- Followed the rainbow?
- Bowed
- Curved
- Slow-pitched a softball
- Threw a curve
- Like the flight path of three-pointers
- Shaped like a (
- Flew like a rocket
- Jumped between electrodes
- Discharged with sparks
- Like a flight path
- Traveled like a grenade
- Curved in the air
- Made an electrical bridge
- Like a lob
- Forming a bow
- Following a bend
- Traced a curve
- Followed a curved path, as a rocket
- Followed a cannonball's path
- Like a javelin's flight path
- Acted like a screwball
- Went from the hand to the hoop
- Went from wire to wire, maybe
- Moved in a short circuit, in a way
- Curvy
- Followed a curved path
- Traveled like a tennis lob
- Followed a missile's path
- Took a curved path
- Rainbow-shaped
- Flew like a pop-up
- Like a rainbow
- Moved like a fly
- Traveled like a lawn dart
- Formed a parabola
- Rainbowlike
- Bent
- Like a hook shot's path
- Produced sparks, as in a microwave
- Bow-shaped
- Curved like a rainbow
- Having curvature
- In a curve
- In a semicircle
- Flew like a dart
- Moved in a curved path
- Took a circular route
- Curving
- Flew like an arrow
- Flew like a fly ball
- Like a pop fly
- Took an indirect route
- Like lobs
- Like many eyebrows
- Like a parabola
- Like a hoops shot
- Like a javelin's path
- Like rainbows
- Like most golf shots
- Like Delaware's northern border
- Not straight
- Parabolic, e.g.
- Moved like a pendulum
- Flew like a birdie
- Like the NCAA basketball three-point line
- Like the flight of a boomerang
- Like a pendulum's path
- Like horseshoes
- Shaped like a rainbow
- Like most tennis shots
- Took a circuitous path
- Traveled a circular path
- Didn't go straight
- Took a trajectory
- Shaped like a bow
- Like an 83 Across
- Took a curving path
- Moved in a circular path
- Traveled a curved path
- Moved along a curve
- Moved in a rainbowlike path
- Shaped like eyebrows
- Moved on a curve
- Emulated a pendulum
- Moved like a lob
- Moved like a moon
- Threw softly, say
- Came 'round?
- Moved in a parabolic path
- Moved along a parabolic path
- Like a fly's path
- Like a sunbow
- Flew like a fly
- Formed an electric bow.
- Formed a band of sparks, in electricity.
- Made a fiery glow between electric poles.
- Formed a curve.
- Forming a curved line.
- Formed an electrical phenomenon.
- Shaped in a curve.
- Formed a bow
- Made a trajectory
- Discharged light
- Followed a curving course
- Followed a trajectory
- Formed a spark stream
- Formed an electrical bridge
- Jumped an electric gap
- Sparked
- Like Natural Bridge
- Moved in a curve
- Moved in a curved course
- Described a parabola
- On a curved path
- Like hung streamers
- Made a suborbital flight
- Like paths of missiles
- Took a bow?
- Traveled in a parabola
- Like Lendl's lobs
- In a trajectory
- Made a parabola
- Moved like a shooting star
- Curvilinear
- Like meteor paths
- Like some tennis shots
- Curve-shaped
- Went like a shooting star
- Like most football passes
- Like parabolas
- Wasn't straight
- Like pop-ups
- See 46-Down
- Like eyebrows
- Parabolic, say
- Proceeded like a rocket
- Like the tops of many porticoes
- Like chip shots
- Like the path of the sun in the sky
- Went like a birdie
- Like a Hail Mary pass
- Took a parabolic path
- Like a comet's path
- Like the path of a lob
- Followed a curve
- In the shape of a rainbow
- Traveled like a tetherball
- Traveled on a parabola, say
- Bent like a rainbow
- Like pop flies
- Like a fly ball's path
- Shaped like a curve
- Like missile paths
- Bent, in a way
- Took a curved route
- Like a baseball's path
- Followed a projectile's path
- Moved like a pitched softball
- Not quite straight
- Jumped a gap, say
- Like an eyebrow
- Like rainbows and eyebrows
- Moved parabolically
- In a way, bent
- Flew like a javelin
- Followed a curved course
- Like a proper rainbow
- Flew in a curved path
- Formed part of a circle
- Went up and down, in a way
- Like a lob's path
- Looped
- Leaped a gap electrically
- Like the sun s path
- Jumped from electrode to electrode
- Like bows
- Traveled like a free throw
- Traveled like a slow-pitch softball
- Traveled like a lob
- Went in a curved path
- Followed a curved trajectory
- Went parabolically
- Like three-point shots or the three-point line
- Flew like a pop fly
- Traveled parabolically
- Traveled like a snowball
- Followed a parabolic path
- Was affected by gravity, in a way
- Traveled in an up-and-down path
- Followed a lob's path
- Jumped a gap, as a spark
- Like the path of a high fly ball