- Puerto Rico hrs.
- Halifax hrs.
- P.R. setting
- Culebra, P.R., clock setting
- Zone encompassing Puerto Rico: abbr.
- Requested, to Snuffy Smith
- Virgin Island hrs.
- Nova Scotia hrs.
- Inquired, to Snuffy Smith
- Caracas hrs.
- Puerto Rico's zone (abbr.)
- Bermuda setting, initially
- Virgin Islands setting, initially
- Inquired, in Dogpatch
- Bermuda hrs.
- Prince Edward Island hrs.
- Puerto Rican clock setting: Abbr.
- Bermuda time, initially
- Caracas setting: Abbr.
- Clock setting in PEI
- 49th-state police gp.
- PEI hours
- St. Thomas hours
- PEI setting
- Winter hrs. in Halifax
- Halifax setting: Abbr.
- Nova Scotia clock setting: Abbr.
- Winter hrs. in Bermuda
- Halifax clock setting: Abbr.
- Halifax winter clock setting: Abbr.
- One who: Suffix.
- Noun suffix.
- Suffix for a doer.
- One connected with: Abbr.
- One connected with: Suffix
- Time zone east of N.Y.
- Doer: Suffix
- Deer: Suffix
- Asked, in Dogpatch
- Inquired, in Ozarkese
- Nova Scotia time
- Queried, dialect style
- One connected with: Suffx
- Hrs. in Halifax
- N.S. clock setting
- Labrador hrs.
- Prince Edward I. clock setting
- N.Y.C. hrs. + 1
- Hrs. in Puerto Rico
- Bermuda setting: Abbr.
- P.R. hours
- Prince Edward Isl. setting
- Winter setting for P.E.I.
- Puerto Rico is on it year-round, for short
- Clock setting east of Eastern: Abbr.
- Puerto Rico clock setting: Abbr.
- Winter hrs. in Halifax, Nova Scotia
- PEI time
- Winter clock setting in Halifax, N.S.
- PEI clock setting
- Halifax, N.S., watch setting
- Halifax winter hrs.
- Switz. neighbor
- Time zone four hrs. ahead of 33-Down