- Lock horns
- Fight
- Debate (with)
- State one's case
- Debate
- Dispute
- Plead one's case
- Go at it verbally
- Bicker
- Squabble
- Press the point
- Make a case, as a lawyer does
- Go back and forth on an issue
- Exchange words
- Make the case for
- Get in someone's face
- Engage in cross words
- Wrangle
- Be contentious
- Have words
- Make a case
- Go at it
- Take clashing sides
- Quibble
- Cross swords
- You might say you aren't one to do it
- Participate in a debate
- Act like Siskel and Ebert, maybe
- Join a debate
- Take issue
- Haggle
- Quarrel
- Engage in polemics
- Participate on a debate team
- Say otherwise
- Be belligerent, verbally
- Spar verbally
- Make one's case
- Have a war of words
- Plead, as a case
- Stickle
- Plead in court
- Get contentious
- Make a case for
- Tangle (with)
- Have a dispute
- Present in court
- Lock horns (with)
- Take issue (with)
- Have a row
- Go back and forth
- Present your case
- Make a claim
- Be contrary
- Have a quarrel
- Bandy words
- Be difficult
- Engage in debate
- Have a debate
- Present one's case
- Engage in a dispute
- Contend
- Debate heatedly
- Engage in bickering
- Contend verbally
- Don't go quietly
- Be disagreeable
- Be disputatious
- Take part in an exchange
- Contest
- Be in a row
- Maintain
- Participate in a shouting match
- Present cases
- Reason
- Expostulate.
- Give reasons for or against.
- What lawyers do.
- Bandy pros and cons.
- Present objections.
- Discuss.
- Contend (that).
- Plead.
- Give evidence of.
- Press a point
- Logomachize
- Debate informally
- Indulge in forensics
- Present, as a case
- Get into it, in a way
- Have a fight
- Speak in court
- Spar (with)
- Object
- Plead a case
- Present a case in court
- Not cede the point
- Get into it, so to speak
- Debate the pros and cons
- Disagree (with)
- Put up a fuss
- Dispute, as a point
- Thrash out
- Verbally spar
- Quip, part 3
- State a case
- Present a case at the Supreme Court, say
- State in debate
- Press one's point
- Have a spat
- Have a tiff
- Quarrel over a song
- Do a senator's speaking job
- Debate in court
- Put forth reasons for or against
- Disagree vocally
- Do a lawyer's job
- Present reasons for or against
- Counter a point
- What court lawyers do
- Verbally disagree
- Make one's case in court
- Don't ___ with me!
- Butt heads
- Can't ___ with that!
- Discuss pros and cons
- Play the devil s advocate
- Debate to the extreme
- Hash out differences
- Go nose-to-nose
- Wage a war of words
- Have a heated discussion
- Defend a viewpoint
- Engage in a tiff
- Exchange cross words
- Defend a point
- Risk ejection
- Present reasons, say
- Take a position, say
- Take part in a debate
- Engage in forensics
- Squabble or quibble
- Trade words
- Join the debate