
- On-line room
- Internet interaction
- F.D.R.'s fireside talk
- MySpace discussion
- Talk over the back fence
- Type of room with no furniture
- Fireside ___ (FDR broadcast)
- Cyberspace dialogue
- Socialize online
- Talk via keyboard
- Converse via Facebook
- Online session
- Talk via keyboard, say
- Breezy conversation
- Socialize via Skype, say
- Talk on WhatsApp, e.g.
- Casual convo
- Casual discussion
- Informal convo
- Have a casual conversation
- Conversation alongside a livestream
- Cyber-activity
- Exchange words
- Verbal back-and-forth
- Purpose of some virtual rooms
- Exchange niceties
- Online help option
- Task for some bots
- Have a convo
- Online shopping help option
- E-commerce help feature
- Online help feature
- IM or DM, e.g.
- Zoom session option