- So be it!
- Famous last word
- Right on
- Act of Contrition ender
- Augusta corner
- Congregational cry
- Grace period?
- Sunday comeback
- I agree!
- Corner at Augusta
- Mass utterance
- Prayer closer
- Prayer ender
- Revival cry
- Sermon ender
- Right on, brother!
- You said it!
- Last word
- Masters' ___ Comer
- The last word
- I second that!
- You are so right!
- Couldn't have said it better myself
- Church rejoinder
- I couldn't agree more
- I believe that so much!
- Preach!
- Hallelujah
- Soooo true
- Gospel song shout
- Repeated word in Hozier's "Take Me to Church"
- Word that may be sung with a plagal cadence
- Can I get an ___?
- God, yes!
- Yes, pastor!
- You got that right, pal
- Single-word headline of the New Orleans Times-Picayune the day after the Saints won Super Bowl XLIV
- Heck yeah
- Word sung six times in "Take Me to Church"
- ___ break (oft-sampled drum beat recorded by Gregory Coleman)
- Last word of the New Testament
- New Testament's last word
- Service ender
- Couldn't agree with you more
- I hear ya!
- I hear you
- I'll drink to that
- Tell it like it is!
- Tell it like it is, brother!
- Yes, Father!
- You're right, Father
- Chapel closing
- Church closing
- Flock's response
- Hymn word
- Revival meeting shout
- Word said 66 times while praying the rosary
- Mass closing
- Grace's last word
- From your lips to God's ears
- Praise Jesus
- You got that right!
- Preach it!
- Damn straight!
- Preach, brother!
- Church period?
- Clerical period
- You can say that again
- Hearty agreement
- That's so true!
- Grace finale
- Closing on Sunday?
- What you said
- Ceremony-ending word
- Ditto!
- What they said!
- I'll second that!
- Prayer finish
- Sunday assent
- Lord's Prayer closer
- You said a mouthful!
- Hymn ender
- Prayer's conclusion
- I wholeheartedly agree
- Hymn finisher
- Last word of the Bible
- Expression of fervent agreement (4)
- Revival shout
- Service closer
- I'm with you!
- Doxology conclusion
- Grace concluder
- Last word of the Epistle to the Romans
- No doubt about it!
- You nailed it!
- Finish line
- Word from the Hebrew for "truth"
- Word heard from a "corner"
- That's right!
- That's what I believe
- Ending with an organ
- What Simba had that Nala didn't
- That's it!
- It's much stronger than "OK"
- Truth
- God... I'm done with this
- I agree with that!
- Congregational response
- Encouraging word
- Sermon closer
- I second the motion!
- Word from the flock
- I agree with you!
- Biblical conclusion
- Church corner
- Prayer ending
- The last word in worship
- Right, reverend!
- You betcha!
- 1980s sitcom set at a church
- Reverent response
- The last word in prayer
- Ain't it the truth!
- For sure!
- Benediction closer
- Preacher's closing
- Shout from the congregation
- Sunday closing
- Let it be
- Right on, reverend!
- You can go now in a closing prayer
- Congregational concurrence
- Oratory assent
- Sermon signoff
- Sherman Hemsley sitcom
- Preach on, brother!
- You said it, brother!
- You said it, preacher!
- Congregational conclusion
- Last word before the first bite, perhaps
- Last word in prayer
- Pastor's "You can go home now"
- Positive ending synonymous with the endings of 17-, 27-, 44-, and 60-Across
- Response in church
- Sunday wrapup
- The Bible's last word
- Period of prayer?
- Revival affirmation
- Grace closer
- Sherman Hemsley religious sitcom
- We agree, preacher!
- Basilica assent
- Church chorus
- Last word before dinner, for some
- Old Sherman Hemsley sitcom
- Revival tent shout
- Word between praying and eating
- Absolutely!
- Chapel response
- Cry from the pews
- End of a prayer
- Let it be so
- Emphatic agreement
- Service line?
- Sunday sermon sign-off
- I agree completely
- I completely agree
- I know that's right
- So true!
- Apostles' Creed ending
- Congregational approval
- Corner cry?
- Prayer conclusion
- Revival response
- Service sign-off
- Answer to one's prayer
- Apostles' Creed ender
- Mass declaration?
- Revival meeting cry
- Sermon closure
- Roger that!
- Approval from the congregation
- Cry from the flock?
