- Certain driving restriction
- Provision for holding certain jobs
- 14, for the Scripps National Spelling Bee
- Little League membership restriction
- Bar bar
- Bar floor?
- Bar restriction
- Little League rules item
- Competition restriction, perhaps
- Entry level?
- Bar barrier
- Little League rule
- National Spelling Bee clause
- 12, for Little League World Series players
- 12, for Little Leaguers
- Barrier against extreme youth or advanced years.
- For Wacs, it is 34.
- Provision of the Selective Service Act.
- Bars have one
- A casino may have one
- An Easter egg hunt may have one
- Little League issue
- Restriction on children, maybe
- Club restriction
- 19, for N.B.A. players
- What some amusement park rides have
- 21, at a casino, say
- Part of a bar code?
- 17-24, for Miss America
- Restriction on Army enlistees
- 17, for an R-rated movie
- Discount ticket restriction
- Birthdate-based restriction
- 25, for the draft
- The Senate has a lower one but not an upper one