- Circus lady's attribute
- Some facial hair
- Vandyke, e.g.
- It may grow on some of you
- More than stubble
- Hipster's growth
- Hair that may be oiled
- Vandyke
- Vandyke, for one
- ZZ Top surname and feature
- Circus lady's growth
- Osiris feature
- Papa Smurf feature
- Rocky Mountain goat feature
- Face down
- Abe Lincoln had one
- Father Time feature
- Lincoln had one
- Part of a Santa costume
- Santa Claus feature
- Lincoln feature
- Billy goat feature
- Last name of the ZZ Top member without one
- Benjamin Harrison was the last president to feature one
- Element of disguise
- Uncle Sam feature
- Disguise element, perhaps
- Jaw covering
- Feature of a Lincoln
- Locks down?
- Whiskers
- Awn
- Facial feature, for some
- Former stubble
- Amish feature
- Facial growth
- Oft-trimmed item
- More than a five o'clock shadow
- Trimmer's target
- Feature of Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts
- No New York Yankee is allowed to have one
- A castaway probably has one
- Lincoln wore one
- Food writer James
- What a sports star may sport
- Darwin wore one
- A new one may itch
- Santa feature
- Abe Lincoln feature
- Trimming target
- Santa costume need
- Chef James
- Smith Brother feature
- Garfield had one
- Vandyke or goatee
- 35 Down had one
- General Lee feature
- Part of an Uncle Sam costume
- 90 Across had one
- Lincoln facial feature
- White part of a Santa costume
- Santa-suit accessory
- Part of a Father Time costume
- Part of a Lincoln costume
- Lincoln trademark
- What presidents 18 through 20 have in common
- Santa costume part
- Goatee, for example
- Clean-shaven man's lack
- Sidewalk Santa's feature
- Feature of Father Time
- Goatee, e.g.
- Always worn by Wotan.
- Boy Scout founder in U. S. (1850–1941).
- Mr. Woolley's facial fortune.
- Monty Woolley's trademark.
- Organizer of Boy Scout movement in U. S.
- Kin of mutton chops or imperial.
- Defy.
- U. S. Boy Scout founder.
- American historian.
- Noted historian.
- Organizer of B. S. A.
- Barber's concern.
- Hirsute adornment.
- See 21 Down.
- Beatnik's shibboleth.
- Vandyke or imperial.
- Plant bristles.
- Facial decor.
- Young man's fancy.
- U.S. historian.
- New look, on the chin
- Noted cook
- Scouts' founder
- Boy Scout founder
- Imperial or Vandyke
- Confront boldly
- Boy Scout pioneer
- Stubble or Vandyke
- Face up to
- Goat feature
- Imperial, e.g.
- This could grow on you, Mr.
- What a razor may raze
- Whiskers or founder of B.S.A.
- Baden-Powell's U.S. follower
- James ___, gourmet chef
- A founder of the B.S.A.
- Confront in defiance
- Chin cover
- Stereotypical lumberjack feature
- Wolf Blitzer facial feature
- What a razor razes
- Boy Scouts of America founder
- See 32-Down
- Brush, so to speak
- Feature of five U.S. Presidents
- Garfield feature
- Benjamin Harrison was the last President to have one
- Boldly oppose
- Amish growth
- Part of some disguises
- Simple disguise
- Abraham Lincoln feature
- Goatee, for one
- Feature of Dumbledore or Merlin
- Feature of most paintings of Jesus
- Lengthening shadow?
- Common wizard feature
- Facial hair generally banned in the military
- It might start as a shadow
- Feature first recommended to this puzzle's subject by an 11-year-old girl
- Feature of five U.S. presidents from Lincoln to Harrison
- It might slowly grow on you
- Feature on either brother of Smith Bros. cough drops
- James ___ Award (culinary honor)
- Symbol of marriage for Amish men
- Schnauzer feature
- Chin hair
- How you recognize Billy Gibbons
- ZZ Top drummer, oddly enough
- Imperial
- Part of a Gandalf costume
- Chin curtain, e.g.
- Stereotypical feature for a wizard
- Mountain goat feature
- It could start with a five o'clock shadow
- Feature on an old Lincoln?
- Uncle Sam characteristic
- Facial hair
- Feature of Amish men
- Facial feature on a penny
- Facial feature in some pirate names
- Lincoln landmark
- Harvest residue
- Blue or Black
- It might grow on you
- Vandyke is one
- Physical feature of 40-Across
- Father Time's facial feature
- Sideshow lady's growth
- Feature of President Grant or Hayes
- Grant or Hayes facial feature
- National ___ and Moustache Championships
- No-shave November growth
- A Sikh may keep theirs untrimmed
- Chin curtain or goatee
- Brian Wilson trademark
- ZZ Top cover?
- Remington target
- Freud feature
- Ibex feature
- Benjamin Harrison was the last president with one
- More than a shadow
- Trimmer target
- Target for a trimmer