- Northwestern highway
- Alaska Highway, formerly
- Northwest American highway, formerly
- Northwest highway
- Northern highway
- Old highway to Fairbanks
- Highway to Fairbanks
- Highway of the north
- Highway from Dawson Creek to Fairbanks
- Highway to Fairbanks, formerly
- A section of it is also known as Yukon Highway 1
- ___ Highway (WWII construction project)
- Highway whose construction was motivated in part by the Japanese invasion of Attu Island
- Northern highway built in 1942
- Fairbanks-to-British-Columbia highway
- Long North Amer. highway, formerly
- Highway to the north
- Cross-country highway built in 1942
- Highway through Whitehorse
- Former N.W highway
- A way to the North, formerly
- Former highway to Fairbanks
- Highway through the Yukon
- Its southern end is at Dawson Creek, British Columbia
- Highway with a terminus at Dawson Creek, British Columbia
- Highway covered in "The Milepost"
- Northern highway, once
- 1,671-mile highway recently completed.
- Wartime highway project.
- Auto road to Fairbanks.
- Canadian-Alaskan highway.
- Highway from Alberta to Fairbanks.
- Highway to Alaska.
- Original name of the Alaska Highway.
- 1,671-mile highway.
- Strategic northwest highway.
- North American highway.
- The road to Alaska.
- Alaska-Canada highway.
- Military highway.
- World War II highway.
- Highway 97.
- Original name of northern highway.
- 1942 highway.
- Western highway.
- Famous highway.
- Highway built in 1942.
- Road to Fairbanks.
- Road to the Klondike.
- Highway of 1912.
- Alaskan highway.
- Well-known highway.
- Highway
- Road to Alaska
- Highway of Northwest
- Route to north
- 1,523-mile highway
- Highway to north
- Link of Northwest
- Route to Fairbanks
- Thruway to Fairbanks
- Dawson Creek-to-Fairbanks highway
- Highway from Dawson Creek, B.C.
- Northwest "passage"
- Noted N.A. highway
- Northern rte.
- Northern hwy.
- Former road to Fairbanks
- Road from Dawson Creek
- Route near Bear Creek Pass
- _____ Highway
- Northern highway, formerly
- ___ Highway (road through Ft. Nelson)
- ___ Highway (route from Dawson Creek)
- Military supply route of the 40's
- Old road to Fairbanks
- Old highway name
- Renamed northern highway
- Way up north, once
- ___ Highway (old 1,500-mile route)
- ___ Highway (route through Whitehorse, Yukon)
- ___ Highway (historic route to Delta Junction)
- U.S.-built route that's mostly outside the U.S.
- ___ Highway (nearly 1,400-mile route that runs through Whitehorse, Yukon Territory)
- Old highway in Alaska
- Highway crossing the Yukon, for short
- Transnational highway to Fairbanks
- Northern highway to Fairbanks
- ____ Highway
- US-to-Alaska highway
- Canada-Alaska route once
- Montreal-based metal company Rio Tinto ___
- Road to Fairbanks, once
- Northern supply route, in WWII
- Highway opened in 1942
- Montreal-based metal company
- Road through Whitehorse