- The Eve of St. ___ (Keats poem)
- __ of God (Jane Fonda flick)
- A Demille
- Ms. Moorhead
- DeMille or Moorehead
- Moorehead or DeMille
- Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte actress Moorehead
- {/Faces, Places/} director Varda
- American minimalist Martin
- Anne Brontë's "___ Grey"
- Abstract expressionist ___ Martin
- Endora portrayer
- Gru's youngest daughter in "Despicable Me"
- Niece of Cecil B.
- 1972 hurricane
- Actress Moorehead
- Big storm of 1972
- Dancer de Mille
- Tony Cochran comic strip
- De Mille of dance
- Pop singer Carlsson
- ___ of God (1985 movie filmed in Quebec)
- __ of God
- Choreographer de Mille
- Youngest "Despicable Me" daughter
- Name that means "lamb"
- Name for which "Nancy" was once a nickname
- Moorehead of movies
- Moorehead of "Bewitched"
- ___ of God
- Endora portrayer, on "Bewitched"
- Moviedom's Moorehead
- Moorehead of "Citizen Kane"
- ___ of God (1985 movie)
- Dancing de Mille
- ___ of God (1985 Jane Fonda film)
- Niece of Cecil B. DeMille
- ___ of God (Meg Tilly film)
- Tony-winning "Oklahoma!" and "Rodeo" choreographer de Mille
- Cecil B.'s niece
- Patron saint of girls
- Actress Moorhead
- Girl Guides founder __ Smyth Baden-Powell
- Mother Teresa's birth name
- Patron saint of chastity
- David Copperfield's second wife
- Keats' "The Eve of St. __"
- Anne Brontë's "__ Grey"
- Despicable Me orphan
- Baden-Powell who co-founded the Girl Guide movement
- Elsie Fisher's "Despicable Me" voice role
- Hong Kong politician and social activist Chow
- St. __ of Assisi
- Auntie Mame character
- Cecil's niece
- Auntie Mame's secretary
- See 127 Across
- Patron saint of Girl Scouts
- The Eve of St. __ (Keats poem)
- Keats title saint
- Despicable Me girl
- Mrs. Copperfield
- ___ of God (1985 Meg Tilly movie)
- Mame's secretary
- Notable hurricane of 1972
- Mother Teresa's real first name
- ___ Gooch ("Auntie Mame" character)
- Abstract artist Martin
- The Eve of St. ___.—Keats.
- The Eve of St. ___,” poem by Keats. nyt 1944 AGNI God of altar fire. nyt 1944 AGNI Vedic fire god. nyt 1944 AGO In time past. nyt 1944 AGO Past. nyt 1944 AGOG Excited. nyt 1944 AGRA Site of the Taj Mahal. nyt 1944 AGRA Where Taj Mahal is. nyt 1944 AGRICULTURE Claude R. Wickard's department. nyt 1944 AGUE Chills and fever. nyt 1944 AGUE Febrile illness. nyt 1944 AHAB King of Israel, married Jezebel. nyt 1944 AHET Rainy season in Egypt. nyt 1944 AHS Cries of delight. nyt 1944 AHS Interjections. nyt 1944 AHSAN Mohammedan divorce procedure. nyt 1944 AHSIN Bret Harte's tricky Chinaman. nyt 1944 AHUM Whirring. nyt 1944 AID Assist. nyt 1944 AIDA Radamés' beloved. nyt 1944 AIDA Verdi's princess. nyt 1944 AIDANT Helper: Rare. nyt 1944 AIDE Adjutant. nyt 1944 AIDERS Assistants. nyt 1944 AIDERS Auxiliaries. nyt 1944 AIDES Staff officers. nyt 1944 AIDS Helps. nyt 1944 AIES Cries of woe. nyt 1944 AILE Winged, as birds: Her. nyt 1944 AILE Winged: Heraldry. nyt 1944 AILERON Fin of airplane wing. nyt 1944 AILING Suffering. nyt 1944 AILS Troubles, used impersonally. nyt 1944 AILSA ___ Craig, island off Scotland. nyt 1944 AIN French river, 118 miles to the Rhone. nyt 1944 AINS Purposes. nyt 1944 AINU Hairy Jap. nyt 1944 AINU Jap native. nyt 1944 AIR Present-day war sphere. nyt 1944 AIR Skyways. nyt 1944 AIR Where USAAF fights. nyt 1944 AIRACOBRA Army fighter plane. nyt 1944 AIRACOBRA Army fighter plane. nyt 1944 AIRACOBRA Bell P-39. nyt 1944 AIRANS Turkish milk drinks. nyt 1944 AIRDROME Flying field. nyt 1944 AIRE City in Pas-de-Calais area. nyt 1944 AIRE Pas-de-Calais town. nyt 1944 AIRER Clothes drier. nyt 1944 AIRMAN Flier. nyt 1944 AIRS Affectations. nyt 1944 AIRY Atmospheric. nyt 1944 AITCH Letter. nyt 1944 AITS River islets. nyt 1944 AKIN Allied. nyt 1944 AKIN Similar to. nyt 1944 AKKERMAN City of Besserabia, now Cetatea Alba. nyt 1944 AKUTAN Active Aleutian island-volcano, 4,100 ft. nyt 1944 AKUTAN Aleutian isle, active volcano. nyt 1944 ALA Old Roman Army wing. nyt 1944 ALA Roman army wing. nyt 1944 ALA Where Muscle Shoals is: Abbr. nyt 1944 ALABAMA Giant U. S. battleship. nyt 1944 ALABAMA Mighty U. S. battleship. nyt 1944 ALAE Winglike parts. nyt 1944 ALAE Wings. nyt 1944 ALAE Wings. nyt 1944 ALAI Mountains in Kirghiz region. nyt 