- Mass-produced answer?
- I hear ya, brother!
- You said it, sister!
- Church sign-off
- Solemn sanction
- Word of agreement found inside 17-, 39-, and 61-Across, and 7-Down
- Couldn't agree more!
- We're with you!, from a pew
- Prayer finale
- Shout of approval
- Verbal endorsement
- Grace ending
- Hymn ending
- Hebrew word meaning "so be it"
- Last word of the Kaddish
- Church word
- Word from a pulpit
- Can't argue with that
- That is so true!
- True shit, Father
- Word repeated in Hozier's "Take Me to Church"
- Meek Mill single with the repeated exhortation "PREACH!"
- Truuu!
- Parishioner's response
- Helmsly vehicle
- Corner at Augusta National
- Hemsley TV vehicle
- I sure hope so!"
- I hope so
- Yes to that!
- Meeting ender, at times
- Pre-meal word
- Sermon ending
- Sermon finish
- Sunday sign-off
- Biblical ending
- Sermon respose
- Word of consent
- Yes!
- Closing word
- Congregational "Yes!"
- Last word in churches
- Sermon response
- Sunday conclusion
- I'll say!
- Prayer response
- Service conclusion
- Father's word
- I share your feelings!
- Church affirmation
- Church agreement
- Last word at church
- Prayerful approval
- Agreed!
- Affirming word
- Cry from the congregation
- Sermon finale
- Grace finisher
- Response from the congregation
- Last word, sometimes
- Parishioner's "I agree!"
- Shout of agreement
- __ corner
- Call from the flock
- Flock's "Absolutely!"
- Parishioner's "Yes!"
- Worshiper's "So be it!"
- Agreement from the flock
- Church approval
- End of grace
- Service finale
- Word of agreement
- Affirmative!
- I totally agree!
- __ to that!
- Flock response
- Mass conclusion
- I'm all for that!
- Well said!
- Prayer period?
- Response to a sermon
- Hear, hear!
- You got that right, brother!
- You're so right!
- Grace ender
- One in a church chorus?
- Blessing ender
- Hymn finale
- Very true!
- I heartily agree
- Totally!
- We agree completely!
- Right you are!
- Confirmation from the congregation
- Service call?
- And that goes for me, too!
- When you're right, you're right!
- Yes indeed!
- Yes! in church
- Blessing conclusion
- Congregation response
- Grace conclusion
- Last word before digging in?
- Blessing follower
- Preacher's support
- Sunday cry
- And how!
- Congregation cry
- I feel the same way!
- Indeed
- Too true!
- Sermon-ending word
- I can relate!
- Praise be!
- Word before a Mass exodus?
- Solemn response
- Verily
- Gloria's end
- Communicant's word
- Congregation affirmation
- Ending comment
- 1980s Hemsley sitcom
- Congregational comeback
- Prayer end
- Yes, preacher!
- Congregation's response
- Word from the pews
- Prayer closing
- Solemn endorsement
- Congregational echo
- Hemsley sitcom
- __ corner (church part)
- Expression of assent
- Prayer's end
- Solemn assent
- How true!
- Church shout
- Solemn agreement
- What he said!
- Affirmation exclamation
- Final word
- Prayer's last word
- Truly
- Congregation call
- Congregation comeback
- I concur
- What she said!
- 71 Across ender
- It is so
- Cry of support
- End of a 45 Across
- Enthusiastic agreement
- Shouted affirmation
- Solemn affirmation
- 40 Down conclusion
- Prayer-ending word
- Father's finish
- Last word of a prayer
- Prayer's ending
- I'm so glad you said that
- Blessing closing
- Hymn closer
- Last word of Revelation
- New Testament last word
- Solemn approval
- Temple affirmation
- As we all hope!
- Let's all hope so!
- End of Revelation
- Prayer wrap-up
- Strong assent
- Truly alternative
- A final word
- End of 12 Deuteronomy verses
- Churchgoer's agreement
- Exclamation from a 37 Across
- Last word of a hymn
- Response from a pew
- Strong affirmation
- Word of solemn approval
- True, true!
- Cathedral affirmation
- Clerical support
- Congregation's comeback
- Last New Testament word
- Prayer-finishing word
- Solemn "Agreed!"
