- I Know Why the ___ Bird Sings (Maya Angelou book)
- Locked up
- Restricted
- Like MMA fights
- Put in a pen
- Behind bars
- Not free to roam
- Like pet birds, often
- Fenced in
- Like some fighters
- I Know Why the ___ Bird Sings
- Angelou title word
- Confined, in a way
- Pent up
- Like pet parakeets
- Confined, as a bird
- Like pet hamsters
- Not free-range
- Like pet birds, typically
- Penned up
- Not roaming free
- Shut up
- In an aviary
- Like zoo animals
- Enclosed, as a canary
- How parakeets are kept
- Kept in
- Not free
- Confined
- Like the fighters in the Ultimate Fighting Championship
- Enclosed.
- Kept in confinement.
- Scored a goal, in hockey.
- Made, as a goal.
- Put in a zoo.
- Penned in.
- Like some canaries
- Cooped up
- Like many canaries
- Imprisoned
- Like a gnu in a zoo
- Like gnus in zoos
- Mewed up
- Pent
- Confined, as a canary
- Incarcerated
- Like animals in a 42-Across
- Maya Angelou's "I Know Why the ___ Bird Sings"
- Trapped, in a way
- Like some hamsters
- I Know Why the _____ Bird Sings
- In captivity, in a way
- Housed like Tweety
- Like pet birds
- Like most pet birds
- In prison
- In captivity
- Like a zoo animal
- Like many zoo animals
- I Know Why the ___ Bird Sings (autobiography by Maya Angelou)
- Like some parrots
- Like animals in many zoos