- Dollar competitor
- Dollar rival
- Bowie's last stand
- Car rental name
- Davy's last stand
- Well-known 1836 name
- You must remember this
- Battle of 1836
- Crockett's last stand
- Memorable mission
- San Antonio shrine
- Texas shrine
- Lone Star landmark
- San Antonio attraction
- Something to remember
- 1836 battle site
- Mission for a San Antonian
- Shrine of the Texas Revolution
- Car rental company with the name of a mission
- Enterprise alternative
- National alternative
- San Antonio mission
- Texas Revolution site
- Thrifty rival
- Dollar alternative
- Texas cottonwood
- The Last Command (1955) locale
- Cottonwood
- It fell in 1836
- Santa Anna took it
- Budget alternative
- Budget rival
- Most popular tourist attraction in Texas
- San Antonio landmark
- Enterprise rival
- Bowie's downfall
- Remember the ___!
- Lone Star State mission
- San Antonio sight
- Stand site
- Fort to remember
- Hertz or Avis rival
- 1836 siege site
- Avis rival
- Besieged mission
- 13-day siege site
- Tulsa-based rental agency
- Where Bowie fell
- Texas mission
- The cradle of Texas liberty
- Hertz rival
- Car-rental agency
- Site mentioned in "The Ballad of Davy Crockett"
- With "The", 1960 film in which John Wayne plays Davy Crockett
- Southern landmark that may have been named after the cottonwood trees near it
- _____ Heights (San Antonio suburb)
- A mission to remember?
- Avis competitor
- Crockett's Waterloo
- Texas Revolution battle site
- Crockett's last battle
- Hertz competitor
- San Antonio attraction, with "The"
- Siege site for Santa Anna
- Site of a stand in Texas
- 1836 battleground
- Besieged mission of 1836
- Memorable monument
- San Antonio siege site
- Site of Crockett's last stand
- Where Crockett was killed
- Battle site of 1836
- Doomed mission
- Texas shrine, with "The"
- Movie with John Wayne as Davy Crockett, with "The"
- Santa Anna's 1836 target
- Site of an 1836 battle
- Davy Crockett movie of 2004, with "The"
- San Antonio shrine, with "the"
- Site where Davy Crockett met his maker
- Texas Revolution shrine
- Where Davy Crockett met his maker
- Famous Texas mission
- Lone Star State siege site
- Mission in Texas
- Santa Anna siege site
- Santa Anna's target
- Famous San Antonio mission
- Legendary siege site
- Thrifty competitor
- Structure on San Antonio's city flag
- Drive Happy sloganeer
- Battleground of 1836
- Davy Crockett's last stand
- Popular Texas tourist site
- San Antonio destination
- Santa Anna target
- Building on San Antonio's city flag
- Focus of "The Last Command"
- Lone Star State attraction
- San Antonio attraction without a basement
- Texas siege site
- Mission on San Antonio's flag
- San Antonio tourist attraction, with "the"
- Texas attraction
- Historic mission
- Poplar
- Last stand site
- Texas tourist stop
- Where Crockett last stood
- Doomed Texas mission
- Texas landmark
- Shrine to remember
- Mission to remember
- Texan independence landmark
- Mission attacked by Santa Anna
- Jim Bowie's last stand
- Site to remember
- Avis alternative
- Texas shrine to remember
- Tulsa-based rental company
- 2007 Enterprise acquisition
- Building on a 1936 centennial stamp
- Texas mission to remember
- Remember the __!
- Unlimited free mileage rental pioneer
- Memorable Texas landmark
- Car rental giant
- Memorable Texas mission
- San Antonio tourist spot
- Where Crockett famously fought
- It shares its airport shuttle with National
- It was once called Mission San Antonio de Valero
- Where Davy Crockett died
- Mission where Jim Bowie fell
- Drive Happy rental company
- 53-Across competitor
- Enterprise competitor
- Memorable shrine
- San Antonio battle site
- Budget competitor
- Texas tourist spot
- Historic Texas landmark
- Legendary mission
- National rival
- Historic shrine
- Rent-a-car biggie
- Rent-a-car company
- Texas battle site
- Drive Happy car rental company
- Historical 1960 John Wayne film, with "The"
- Sister company of Enterprise Rent-A-Car
- Shrine on the San Antonio city flag
- Sister company of Enterprise
- Rental car company
- San Antonio field trip site
- Texas fight site
- Texas tree
- Poplar tree
- Cradle of Texas Liberty
- 300 __ Plaza (Texas attraction's address)
- Lone Star State landmark
- Siege site of 1836
- Mission abandoned in 1793
- Santa Anna victory site
- Santa Anna battleground
- __ Bowl (annual Texas game)
- 73 Across tourist mecca
- Enterprise subsidiary
- San Antonio tourist attraction
- Ballad of Davy Crockett locale
- Airport counter name
- Airport shuttle operator
- QuickRent offerer
- Replica built for Texas' first film set
- Rival of Budget
- Crockett outpost
- Southwestern shrine
- South central Texas attraction
- 300 __ Plaza, 78205 (famed fortress' address)
- 55 Down competitor
- Alternative to Avis
- San Antonio landmark to "remember"
- Southwestern World Heritage Site
- Attraction near the Spanish Governor's Palace
- San Antonio attraction to "remember"
- Davy Crockett outpost
- Lone Star shrine
- Outpost for Crockett
- San Antonio historic landmark
- San Antonio shrine site
- San Antonio shrine to "remember"
- San Antonio site to "remember"
- Texas landmark to "remember"
- Texas tourist attraction
- South central Texas tourist stop
- Post for Crockett
- Prefix for dome in San Antonio
- Texas mission that was the site of an 1836 battle
- Place to remember
- Site of Davy Crockett's demise
- Memorable mission in Texas
- Car rental chain
- City in southern Texas
- Cottonwood tree
- Mission where Davy Crockett was killed
- National competitor
- Texas battle site of 1836
- Rent-a-car chain
- 2004 Billy Bob Thornton film, with "The"
- Tulsa-based rent-a-car company
- ___ Bowl (annual college football game between the Big Ten and the Big 12)
- Memorable San Antonio landmark
- Famous battle site.
