- Mr. and Mrs., e.g.
- Shortened words, for short
- See 15 Down
- E.g. and etc., e.g.
- Long. and lat., e.g.
- Lexical abridgments, for short
- Mr. and Mrs.
- Rep. and Dem., e.g.
- Some dict. entries
- Etc., e.g., et al.
- Sci., st. and sgt.
- Tel. and ext.
- e.g., i.e., and etc.
- Shortened wds.
- Truncated wds.
- Clipped wds.
- St., ave., etc.
- Et al., e.g., et al., e.g.
- Etc., etc.
- Short form for short forms.
- Certain crossword entries.
- Et al. and etc., e.g.
- Etc. and ibid., e.g.
- e.g. and etc., for two
- Mon. and Tue., e.g.