- Cancel
- Declare invalid
- Fatima's husband
- Invalidate
- Expunge
- Make void
- Void
- Dissolve, as a union
- Declare legally void
- Declare void
- Cancel out
- Undo
- Quash
- Render void
- Negatively counteract
- Void, as a marriage certificate
- Neutralize
- Invalidate, as a marriage
- Negate
- Declare "That never happened"
- Rescind
- Invalidate legally
- Wipe off the books
- Abrogate
- Void, as a marriage
- Undo, as a marriage
- Dissolve
- Untie the knot
- Countermand
- Abolish
- Repeal
- Make void, as a marriage
- Undo, in a way
- Set aside
- Undo legally
- Revoke legally
- Make disappear
- Declare legally invalid
- Invalidate, as a contract
- Set aside legally
- Vacate
- Abolish, as a law.
- Do away with.
- Destroy the force of.
- Abolish legally.
- Reduce to naught.
- Wipeout.
- Blot out.
- Make ineffective.
- Revoke, as a marriage
- Revoke
- Bring to naught
- Disestablish
- Change from "I do" to "I don't"?
- Declare invalid, as a marriage
- Void legally
- Tear asunder, in a way
- Declare to be void
- Undo "I do"
- Untie the knot, say
- Void a marriage
- Invalidate a marriage
- Have the wedding invalidated
- Invalidate, like a marriage
- Invalidate, as a wedding
- Make inoperative
- Mountain debris
- Nullify
- Legally undo