1944 ALAI Turkish regiment. nyt 1944 ALAMEDA Base of giant flying boat, Mars. nyt 1944 ALAMO Where Davy Crockett died, 1836. nyt 1944 ALAN Man's name. nyt 1944 ALAN Short-eared dog of heraldry. nyt 1944 ALAND 80 islands in Gulf of Bothnia. nyt 1944 ALAND Finnish islands. nyt 1944 ALAND Islands in Gulf of Bothnia. nyt 1944 ALAND Islands, capital Mariehamn. nyt 1944 ALAR Having wings. nyt 1944 ALAR Wing-shaped. nyt 1944 ALARES Roman wing troops. nyt 1944 ALARM Alert. nyt 1944 ALARMER Alert sounder. nyt 1944 ALAS Alackaday. nyt 1944 ALAS Expression of dismay. nyt 1944 ALAS Ochone! nyt 1944 ALAS Word from Latin lassus, meaning weary. nyt 1944 ALASKA Bought in 1867. nyt 1944 ALASKA Once Russian part of U. S. nyt 1944 ALASKA Where Anchorage is. nyt 1944 ALATE Winged. nyt 1944 ALATE Winged. nyt 1944 ALB Baptismal gown. nyt 1944 ALBA Town between Turin and Genoa. nyt 1944 ALBANETA Mount ___, Allied victory near Cassino. nyt 1944 ALBANIA Country opposite Italian Heel. nyt 1944 ALBANIA Where Scutari is. nyt 1944 ALBAS Provençal morning songs. nyt 1944 ALBENGA Italian seaport near Genoa. nyt 1944 ALBERT Belgian canal. nyt 1944 ALBERTO Man's name. nyt 1944 ALBS Vestments. nyt 1944 ALBS White vestments. nyt 1944 ALCANA Henna color. nyt 1944 ALCESTE Hero of Molière's Le Misanthrope."
- Jan. 21 saint.
- Girl's name.
- Second wife of David Copperfield.
- Wife of David Copperfield.
- Dora's successor, in "David Copperfield."
- Miss DeMille.
- Miss Moorehead of the movies.
- Moliere heroine.
- C. B. de Mille's noted niece.
- Saint of January 21.
- De Mille of ballet.
- Molière heroine.
- Saint of Jan 21.
- One of the De Milles.
- Second Mrs. Copperfield.
- The Eve of St. ___.
- Actress Morehead.
- Character in "David Copperfield."
- Dickens character.
- French girl's name.
- Dickens girl.
- Model wife, in Molière.
- Dickens heroine.
- Sorel of 15th cen. France.
- Saint of Keats poem.
- De Mille
- Miss Moorehead
- Moorehead
- Copperfield's second wife
- Actress Moorehead: 1906–74
- Author Turnbull
- Child saint
- Moorehead or Repplier
- ___ of God, B'way play
- ___ of God, recent drama
- Patron saint of young girls
- ___ of God, current movie
- ___ of God, stage hit
- Author Repplier
- ___ of God, play and movie
- Amanda Plummer role
- ___ of God, Broadway play
- Arnolphe's love in a Molière play
- Essayist Repplier
- ___ of God, Fonda film
- _____ of God
- Lady _____, founder of the Girl Guides
- Saint whose feast day is January 21
- Feast of Saint _____ (January event)
- Infamous 1972 hurricane
- Keats' "The Eve of St. _____"
- Memorable 1972 hurricane
- Roman martyr of A.D. 304
- Lady ___, Girl Guides founder
- Auntie Mame character ___ Gooch
- ___ of God (1985 film)
- The Bartered Bride mezzo
- Historic 1972 hurricane
- ___ of God, Jane Fonda film
- Keats's "The Eve of St. ___"
- 1985 Meg Tilly title role
- Georgia's ___ Scott College
- ___ of God (1985 drama)
- Saint Clare of Assisi's sister
- Baden-Powell of the Girl Guides
- Saint often depicted with a lamb
- Name derived from the Greek for "holy"
- ___ Scott College, one of the Seven Sisters of the South
- One of the daughters in "Despicable Me"
- French film director Varda
- Bronte's '-- Grey'
- Dance great de Mille
- Despicable Me girl with a stuffed unicorn
- Despicable Me orphan with a unicorn doll
- Moorehead in "Untamed"
- De Mille of the dance
- Hong Kong democracy activist Chow
- Sister of Margo and Edith in the "Despicable Me" films
- _____ of God (play and movie)
- ___ of God (1985)
- Citizen Kane actress Moorehead
- Film "___ of God"
- ___ of God (movie)
- *Gets on in years
- Director Varda or actress Moorehead
- Late actress Moorehead
- Moorehead who played Endora
- Famous de Mille
- Moorehead who was Endora on "Bewitched"
- ___ of God (Meg Tilly movie)
- ___ of God (Fonda movie)
- Framing ___ (2022 documentary)
- Bronte's "__ Gray"
- Ms. De Mille
- Bronte's Gray
- Emmy-winning actress Moorehead
- Youngest Gru daughter in "Despicable Me"
- Anne Bronte's "____ Grey"
- Devastating hurricane of 1972
- Dance's de Mille
- Patron saint of virgins
- Selfless "David Copperfield" character
- David Copperfield heroine
- One Life to Live creator Nixon
- Girl Guides founder Baden-Powell
- Patron of virgins