- Change for the better
- Improve on
- Put right
- Edit
- Improve
- Upgrade
- Correct
- Rephrase
- Revise
- Better
- Make a change to
- Add a rider to
- Fiddle with
- Make changes
- Make some changes
- Change the law
- Make a major change
- Make some changes to
- Fix
- Set right
- Change, as a proposal
- FoxTrot cartoonist
- Refine
- Improve, as a bill
- Make fixes to
- Write a codicil
- Fix for the better
- Change, as a parliamentary bill
- Rectify
- Modify
- Make changes to
- Edit, as a motion
- Fix but good?
- Meliorate
- Clean up, as an act
- Change what's been passed
- Change, hopefully for the better
- Make better
- Remedy
- Change, as the Constitution
- Alter to make better
- Make right
- Square things
- Fix up
- Change one's act?
- Improve one's constitution?
- Change, as a law
- Improve by changing
- Modify, as a bill
- Revise, as the Constitution
- Put riders on, say
- Update
- Change, as a bill
- Doctor
- Modify, as a document
- Change, as a motion
- Reconstitute?
- Rewrite, as part of a bill
- Change, as a charter
- Legislatively revamp
- Add a codicil to
- See 5 Down
- Improve a text
- Change, like copy
- Revise for the better
- Fix, ostensibly
- Modify, as a law
- Alter, as an agreement
- Modify, as a motion
- Congressionally change
- Update, perhaps
- Change, as a constitution
- Change, as a will
- Enhance through change
- Tweak, perhaps
- Add a rider to, say
- Update for the better
- Change
- Adjust, as a law
- Bring up to date, say
- Change the Constitution
- Improve upon
- Modify editorially
- Add to, perhaps
- Alter, as legislation
- Modify, as the Constitution
- Change, as legislation
- Attach a codicil to
- Change formally
- Touch up
- Add a rider to, perhaps
- Change, as text
- Formally change
- Modify, as legislation
- Add to or take from
- Polish
- Revise, as legislation
- Tweak, as a bill
- Modify formally
- Right
- Alter
- Alter, as the Constitution
- Fine-tune
- Add a clause to
- Augment, say
- Alter formally
- Tweak in committee, say
- FoxTrot cartoonist Bill
- Add to, as the Constitution
- Make changes in
- Better or correct.
- Correct faults in.
- Reform; correct.
- Bring up to date.
- Alter a law.
- Alter, as a motion.
- Reform oneself
- Alter a bill
- Reform
- Change a bill
- Revise, as a bill
- Set to rights
- Change a bit
- Restructure
- Ameliorate
- Repair
- Switch around
- Change a bill, say
- Rework
- Add to or subtract from
- Not leave as is
- Put a rider on, e.g.
- Add a new article to, maybe
- Update, say
- Put a rider on, say
- Add to the bill, perhaps
- Tweak, say
- Update, maybe
- Change bills
- Change, as a Senate bill
- Make an improvement to
- Update, as the Constitution
- Add a rider to a contract, say
- Fix a bill
- Change a contract
- Change text
- Change the wording
- Improve, as text
- Change a contract, e.g.
- Tweak
- Change, as a contract
- Modify, in Congress
- Alter, as by-laws
- Edit, as text
- Change, as bills
- Formally revise
- Formally modify
- Change, like the Constitution
- Modify for the better
- Revise, as a bylaw
- Formally edit
- Revise legally
- Fix a law
- Tack on
- Change a statute
- Set straight
- Change, as bylaws
- Alter for the better
- Change the wording, e.g.
- Say a different way
- Revise, as a constitution
- Alter, as a bill
- Add a clause to, say
- Modify, as a charter
- Add a codicil to, say
- Make improvements to
- Add a clause to, for example
- Formally alter
- Add to, maybe
- Add some language to, say
- Add to, as a bill
- Modify legally
- Change the terms of
- Improve, as the Constitution
- Revise, in a way