- Alberto Gonzales and Loretta Lynch, for two: Abbr.
- DOJ heads
- Chief prosecutors, briefly
- Eric Holder and others: Abbr.
- Holder and others: Abbr.
- Sessions and Lynch, e.g.
- Sessions and Barr: Abbr.
- State prosecutors: Abbr.
- Ashcroft, Reno, et al. (abbr.)
- 54 Down and others, briefly
- Lynch and others: Abbr.
- Dept. of Justice heads
- Dept. of Justice bigwigs
- Mukasey and Gonzales, for short
- Reno, Ashcroft, and Gonzales, for short
- Holder and Reno, for short
- Justice Dept. bigwigs
- Chief prosecutors, for short
- DOJ leaders
- Dept. of Justice chiefs
- Justice Dept. heads
- Eric Holder, Janet Reno, et al.
- Reno et al.: Abbr.
- Ashcroft and Meese, e.g.: Abbr.
- RFK and Reno
- Holder and Reno: Abbr.
- Legal chiefs: Abbr.
- State legal VIPs
- Reno and others: Abbr.
- DOJ pooh-bahs
- Top prosecutors: Abbr.
- DOJ chiefs
- Govt. prosecutors
- DOJ honchos
- Kennedy, Mitchell, Reno, etc.
- Justice VIPs
- Chief prosecutors: Abbr.
- Law officers: Abbr.
- Chief law officers: Abbr.
- Meese et al.: Abbr.
- Reno and Kennedy, e.g.: Abbr.
- D.O.J. V.I.P.s
- Ashcroft and Reno: Abbr.
- Eastern titles
- Ashcroft and Reno, e.g.: Abbr.
- Legal V.I.P.'s
- Lawyers in cabinets: Abbr.
- Some legal bigwigs: Abbr.
- D.O.J. figures
- Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder: Abbr.
- Chief legal officers: Abbr.
- Chief prosecutors
- Janet Reno and others: Abbr.
- Ashcroft and Reno, for short
- Janet Reno and Merrick Garland: Abbr.
- Ashcroft and Holder, briefly
- Janet Reno and Eric Holder, once: Abbr.
- Top legal offs.
- Reno and predecessors: abbr.
- Mil. officers overseeing legal matters
- 1 Down et al.: abbr.
- They address the ABA
- Eric Holder and his predecessors: Abbr.
- Jeff Sessions and his predecessors: Abbr.
- DOJ bosses
- Holder and Garland, e.g.: Abbr.
- RFK et al.
- Reno and Garland, for two: Abbr.