- Broadcasted
- Broadcast
- Ran a rerun movie, e.g.
- Shown
- Ventilated
- Ran "X-Files"
- Was on
- Went public with
- Hung (out) on the clothesline
- Televised
- Hung out to dry
- Put on
- Out in the open
- Broadcast on C.T.V.
- Survived a seven-second delay
- No longer stuffy, maybe
- Offered for public consumption, in a way
- Let out into the public
- Was broadcast
- Brought to light
- Put on the radio
- Ran, as a TV broadcast
- Shown on TV
- Gave vent to
- Made public
- Put on the tube
- Put on television
- Shown on TV, e.g.
- Put on TV
- Shown on television
- Was on the radio, say
- Showed on television
- Played over the radio
- Publicized
- On the radio, say
- Was on television
- Was on the tube
- Was on the waves?
- Showed
- Ventilated, with "out"
- Appeared on TV
- Was shown on TV
- Ran a program
- Put on, in a way
- Ran, on TV
- Was on TV
- Showed on TV
- Brought into the open
- Made known
- Vented
- Telecast
- Had broadcast
- Exposed to the open.
- Displayed.
- Hung on the line.
- Mentioned publicly.
- Took for a walk.
- Displayed ostentatiously.
- Put out on the line.
- Published.
- Freshened.
- Given publicity.
- Hung out on the line.
- Circulated
- Exhibited
- Expressed publicly
- Noised about
- Hung out the wash
- Transmitted by radio
- Put on the line
- Ran "Ran," e.g.
- Was shown
- Shown, in a way
- On TV
- Ran
- Hit the waves?
- Public, as dirty laundry
- Not kept secret
- Out now, in a way
- Voiced, as grievances
- Brought out into the open
- Ran, as "Veep"
- Played music on the radio, e.g.
- Made known, as grievances
- Was seen on TV
- Broadcasted on TV
- Hung out to dry, e.g.
- Shown on the tube
- Played on the radio
- Played on TV
- Hung out
- Came on
- Said publicly
- Hung on the clothesline