- Eyedropper amts.
- Adds to a thread: Abbr.
- Loops in the boss online
- Loops in, digitally
- IV amt.
- Rx amts.
- Shot units, for short
- RN's measures
- Keeps in the loop, email-wise
- Backs up, as an email
- Drip units, briefly
- Loops into a conversation, briefly
- Loops others into the email conversation
- Outlook duplicates
- Sends e-mails to a few
- Shot selections?: Abbr.
- Keeps in the loop, say
- IV units
- Includes in the discussion, say
- Includes in the chain
- Includes in the email chain
- Includes in the emails
- Loops into the conversation
- Test tube amts.
- Syringe vols.
- Injection meas.
- E-mails also
- Courtesy e-mails
- Shares an E-mail with
- ER measures
- ER units
- They're equivalent to mLs
- Code Black units
- Bigrams on display in this puzzle's five longest answers
- Shares an email with, briefly
- Doesn't directly address, in a way
- See 60-Down
- Shot numbers, for short
- Keeps informed, in a way
- Dosage amts.
- Meas. for a needle
- Rx units
- Volume meas.
- ICU amounts
- Shot meas.
- Hypo measurements
- Medicinal measures (abbr.)
- Medicinal measures, briefly
- Some duplicates (abbr.)
- Hosp. units
- ICU units
- IV amts.
- Medicinal amounts (abbr.)
- Medicinal amts.
- Secondary email addrs.
- Units in an ER
- Duplicates, briefly
- Enclosed dupes
- Includes on an e-mail
- Those you duped, briefly
- Informs in writing, briefly
- IV measures
- Intensive care unit units
- Emergency measures?: Abbr.
- MD's measures
- Emergency measures?
- E-mail options, and this puzzle's theme
- Med. quantities
- Medical amts.
- IV amounts
- IV measurements
- Sends a dupe e-mail to
- Hypo units
- Sends the same e-mail to
- Keeps in the e-mail loop
- Sends a duplicate to, for short
- Keeps apprised, briefly
- Keeps in the e-mail loop, briefly
- Injection amts.
- Duplicates, briefly ... and a hint to 16-, 22-, 49- and 58-Across
- Engine units: Abbr.
- Emails a dupe to
- Hospital IV amts.
- Loops in, briefly
- Includes, briefly
- Loops in, in a way
- Includes in an email
- Includes on a 51-Down
- Loops in
- Loops in via email
- Syringe units
- Dosage units: Abbr.
- Hypo amts.
- Emails a dupe to, for short
- Dosage amounts: Abbr.
- Dosage units
- Liquid dosage letters
- Sends a duplicate e-mail to
- Medicine amts.
- Includes in an e-mailing
- Liquid dosage amts.
- Medicine meas.
- Includes in an email, for short
- Keeps apprised, for short
- Liquid medicine amts.
- Syringe amts.
- Alternative to fl. oz.
- Medicine measures
- Email duplicates
- Includes on an email, for short
- Lab amts.
- Much modern-day mail
- Vaccine measures: Abbr.
- Certain ER orders
- Duplicate emails, for short
- Includes in an email: Abbr.
- Shares written threads with
- Spreads threads
- Car engine volume measures
- Dupes, in brief
- Sends an e-mail to, but not as the recipient
- Old-time duplicates: Abbr.
- Sends an e-mail FYI
- MD measurements
- ER measurements
- Includes in an e-mail, as a mgr.
- Motorcycle engine units, briefly
- Hosp. amounts
- Cubic centimeters.
- Measurements in the lab.
- Lab measures: Abbr.
- Vol. measures
- Fluid units: Abbr.
- Certain courts: Abbr.
- Certain copies: Abbr.
- Letter enclosures: Abbr.
- Units of volume: Abbr.
- Druggists' units: Abbr.
- Metric measures: Abbr.
- Metric measures
- Hosp. measures
- Measures: Abbr.
- Metric units: Abbr.
- Volume measures: Abbr.
- Prescription amts.
- Prescription amt.
- Prescription abbrs.
- Airport label for Caracas
- Some mun. groups
- Lab measurements
- Lab measures
- Small vol. measures
- Units used for IV volumes
- Medicine amounts: Abbr.
- Injection units
- Hypodermic amts.
- Medical meas.
- Office dupes, for short
- Hospital amts.
- O.R. amounts
- R.N. measures
- Syringe amt.
- E.R. amts.
- Amts. of meds
- Injection units, for short
- Not originals of letters, for short
- Duplicates, for short
- Hypo meas.
- Hypodermic units, for short
- Patient's dosage measure, for short
- Also addresses, as with an e-mail
- Also sends to, as an e-mail
- What secondary recipients of e-mails get
- Dupes in some mailboxes
- Mails a dupe
- Solution amts.
- E-mails a dupe
- Syringe units, briefly
- Also keeps in the know, in a way
- Includes when sending an email
- Keeps in the loop, in a way
- Amts. of blood
- Includes, in a way
- Keeps posted, in a way
- Adds to an email chain, in a way
- They're found below the "To" field
- Loops into an online convo
- Vaccine units, in brief
- Includes on a thread
- Loops in, on an email
- Motorcycle engine units, for short
- Sends a duplicate to, briefly
- IV dosage units
- IV dosage amts.
- Mails a dupe to
- Loops in on Gmail
- Vax booster units
- Loops in, electronically
- Loops in, maybe
- Involves in an e-mail
- I.V.-bag units
- Includes on the e-mail
- Electronically loops in
- Loops into an email
- Test-tube measures
- Hypodermic needle amts.
- Some dosage units (Abbr.)
- Syringe dosage units, briefly
- Adds to an email
- E.R. stats
- Adds as a recipient
- Keeps in the loop, briefly
- Keeps in the loop
- Liquid dosage units: Abbr.
- ER amounts
- Also addresses, in an e-mail
- Dupes in inboxes
- Includes on an email thread
- Includes in an email thread
- Loops in on an email thread
- Keeps in the loop via email
- Video accessibility aid, for short
- Copies on an email
- Some dupes: Abbr.
- Office dupes
- Loops in on an email, briefly
- Loops into a thread
- IV drip units
- Sends an email copy to
- E-mails a few folks, perhaps
- E-mails a couple of people, perhaps
- Dupes in some in-boxes
- Includes in an email's recipients
- Adds as an additional recipient, in email
- Email dupes
- Includes on the reply mail
- Some emails
- Keeps in the email thread
- Includes, on some memos
- Includes, electronically
- Keeps in the loop, email-style
- Keeps in the loop, in emails
- Includes in a chain, for short
- Loops in, in emails
- Loops in, in an email