- The Thin Man pooch
- The Thin Man terrier
- Thin Man canine
- Barker of Hollywood
- Cinema canine
- Detective duo's dog
- Dog of mystery
- Nick and Nora's pooch
- Nora's pet
- The Charles' dog
- Cinematic canine
- Cinematic pooch
- Hammett hound
- Movie pet
- Nick and Nora's dog
- Nora's pooch
- Screen dog
- Detectives' pooch
- Movie pooch
- Movie terrier
- Nora Charles' dog
- Pet in the Charles household
- The Charles' pet
- Thin Man's canine
- Dog in "The Thin Man"
- Sleuthing canine of film
- Sleuth's pooch
- Nick Charles' dog
- Whodunit hound
- The Thin Man scene-stealer
- Clue sniffer of fiction
- The Thin Man canine
- The Thin Man pet
- Barker of old movies
- Dog of crosswords
- Terrier in films
- The Thin Man woofer
- ___, you're not a terrier, you're a police dog (line from a 1934 comedy)
- Wire-haired terrier of screwball whodunits
- The Thin Man's dog
- Thin Man's dog
- Nick and Nora's pup
- Fox terrier in films
- 1940s screen pooch
- Dog in mysteries
- Terrier of films
- Whodunit pooch
- Hollywood terrier
- The Charleses' pet
- Dog in whodunits
- Hammett pooch
- Movie role for Skippy
- Toto's contemporary, in a way
- '30s movie dog
- Canine creation of Hammett
- 1930s canine celeb
- Pet of Nick and Nora Charles
- Terrier in silver-screen whodunits
- Movie dog
- The Thin Man dog
- Dog created by Dashiell Hammett
- Hollywood canine
- Nick and Nora's terrier
- Sleuthing dog
- The Charleses' canine
- The Thin Dog?
- Bijou bow-wow
- Charles barker
- Dashiell's dog
- Fictional wirehair
- Nora's dog
- Dashiell's detective duo's dog
- Dog of the screen
- Terrier of old mysteries
- Whodunit terrier
- Charles's canine
- Fox terrier of film
- Hammett terrier
- Literary schnauzer
- Terrier in movie mysteries
- The Charles's canine
- Dog dreamed up by Dashiell
- Hollywood canine of yore
- Movie role played by Skippy
- Nick and Nora's pet
- The Thin Man's best friend?
- Dashiell Hammett terrier
- Toto's contemporary
- Dashiel Hammett hound
- Dog of moviedom
- Early movie dog
- Mystery dog
- Whodunit canine
- Movie role played by Skippy (7)
- Nick and Nora's bowser
- Wirehair of film
- Cinematic terrier
- Dog star?
- Whodunit dog
- Fictional terrier
- Hammett canine
- Terrier seen in "The Thin Man"
- Famous fictional fox terrier
- Nick and Nora's companion
- Pooch in old pictures
- Skippy's role in "The Thin Man"
- Movie dog often found in crosswords
- Nick Charles's pet
- Nick and Nora's pet pooch
- Terrier featured in whodunits
- Detecting duo's dog
- Dashiell Hammett's canine creation
- Dog in "The Thin Man" series
- Dog of whodunits
- Hammett's four-legged clue-sniffer
- Terrier in "The Thin Man"
- Terrier in Hammett whodunits
- Terrier of Tinseltown
- Terrier of old whodunits
- The Thin Man barker
- Dashiell's dog detective
- Detective duo's terrier
- Hammett dog
- Nick and Nora's wirehair
- Terrier of fiction
- Wirehair in Hammett whodunits
- Charles's cinema canine
- Nick and Nora Charles's pooch
- Schnauzer in mystery fiction
- Police dog in "The Thin Man"
- Terrier alias Skippy
- Anent
- The Charles's dog
- Travel agent's org.
- Nick and Nora's co-star
- Part of the Charles' household
- Charles' canine
- Hammett barker
- Hollywood dog
- Nora's barker
- Nora's terrier
- The Charles's barker
- Wirehair of film fame
- Film canine
- Fox terrier of films
- Screen canine^AST
- Celebrity canine
- Film terrier
- Film dog
- Screen pet
- Film pooch
- Film barker
- Movie wirehair
- Dog of fiction
- The Charles's pooch
- 1930s-'40s film dog
- Fictional clue sniffer
- Terrier of film
- 50-Down's dog
- He played George in "Bringing Up Baby" (1938)
- Corpse sniffer of film
- Dog of mysteries
- Movie clue sniffer
- Dog of old mysteries
- Nick and Nora's clue sniffer
- 1930s-'40s mystery film scene stealer
- Nick and Nora Charles's dog
- After the Thin Man dog
- Barker in early Hollywood
- Terrier of mystery films
- The Charles's pet
- '30s-'40s film dog
- Dashiell Hammett dog
- Nora was his mistress
- Wirehair of whodunits
- His face is seen with Powell and Loy on many film posters
- Pooch in whodunits
- Role for Skippy
- Sleuthing films canine
- More familiar role for the portrayer of George in "Bringing Up Baby"
- Dog in "The Thin Man" mysteries
- Old film dog
- Tinseltown pooch
- __ Day: chapter in the '50s "The Thin Man" TV series
- Cinema pooch
- Old movie dog
- The Thin Man canine role
- Pooch in pictures
- Hound of whodunits
- Cinema terrier
- Terrier of '30s films
- The Charles' pooch
- The Charles' canine
- The Charles' terrier
- Terrier of filmdom
- Tinseltown terrier
- Dashiell dog
- Thin Man dog
- Movie canine
- Thin Man quadruped
- Terrier of mysteries
- Film role portrayed by Skippy
- Fictional Schnauzer of literature
- The Charleses' pooch
- The Charleses' dog
- Portrayer of George in "Bringing Up Baby"
- Trade grp. with an airport-screening webinar
- Dog created by Dashiell
- Dog in Broadway's "Nick and Nora"
- Schnauzer of whodunits
- Whodunit woofer
- Celluloid canine
- He played George in "Bringing Up Baby"
- Nick and Nora are his humans
- Hammett schnauzer
- Dog of Nick and Nora
- Nick Charles's dog
- Film role for Skippy
- 17.99 in. in Malacca.