- Site of massacre in 1836.
- Scene of Santa Ana's treachery.
- Where Crockett fell.
- San Antonio's memorial.
- Where Col. Bowie fell.
- Heroic battle of 1836.
- Scene of 1836 massacre in Texas.
- Shrine in San Antonio.
- Texan memory.
- Texans will never forget it.
- Texas shrine, in San Antonio.
- Old mission at San Antonio.
- Shrine of Lone Star state.
- Symbol of honor in Texas.
- The pride of Texas.
- Historic event in 1836.
- Where "the moon shines low."
- Where James Bowie died.
- Crockett's Armageddon.
- Dave Crockett was here.
- Davy Crockett was there.
- Davy Crockett's last fight.
- Remembered since 1836.
- Where Davy Crockett fought.
- Historical Mission.
- Scene of Santa Anna victory, 1836.
- Crockett was here.
- Pride of Texas.
- Storied battle site.
- Franciscan mission in Texas.
- James Bowie was here.
- Shrine at San Antonio.
- Site of 1836 massacre.
- The poplar.
- Site of heroic stand, 1836.
- A place to remember.
- Franciscan mission.
- Stadium at San Antonio.
- Subject of current film.
- Subject of recent movie.
- Landmark on a 9c stamp.
- Texas site.
- Where Colonel Bowie died.
- Scene of Bowie's heroism.
- A fort to remember.
- Spanish poplar.
- Tree.
- Part of a famous rallying cry.
- 1836 locale.
- U.S. shrine.
- Famous shrine
- Shrine
- San Antonio building
- Mission building
- Texas fort
- Tree of Southwest
- Tree of the Southwest
- Famous battleground
- Wayne location
- Battle-cry word of 1836
- Southern shrine
- Thing remembered at San Jacinto
- Famed mission
- Poplar of Southwest
- Texas locale
- Aspen tree
- Famous fort
- Name to remember
- Texas battle scene: 1836
- Texas tourist's "must"
- Famed 1836 mission
- Place to be remembered
- Santa Anna won here
- Southwest shrine
- Fort in 1836 headlines
- Mission built in 1722
- Scene of Davy's downfall
- Where Crockett died
- Historic site since 1836
- Southwestern poplar
- Unforgettable place
- Mission to recall
- Aspen of Tex.
- Site of an 1836 siege
- Southwestern aspen
- Where Bowie fell, with "the"
- Thermopylae of America
- A poplar
- Site of Bowie's fate
- Southwestern cottonwood
- Tex. shrine
- A place remembered
- Landmark of 28 Down
- Place that's "remembered"
- Siege site: 1836
- Davy Crockett died here
- San Antonio memorial
- Tex. battle site
- Where Travis was besieged
- Historic Franciscan mission
- Historic site in San Antonio
- Davy Crockett defended it
- Noted Tex. mission
- Santa Anna conquest
- Where Santa Anna lost 1,500 men
- A cottonwood
- Scene of a Tex. battle: 1836
- Santa Ana's 1836 conquest
- Remember the _____
- Battle depicted in "The Last Command"
- Cottonwood, in Spanish
- 13 Days to Glorysubject
- Subject of "The Last Command"
- Texas tourist draw
- The Last Command locale
- 1836 battle site, with "the"
- Crockett's last stand, with "the"
- Col. Bowie's mission, with "the"
- Memorable name
- Texas site to remember
- Last stand for Travis and Bowie
- Memorable 1836 battle site
- Football's ___ Bowl
- Failed mission?
