- Baja bye-bye
- So long in San Juan
- So long, senor
- Tampico ta-ta
- Ciao in Cancun
- Francisco's farewell
- Ta-ta in Tijuana
- {/Hasta luego/}
- Later, in La Paz
- With 42-Across, what one might say, Schwarzenegger-style, before drinking a bottle of Ex-Lax?
- Hasta luego, cocodrilo
- Later!
- Later, hombre
- Univision signoff
- We'll deal with this later
- Informal bye
- Hasta la vista
- Evita's farewell
- Parting word
- _"Hasta la vista"_
- Ciao, transplanted
- Later, amigo
- Farewell
- Tijuana toodle-oo
- Word on the way out
- Cheerio!
- Mexican farewell
- Sonoran "so long"
- South-of-the-border farewell
- Bye!
- Keep it real
- It's been real
- Seville "so long"
- Farewell, Fidel!
- So long!
- Informal farewell
- Seville sayonara
- Ciao!
- See ya later!
- ___ amigos!
- Guadalajara good-bye
- So long, señor
- Spaniard's sign-off
- So long!, to Speedy Gonzales
- Tijuana ta ta
- See ya, señor!
- ___ Muchachos (popular tango)
- Chihuahua "ciao"
- So long, in Sonora
- Toledo toodle-oo
- Ciao in Chihuahua
- Baja "bye"
- Farewell, in San Felipe
- Good-bye, in Guadalajara
- Parting word south of the border
- Word of parting
- Hasta mañana
- Later, Luis!
- See ya!
- Barcelona bye-bye
- Sonoran sign-off
- Ciao, Charo
- Gaucho's good-bye
- The Cisco Kid's farewell
- Señor's word when departing
- Felipe's farewell
- Señora's "So long"
- So long, amigos!
- Peace out, Pablo!
- Peace in La Paz
- Good-bye
- Farewell, amigo
- See 32 Across
- ___ amigo: farewell
- Cuernavaca "See ya!"
- Farewell, to Fidel
- Guadalajara ta-ta
- See ya, Jose!
- Ta ta, Tomas!
- ___ Amigo: Prior film
- 5 Across farewell
- Geraldo's good-bye
- Farewell, Franco
- Catalan "ciao"
- Ciao in Cadiz
- Acapulco farewell
- Pablo's good-bye
- Tampico toodle-oo
- Literally, "to God"
- Sevilla "see ya"
- Señor's "See ya!"
- Lupe's "Later!"
- Bye, José!
- I'm outta here
- So long, José
- Until next time
- Pablo's parting
- Pablo's last word
- Spanish 41-Down
- Farewell to Felipe
- So long, amigo
- Opposite of 61-Across
- Spanish "so long"
- Toodle-oo!
- Parting word in Spain
- See you, in Seville
- Lone Ranger's farewell
- Sayonara, in Spain
- Bye, in Barcelona
- Mexican's "So long!"
- Taqueria "ta-ta"
- With 15 or 28 Across, oater farewell
- 16 Across, in Durango
- 69 Across, in Argentina
- Monterrey farewell
- Spanish farewell
- See you!
- Goodbye, in Guatemala
- Fernando's farewell
- Oater exclamation
- So long in Spain
- Another way to say 13 Down
- Chihuahua farewell
- Goodbye, amigo!
- Bolivian "bye-bye"
- Spaniard's farewell
- So long in Seville
- Bye-bye, in Barcelona
- Mexican goodbye
- Spanish "good-bye"
- Mexican "So long!"
- Señor's "so long"
- Spanish "Bye!"
- Catch you later!
- Exclamation in westerns
- Goodbye, Columbus
- See ya, in Sonora
- Farewell: Sp.
- Good-bye: Span.
- Señor's farewell.
- Good-by.
- Farewell in Mexico.
- Amigo's farewell.
- Good-by in Cadiz.
- Good-by, in Toledo.
- Good-by in 33 Down.
- Farewell, in Madrid.
- Latin farewell.
- Word of farewell.
- ___ Muchachos, tango tune.
- Opposite of "Saludos!"
- Another farewell.
- Form of farewell.
- One way to say good-by.
- Goodbye in Cuba.
- Adieu.
- Farewell, in Spain.
- Parting in Spain.
- Parting word in Gaudalajara
- Farewell word.
- See 51 Down.
- See you mañana
- Farewell, in Sonora
- Senor's farewell
- Cousin of adieu
- Relative of adieu
- José's farewell
- Peruvian's parting word
- Ta-ta, below the border
- Pancho's farewell
- Barrio farewell
- Juan's goodbye
- Final word in Toledo
- Goodbye, in Acapulco
- Goodbye, in Granada
- So long, in Sevilla
- Goodbye to Pedro
- Parting word, in León
- Picador's farewell
- Chihuahua bye-bye
- Parting word in Pamplona
- Señor's leave-taking
- Cisco Kid's so long
- Juan's farewell
- Goodbye, in Tijuana
- Valencia valediction
- Cousin of aloha
- Farewell, in Cancun
- Goodbye, in Lima
- Tabasco ta-ta
- Ta-ta in Toledo
- Adieu, in Madrid
- Ta-ta, to Tomás
- Ta-ta, Toledo
- Adieu, in Ávila
- Senora's sayonara
- Toledo ta-ta
- ___Muchachos (1932 song)
- Cousin of "ciao"
- Cry before taking off
- See you 'round
- Chico's "ciao"
- Goodbye to José
- Parting south of the border
- I'm gone
- Sonora "so long"
- Southwestern sign-off
- See you later, alligator
- Ciao, amigo!
- Peace out
- Later, alligator!
- See you later
- ___, amigo
- Mae alsalama, across the Mediterranean
- Sayonara!
- Relative of "ciao"
- Señor's send-off
- See ya, in Hermosillo
- Later, muchacho
- 'Au revoir!'
- 'Later, José'
- J.Lo song for goodbye?
- Ramones "___ Amigos"
- Hasta pronto
- So long, Sancho!
- _Hasta la próxima_
- ¡ _Nos vemos_!
- See you in the Sierra Madres
- Ta-ta somewhere
- Bye now!
- Seville "see ya!"
- Tijuana so long
- _____, amigos!
- Bye, somewhere
- Farewell, somewhere
- Parting word, somewhere
- So long somewhere
- South-of-the-border sayonara
- Parting word in Puebla
- How some say goodbye
- Bye, amigo
- See you later, amigo
- Hasta luego relative
- So long relative
- Farewell to amigos
- Senor's goodbye
- Hasta la vista kin
- Cowboy's farewell
- Guatemalan "Goodbye"
- Bye, in Spanish
- Ta-ta!
- So long Cisco
- Grenada good-bye
- So long muchachos!
- Good-bye, from Julio
- Ciao Chico!
- Linda Ronstadt hit song
- Goodbye in Toledo
- Relative of 14-Across
- Goodbye somewhere
- Vaya con Dios
- See ya, south of the border
- Farewell, Rosita
- Senor's "Later!"
- Goodbye, Rosalita
- Spanish for "bye"
- Spanish signoff
- Goodbye, in Spanish
- Sayonara, in Spanish
- Bye-bye in Bilbao
- Pancho's parting word
- Seville sign-off
- Conversación ender
- Later, in León
- Toodles!
- Sound systems
- Sonora send-off
- Fidel's farewell
- Franco's farewell
- Sonora "See ya!"
- Bye! in Baja
- Later! in Lima
- Ciao for now
- Sevillano's send-off
- Barcelona "bye!"