- Wire-hair star.
- Thin Man's best friend.
- Name of The Thin Man's terrier.
- Norwegian girl's name.
- Canine film player.
- Flagstaff: Span.
- Horn: Span.
- Movie sleuth's dog.
- Antler: Sp.
- Thin Man's pup.
- Dog in a Hammett mystery.
- Companion of Nick and Nora.
- Fictional canine.
- Lawford's TV dog.
- Terrier on TV.
- Fictional dog.
- TV canine.
- TV dog.
- Pet of Nick and Nora.
- Thin Man” performer. nyt 1960 ASTAR When you wish upon a ___ . . . "
- Nick's dog.
- Canine of fiction.
- TV pet.
- Television pet.
- Famous terrier.
- Canine's name.
- Storied canine.
- Canine in movies.
- Canine name.
- Dog, in movies.
- Dog's name.
- Well known canine.
- Former dog star
- Nick's pet
- Lassie's precursor
- Late-show canine
- Charles's dog
- Cinema dog
- Hammett pet
- Canine star
- ___ de bandera (Spanish flagstaff)
- Contemporary of Lassie
- Nick and Nora's little friend
- Canine of flicks
- Charles's pet
- Horn, in Honduras
- Pre-Boomer star
- Tail-wagger on film
- Fox terrier of film fame
- Fox terrier of films from 1934 to 1947
- One of Boomer's predecessors
- One of Rin Tin Tin's successors
- Star with a tail
- Detective's pet in "The Thin Man"
- Fictional sleuth's pet
- Fox terrier of films: 1934–47
- Movie cutie: 1934–47
- Myrna's pooch
- Nick's pooch
- Wagger in old films
- ___ de bandera (Sp. flagstaff)
- 1960 TV PATSY winner
- Famed film terrier
- Film detective's dog
- Cinematic dog
- Lassie's colleague
- Nora's adorer
- Skippy's role
- Charles pet
- Shaft, in Spain
- A predecessor of Boomer
- Charleses' pet
- Predecessor of Benji and Boomer
- Staff, in Sevilla
- The Charles's wirehair
- Charles's pooch
- Dog star that can't be Sirius
- Charleses' dog
- Puzzler's favorite pooch
- Talented terrier
- ___ de bandera (flagstaff)
- Filmdom terrier
- Pole, in Spain
- Shaft, in Sevilla
- A pre-Benji star
- Movie barker
- Dog that debuted in a 1934 film
- Horn; shaft: Sp.
- Acting dog
- Film fox terrier
- Famous wirehair
- Fictional pooch
- Sleuths' canine
- Barker of filmdom
- Screen terrier
- Celluloid terrier
- Wire-haired terrier of film
- Dog of detective fiction
- Hollywood quadruped
- Silent film star Nielsen
- Film role played by Skippy
- Hammett creation
- The Thin Man role
- 1930's movie dog
- 1930's film canine
- Schnauzer in Dashiell Hammett books
- 1934 film canine
- 44-Across's dog
- Aid in solving the disappearance of the Thin Man
- Nick and Nora's dog of story and film
- Screened terrier
- 1930s film dog
- Dog in 1930s films
- Four-legged Hammett character
- Hammett's canine creation
- Four-legged film star of the '30s
- Old film pooch
- Dashiell Hammett hound
- Hairy clue-sniffer
- Hollywood pooch
- 1930s film pooch
- Dog of old films
- Screen role for Skippy the dog
- Skippy's most famous role
- Terrier in whodunits
- 1930s film star with notable facial hair
- Big-screen canine
- Wirehair of the silver screen
- Film terrier played by Skippy
- Terrier on the silver screen
- Dog for a "gentleman detective"
- Dog of 1930s-'40s mysteries
- Repeated film role for Skippy
- Top dog in Hollywood in the 1930s
- Nonhuman 1930s film star
- Film role for the dog Skippy
- Fictional schnauzer
- Dog in classic films
- Actress Nielsen
- Movie mutt
- Dog detective
- Pooch in 'The Thin Man'
- Pet dog in 'The Thin Man'
- Hammett's barker
- Pooch of past films
- Charles' family pet
- TV terrier
- Nick and Nora's film pooch
- Nick's terrier
- Park Avenue film name
- Hammett's terrier
- Nick and Nora's film terrier
- Charles' family pet, in film
- Filmic terrier
- Nick's and Nora's canine
- Nick's wirehair
- Nora's charge
- Nick's nipper
- Ubiquitous pooch
- Hollywood barker
- Nick's and Nora's pooch
- Whodunits pooch
- Wire-haired barker
- Four-pawed film star
- Screen barker
- Nick Charles' barker
- Film pooch of the '30s
- Wirehair of old whodunits
- Barker of the Charleses
- Wirehair on the silver screen
- Nora's companion
- Frequent follower of Nick
- Nick's follower
- Terrier of the movies
- Famed fox terrier
- Sleuthing pooch
- Another dog star
- Character good at sniffing out corpses
- Movie mystery pooch
- Famed terrier
- Follower of Nick and Nora
- Barker in black-and-white movies
- Detective film terrier
- Canine of movie mysteries
- Dog who's female in the book and male in the film
- Pooch in pics
- Terrier in 1930s movies
- Dog introduced in a 1930s detective novel
- Pet in whodunits