- Word from the Hebrew for "certainly"
- Benediction's end
- Common hymn conclusion
- Congregation's affirmation
- Joyous assent
- Last word of Handel's "Messiah"
- Benediction conclusion
- End of a blessing
- Hearty affirmation
- Last word in liturgy
- Last word of a church hymn
- Grace-ending word
- Last word of "Messiah"
- Last word in a prayer
- Reverent affirmation
- Shout of support
- Augusta National's ___ Corner
- My thoughts exactly!
- Church finale
- Pious agreement
- Revelation ender
- Word of strong agreement
- Certainly, in Hebrew
- Sermon punctuator
- Sherman Hemsley sitcom set in Philadelphia
- NBC offering on Saturday at 9:30 for part of the 1980s
- Response from the faithful
- I couldn't have said it better myself
- Emphatic assent
- New Testament ender
- Sherman Hemsley series after "The Jeffersons"
- Shul "Sure"
- Goodbye, Farewell and ___ (title of the final episode of "M*A*S*H")
- You're preaching to the choir
- Congregation's reply
- Flock's cry
- Sitcom in which Sherman Hemsley played a deacon
- Crime investigator in New York.
- Word of hearty approval.
- The end.
- ___ corner.
- Assuredly.
- Heartfelt conclusion.
- Sound of "A Lost Chord."
- Word of assent.
- Conclusion of prayer.
- End of the invocation.
- Hearty approval.
- Prayerful word.
- The sound of "A Lost Chord.”
- Word of conclusion.
- Word used by the devout.
- Expression of hearty approval.
- May it be so!
- Often sung word.
- Sanction.
- So let it be.
- Ratify.
- ___ corner, in a church.
- Hymn's end.
- Sound of the "Lost Chord."
- Word for the "lost chord."
- Lost Chord finale.
- Assent.
- Devout approval.
- Expression of hearty approval: Colloq.
- End of a sermon.
- Orison ending.
- Solemn ending.
- Word in a hymn.
- Word of approval.
- Church response.
- Expression of approval.
- Prayer word.
- Reverential assent.
- Word of concurrence.
- ___ corner, in some churches.
- Like the sound of a great ___.
- Messiah chorus.
- Be it so.
- End of a homily.
- Ending of some hymns.
- Hymnal word.
- Liturgical ending
- Prayer's word.
- Response of approval.
- Responsive word.
- In very truth.
- Yea, verily!
- Choir's forte.
- End of the marriage service.
- End of a creed.
- Heartfelt approval.
- Yea.
- Choir response.
- Choir's response.
- Liturgical word.
- Cry of agreement.
- Word after grace.
- Egyptian deity
- Sabbath utterance
- Ending
- Kind of corner
- Theban deity
- ___ Ra of myth
- ___-Ra
- . . . sound of a great ___
- Pulpit sign-off
- Truly said
- Word of endorsement
- Thebes deity
- Worshiper's word
- Ending word
- Choir assent
- Preacher's sign-off
- Ratification word
- So may it be!
- Chaplain's word
- Ritual response
- End of a hymn
- Preacher's last word
- Ratification
- Corner for fervent worshipers
- Finale of grace
- Last word, on occasion
- Orison finis
- Pater Noster finale
- Breslin's "World Without End, ___"
- Doxology ending
- Response word in church
- Sermon word
- Approval
- Last of a litany
- Orison finale
- Sermon coda
- Flock's last word
- Grace's ending
- Often the last word
- Orison ender
- Sunday's windup
- Approving Theban god?
- Congregation word
- Grace's finish
- Sign-off
- Word of emphasis
- Corner in a church
- Revivalist's approval
- Sermon's finale
- TV sitcom
- Word that stuck in Macbeth's throat
- My sentiments exactly!
- Last word at the altar
- Pulpit finale
- Approval indicator
- Certain corner
- Sherman Hemsley vehicle on TV
- TV show starring Sherman Hemsley
- Vocal approval
- Word of compliance
- Cry of assent
- Hymn sign-off
- The last word in churches
- Sitcom starring Sherman Hemsley
- Hemsley's TV sitcom
- Sound from a corner
- So it is!
- Approval word
- End of a Breslin title
- Hemsley TV show
- Grace follower
- Post-sermon utterance
- Reply after a sermon
- Right on, formally
- Prayer's closing
- Sherman Hemsley TV series
- Corner response
- Sunday wrap
- Word agreement
- Congregation's assent
- Word in a spiritual
- Revival word
- Mass assent
- The final word
- Word said before opening the eyes
- Word said with vigorous nodding
- Last word in the New Testament
- ___ corner (church area)
- I couldn't agree with you more!
