- Act the blowhard
- Boast
- Crow
- Toot one's own horn
- Talk big
- Go on about your Employee of the Month awards, e.g.
- Humble suffix
- Make oneself look big
- Oversell oneself
- Vaunt
- Bluster
- Pat oneself on the back
- Be immodest, in a way
- Get hands-on with?
- What people always say they don't mean to do when they're doing it anyway
- Be a blowhard
- Indulge in rodomontade
- Speak highly of oneself
- Indulge in self-praise
- Engage in fanfaronade
- Toot your own horn
- Talk a big game
- Engage in some self-promotion
- Speak for yourself?
- Speak immodestly
- Say "I'm the GOAT," perhaps
- Toot one's horn
- Talk proudly about the kids
- Drop names, say
- Eschew humility
- What blowhards do
- Show off
- Name-drop, say
- Blow one's own horn
- Show no humility
- Speak for oneself?
- I don't want to __, but ...
- Toot your horn
- Lay it on thick
- Hype oneself
- Be boastful
- Talk the talk
- Swagger
- Sing one's own praises
- Talk oneself up
- Talk with swagger
- Be immodest
- Blow your own horn
- Pompous pronouncement
- Bring-and-__ (show-and-tell)
- Mouth off, maybe
- Speak boastfully
- Shameless remark
- Word from Middle English for "arrogance"
- Use rodomontade
- The Big ___ (Dr. Seuss short story)
- Be guilty of fanfaronade
- Gasconade.
- Talk conceitedly.
- Indulge in big talk.
- Theodore Hook's novel, "Jack ___."
- Be thrasonical.
- Crow in triumph.
- Boaster.
- Show off, vocally.
- Nothing to ___ about
- Sound off
- Rodomontade
- Talk boastfully
- What cockalorums do
- Emulate Thraso
- Overstate one's case
- Talk glowingly about one's children, e.g.
- Egotist's comment
- What 105-Acrosses do
- Exhibit some immodesty
- Engage in rodomontade
- Engage in gasconade or fanfaronade
- Say "Another great thing about me ...," say
- Improve oneself in a way,
- Humble ___
- Flatter oneself
- Engage in positive self-talk?
- Boast about one's accomplishments
- Speak arrogantly
- Crow (about)
- What many parents do about their kids?
- Say "I'm the best," say
- Self-promote, say
- Statement that may be "humble"
- Boast ... or, read from right to left, 42-Across?
- Crow relative?
- Pat one's own back
- Be unhumble
- Gloat
- Hype your achievements
- Blow hard?
- Forgo modesty
- Sing your own praises
- Flex, in modern slang