- Its garrison was wiped out in 1836
- John Wayne film, with "The"
- San Antonio site, with "the"
- 2004 historical film, with "The"
- 9-Down company
- Site of an 1836 massacre
- Texas battle site, with "the"
- Spanish for "poplar"
- Southwest mission
- 1960 John Wayne saga, with "The"
- Site of Crockett's demise
- 1836 siege site, with "the"
- Airport rental option
- Battle to remember, with "the"
- ___ Bowl
- Remember the ___! (rallying cry of 1836)
- Subject of the 1955 film "The Last Command"
- Remember the ___! (cry of 1836)
- Davy Crockett died defending it, with "the"
- Remember the ___! (Texan's cry)
- John Wayne western, with "The"
- Crockett Hotel's neighbor
- Historic mission, with "the"
- San Antonio landmark, with "the"
- Texas monument, with "the"
- 1960 historical film written and directed by John Wayne, with "The"
- Historic siege site
- Texas landmark that shares its name with a tree
- 1836 siege setting
- Alternative to Dollar or Budget
- Alternative to National or Enterprise
- Where the frontiersman Bowie died
- Fort where Davy Crockett died
- Battle site where Davy Crockett died
- Car rental choice
- Noted 1836 battle site
- Remember this!
- Setting for an 1836 shootout
- Big name in rental cars
- City in the Rio Grande Valley with a historic namesake
- Davy Crockett died defending it
- Mission to remember in San Antonio
- Enterprise Holdings holding
- Texas historical site to "remember"
- Mission San Antonio de Valero, more familiarly
- Site of a famous 1836 battle
- 121 Across shrine
- 'Remember the --!'
- 1836 siege target
- 1836 Texas siege site
- Texas siege setting
- 1836 Texas siege target
- Where Ozzy took a bathroom break
- Setting of a siege to remember
- Site of a 1836 Santa Anna victory
- Building of 1836 fame
- Building whose name means "cottonwood tree"
- Where William B. Travis famously died
- 2004 Dennis Quaid film (with "The")
- Thrifty neighbor, perhaps?
- Crockett's demise
- Crockett's mission?
- Dome of San Antonio
- Massacre of 1836
- Remember this when in San Antonio
- Landmark you must remember
- Last stand of 1836
- Mission in San Antonio
- Santa Anna victory
- Texas memory
- San Antonio tourist stop
- Locale of a famous last stand
- San Antonio site
- San Antonio tourist destination
- Where Bowie bowed
- Place associated with the historic date of 1836
- Where James Bowie passed
- Battle to remember
- Fortress in San Antonio
- Landmark to remember
- Last stand for Bowie
- Site of a last stand
- Unforgettable mission
- Franciscan mission built around 1718
- Famous mission
- Historic 1836 site
- Texas Franciscan mission
- Texas mission (with "the")
- Memorable Texas place
- Thirteen-day siege site
- Historic fort in Texas
- King of the Hill beer
- Massacre site of 1836
- Memorable fort in Texas
- Texas beer
- Beleaguered mission of 1836
- Place to remember in Texas
- San Antonio dome
- Alternative to Budget
- Historic Texas mission
- You should remember it from U.S. History
- 1836 Mexican victory site
- 1836 Texas battle site
- Site of a siege to remember
- 1836 battle site in Texas
- Car rental company
- Texas' Battle of the ___
- American landmark to remember?
- Dollar or Budget alternative
- Hertz alternative
- 17-Across company based in Missouri (not Texas!)
- Memorable battleground in Texas
- Battle site to "remember"
- Memorable Texas battle site
- Forget the ___: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth
- Landmark near San Antonio's River Walk
- Bowie's nemesis
- An affair to remember?
- Hallowed adobe
- Lone Star State shrine
- Don't forget it
- Memorable battle site
- San Antonio mission, with The
- Symbol of resistance
- The Last Command setting
- San Antonio historical site
- Landmark captured on March 6, 1836
- Site of Bowie's fall
- Memorable name in Texas
- Site of the last stand
- Memorable place in a 2004 flick
- Mission San Antonio de Valero
- It fell March 6, 1836
- Lone Star State battle site
- Texas landmark (with "the")
- San Antonio tourist draw
- Where many a 32-Down fell in 1836
- Auto rental giant
- Rental car name since 1974
- Site of an 1836 last stand
- Texas shrine with barracks
- Rental car brand
- 59-Across rental company
- Competitor of Budget
- Competitor of Enterprise
- Texas cemetery site
- Travis's last stand
- Enterprise acquisition
- Old Texas mission
- Rental car agency
- Key historical mission
- Remembered mission
- Franciscan mission built around 1716
- Site of a 13-day siege
- Where Jim Bowie died
- Landmark built as the Mission San Antonio de Valero
- Colonel Bowie's last stand
- Memorable Franciscan mission
- Mission with $40 VIP tours
- Landmark originally named Mission San Antonio de Valero
- Lt. Col. William B. Travis's last battle
- Mission that's a World Heritage Site
- Mision San Antonio de Valero, familiarly
- Setting of an 1836 siege
- Company that employs many models
- Mission near the San Antonio River
- Texan mission