- ___ to that!
- Grace's end
- Strong second?
- Brother's word?
- Evangelical's cry
- Last thing said before dinner?
- That's how I see it, too
- Top 10 hit for the Impressions, 1964
- Word said just before opening the eyes
- You said it, pastor!
- Mass exodus preceder?
- Word said before looking up
- Parishioner's line
- Ain't that the truth!
- ___, brother!
- Father's conclusion
- Service approval
- You got that!
- Response to a brother?
- That's what I'm talking about!
- Comment of concurrence
- It's often said with the eyes closed
- Last word in the Bible
- Music to a minister's ears
- Follower of "for ever and ever"
- Exactly right!
- I agree 100%
- It may follow "forever and ever"
- Last part of Handel's "Messiah"
- The answer to a preacher's prayers?
- You sure got that right!
- You've got that right!
- Devotional period?
- Absolutely right!
- Absolutely, brother!
- It's true!
- Many prayers end with it
- Revival reply
- I'll second that, brother!
- Comment to a brother or sister
- Cry to a preacher
- Last word of grace
- Religious agreement?
- Damn right!
- Truer words have never been spoken!
- I agree fully!
- Yes, exactly!
- Last thing said before eating?
- What closes on Sundays?
- Last word said just before opening the eyes
- Wholehearted endorsement
- Part of a church chorus
- Couldn't have said it better!
- Enthusiastic assent
- Repeated word in Hozier's 2014 hit "Take Me to Church"
- Couldn't have said it any better
- So right!
- Eye-opening declaration?
- Mass agreement
- Word
- Cry from a congregation
- It may follow praying
- I feel that!
- Well put!
- ___ to that! ("Totally agree!")
- Final track on Beyoncé's "Cowboy Carter"
- Last word before eating, sometimes
- Service agreement
- I hear ya, sister
- This is true
- Oh yes, pastor
- Word before eating, perhaps
- Church cry
- Revival yell
- Cry in church
- Cry from churchgoers
- Hallelujah-inspired Kid Rock song?
- POD's final word, perhaps?
- Said at end of gospel show
- Ben Folds Five "Whatever and Ever ___"
- Holy Kid Rock song?
- Kid Rock anthem
- Kid Rock song for the end of a prayer?
- Kid Rock song that's the final word?
- Drum solo ___ break
- Kid Rock song for the Lord?
- Religious Otis Redding song?
- Righteous Kid Rock anthem?
- Gospel-themed Kid Rock song?
- Kid Rock song for praying?
- Meek Milk song about final prayer?
- Religious hardcore punk band?
- Said after spiritual show?
- Ben Harper "___ Omen"
- Churchy Kid Rock song?
- Devout Meek Mill song?
- Religious Kid Rock song?
- Said at end of POD show, perhaps
- Said at end of gospel show, perhaps
- Sing it, preacher!
- That's true!
- Congregational interjection
- Paula Cole album
- Paula Cole hit
- Service concluder
- Period!
- Final word of grace
- Prayer punctuation
- ___ corner (spot for vocal churchgoers)
- The ___ Corner (James Baldwin play partially set in a church)
- Davis sitcom
- Grace finish
- Hemsley's TV show
- Sunday utterance
- Act of Contrition finale
- Last word in church
- Last word of the Holy Bible
- Last word spoken at night, for many
- Pastor's last word
- Turkey's prayer, part four
- Word said before "Pass the grub!" perhaps
- Worshipper's word
- 'Nuff said!
- Lilies of the Field song
- _____ to that!
- Mass response
- One kind of corner
- Word of hearty concurrence
- Pastor's word
- Pre-meal word, perhaps
- The end of grace?
- The final word, to theologists
- The last word on Sunday
- 'Grace'-ful finale
- Flock's reply
- Sunday sound
- Sunday whisper
- Supplicant's conclusion
- That goes for me, too!
- An ending to grace
- Parishioner's shout
- Second from the flock
- Sunday finale
- Word said with closed eyes, often
- My feelings exactly!
- 1965 hit for The Impressions
- Parishioner's word
- Word spoken before looking up
- It may be said before meals
- Let the church say ___
- Concluding shout
- Meal preceder, perhaps
- End-of-prayer word
- Word at the end of a prayer
- That's a wrap, in church
- Sherman Hemsley series
- Sunday whisper or shout
- Word often said with vigorous nodding
- Word said before rising?
