- Bohemian
- Avant-garde
- Creative
- Innovative
- Pretentious
- Too stylish
- Overly pretentious
- Pretentious, as a film
- Pseudo-esthetic
- Like many gallerygoers
- Into Stan Brakhage films, say
- Pretentious, perhaps
- Given to talking with a fake British accent, perhaps
- Like movies for select audiences
- Into edgy work
- A bit highfalutin
- Affected
- Über-pretentious
- Kinda cool and kinda pretentious
- Like out-there movies
- Pretentious and then some
- Super-pretentious
- Taken to wearing a beret, say
- Pretentiously highbrow
- Tending to wear berets, say
- Like the beat generation
- __-crafty
- Pretentiously cultured
- Like a poseur
- Dilettantish
- With cultured airs
- Pseudo-cultured
- With aesthetic pretense
- Straining to be highbrow
- Like some indie films
- Affectedly aesthetic
- Chichi
- Conspicuously stylish
- Flaunting
- Like a pseud
- Like many avant-garde films
- Putting on airs
- Like one who's drawing lots, maybe
- Wanting to be seen in Soho, say
- Having stereotypical Frenchiness, say
- Like many Luis Buñuel films
- Pseudoaesthetic
- Pseudocultural
- Spuriously cultured
- Like many independent films
- Culturally pretentious
- Culturally showy
- Ostentatious
- Pretentious to a fault
- Far too aesthetic
- Too-too
- Culturally flamboyant
- Like a bohemian wannabe
- Pretentious, as some paintings
- For the wine-and-cheese crowd, perhaps
- Like many a foreign film
- Like some museumgoers
- Visually pretentious
- Pretentious, in a way
- Like Montmartre
- Aesthetic
- Pseudosophisticated
- Overly stylized
- Overly ornamental
- Oh so creative
- Affectedly cultural
- Affectedly flamboyant
- Highbrow, in a way
- Culturally affected
- Pretentiously showy
- Spuriously cultural
- Showy, in a way
- Affectedly cultured
- Superficially cultured
- Like a pretentious museumgoer
- Aesthetic to a fault
- Superficially highbrow
- Like some gallery patrons
- Pretentiously cultured, and a phonetic hint to the answers to starred clues
- Affectedly creative
- Like many indie films
- Pretentious with a paintbrush, say
- Highbrow
- Pretentious-looking
- Showy
- Too stylish, perhaps
- Excessively stylish
- Overly stylish
- Overly stylish, maybe
- Showily imitative
- Flamboyant
- A little too much
- Highfalutin'
- Overly orrnamented
- Pretentiously stylish
- Overly highbrow
- Pretentiously styled
- Showily stylish
- Showy and stylish
- Stylistically pretentious
- Affectedly ornate
- Like some SoHo galleries
- Like Greenwich Village
- For the wine-and-cheese crowd
- Highfalutin, perhaps
- Ostentatiously artistic.
- Overornate.
- Overdecorated.
- Showy but shallow.
- Too showy.
- Attempting to be esthetic.
- Florid: Colloq.
- Fussy in décor.
- Overly cultural.
- Too ornate.
- In bad taste.
- Showy: Colloq.
- High-flown.
- Pretentiously aesthetic.
- Rococo.
- Esthetically affected.
- Pretentious, as in writing.
- Ginger bready.
- Science of guns: Abbr.
- Military branch: Abbr.
- Describing some décor.
- Ostentatious: Colloq.
- Dilettante.
- Cheaply pretentious.
- Fancy.
- Overornamented: Colloq.
- Flossy.
- Affected, in a way
- ___-crafty
- La-di-da
- Ostentatious in manner
- Tinhorn
- Affectedly esthetic
- Imitative of fine creations
- Like some mannerisms
- Pretentiously esthetic
- Like kitsch
- Affectedly ostentatious
- Flaunting bogus taste
- Ostentatiously esthetic
- Mil. group
- Ostentatious, in a way
- Like some Greenwich Village groups
- Bohemian, in a sense
- Like some salon conversation
- Like some SoHo shops
- Pretentious in a painterly way
- Aesthetically pretentious
- Painterish
- So-o-o-o SoHo
- Like would-be bohemians
- Like some SoHo parties
- More than creative
- Painterlike
- Showing signs of culture
- So SoHo
- Having a goatee and beret, say
- A bit pretentious
- Like some craft show displays
- Too stylish, maybe
- Given to showy affectation
- Like Manhattan's East Village
- Warholian
- Pseudo-stylish
- Like many a gallerygoer
- Like many indies
- Fancified, say
- Hanging out in galleries, say
- Like many hipsters
- Like many student films
- Given to pretension
- Decidedly not lowbrow
- Hipsteresque, in a way
- Like many modern black-and-white films
- Like many college film projects
- Like some designs on Etsy
- Appealing to an indie audience, maybe
- Like those interested in poetry or painting
- Pretentiously affected
- Showily bohemian
- Hipsteresque, say
- Pretentiously avant-garde
- Like a subtitled black-and-white movie in which everyone smokes and wears sunglasses
- Like a film that's trying hard to be deep
- Showily avant-garde, perhaps
- Full of pretensions
- With pretentious display
- Very SoHo
- High-sounding
- Like some experimental films
- Cultured
- Like some Chelsea galleries
- Like some films and this puzzle
- Very Soho, say
- Like the SoHo crowd
- Pretending interest in a Picasso, e.g.
- For the wine-and-cheese crowd, stereotypically
- High concept
- La-di-dah
- Like a gallery crowd
- Pretentiously creative
- Like a pretentious painter
- Likely to wear a beret, say
- Having artistic interest
- Esthetically too-too
- Like Garfunkel's pretentious collectibles?
- Rather pretentious
- Hoity-toity
- Feigning interest in a Picasso, e.g.
- Uber-pretentious
- Stylized to a fault
- Like a hipster painter
- Like an avant-garde composer
- La-di-da, in a way
- Having creative pretensions
- Like many a student film
- Like some indie movies
- Trying to seem highbrow
- Like many experimental films
- Like gallery attendees, maybe
- Pretentious, or phonetically the two letters that get separated in this puzzle's theme
- Affectedly showy
- Like some tourist towns
- Affectedly snobbish