- Last word in Bibles
- Mass-produced response?
- Worshipper's "So be it!"
- Prayer-closing word
- Shout in church
- Word for 9-Across
- Word frequently heard in church
- Word said in churches
- Word heard in church
- Word shouted at church
- One of Hemsley's sitcoms
- Word between grace and eating
- Word from among the congregation
- Preach on!
- Call from the pews
- Prayer closure
- Prayerful assent
- Word said before eating, often
- Absolutely! on Sundays
- It's shouted on Sundays
- Prayer finisher
- Word said at an altar
- Word said on one's knees
- ___ corner (church part)
- Thank you, Jesus!
- Congregation's positive reply
- I agree, pastor!
- I'll second that, in church
- Churchly "right on"
- Final word at church
- Old TV show set in a church
- Word of agreement in church
- Word of agreement on Sundays
- Word of prayer
- Oft-said word on Sunday
- My God, yes!
- Bible word of agreement
- Music to a preacher's ears
- Well said, preacher
- 68-Across ender
- Cry to a pastor
- Churchgoer's cry
- Response to a preacher
- Retweet!
- Churchgoer's approval
- Congregant's reply
- I'm with you, sister!
- Response to a pastor
- Completely agreed!
- So, so true!
- Chorus line at church?
- Corner type
- Deacon Frye's show
- Evangelist's finis
- Interjection of agreement
- Type of corner
- Soft ending usually
- The Masters Corner
- Let's hope so!
- Augusta's ____ Corner
- Dinner preceder perhaps
- Last word at times
- Billy Graham s sign-off
- That s for sure!
- Sanctuary section, with 6 Down
- Agreement word
- Expression of agreement
- An end to prayers
- Ending for 46 Across
- Graceful ending?
- Word from Bishop T.D. Jakes
- Word spoken often on Sundays
- Corner for ardent followers
- Line of parishioners?
- Hit from The Impressions
- Word often said while kneeling
- Word said before a meal, perhaps
- Word said before looking up, sometimes
- Faithful's response
- Type of corner in church
- I agree, to a preacher
- Messiah end
- '80s sitcom with Deacon Frye
- Grace closing
- It comes between praying and eating
- Word for the masses
- I'm in total agreement
- It closes on Sunday
- It's said before eating, often
- Supplication termination
- Word shouted or whispered at church
- You got that right in church
- Truer words were never spoken
- End of the Lord's Prayer
- Premeal word, often
- Common word for a pastor
- Last word before dinner, often
- Sermon's final word
- Clifton Davis sitcom
- Type of "corner" in a church
- Word from the congregation
- Word many say after "in Jesus' name"
- A graceful ending?
- Word from a pastor
- That's the truth!
- Hymn finish
- Response from the pews
- Call to the preacher
- Conclusion from the flock
- Right on, preacher!
- Assent from the flock
- Flock's assent
- Invocation ender
- Lord's Prayer ending
- Pastor's signoff
- I hear that!
- You're absolutely right!
- Closing for a prayer
- Plus one to that!
- Right on, pastor!
- Totally agree!
- Ending to some prayers
- Word a preacher might ask for
- Today Means ___ (Sierra DeMulder poem)
- Response at the end of the Kaddish
- I 100% agree!
- I fully agree!
- I hear you, sister!
- Closing word in some prayers
- Petition end
- Approving response
- Prayerful conclusion
- Prayerful end
- Supplicant's finale
- Service word
- Grace word
- Service assent
- Flock call
- Flock cry
- Invocation end
- Nicene Creed conclusion
- I agree, Father
- Parishioner's agreement
- Reply during a sermon
- Response of reverence
- Last word of the "Lacrimosa" movement in Mozart's "Requiem"
- Mass word
- Bible ender
- Answer from the flock
- Sound from the flock
- Refrain from church
- 1965 Top 10 hit for the Impressions
- Reply from the congregation
- Listener's agreement
- Congregant's agreement
- Finish for a 70-Across
- Revelation finish
- Service close
- Answer from the congregation
- Prayer concluder
- Agree totally!
- That is so right!
- Graceful conclusion?
- Hearty confirmation
- Flock utterance
- Reply from the flock
- Reply from the pews
- You are absolutely right!
- Word often spoken in unison