Crossword clues for York mother 3 letters:
- Landlord of New York,” a century ago. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Ex-Marine in baseball. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Founder of Rhode Island. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Senator from Delaware. nyt 1953 WILLIE Maugham, to his friends. nyt 1953 WILMA Girl's name. nyt 1953 WILSON Lovett's successor. nyt 1953 WILY Foxy. nyt 1953 WILY Machiavellian. nyt 1953 WIN Prevail. nyt 1953 WINCE Shrink from. nyt 1953 WINDLASS Device for raising the old oaken bucket. nyt 1953 WINE Product of New York state. nyt 1953 WINED Feted. nyt 1953 WINES Riesling, Zinfandel, etc. nyt 1953 WINES Subject of oenology. nyt 1953 WINES Vouvray and Moselle. nyt 1953 WINES Xeres and Riesling. nyt 1953 WING Army Air Force unit, 2,305 members. nyt 1953 WING Section of a building. nyt 1953 WINONA Girl's name, after Hiawatha's mother. nyt 1953 WINS Acquires. nyt 1953 WINSLOW Arizona town, U. S. 66, near Painted Desert. nyt 1953 WINSOME Engaging. nyt 1953 WINTERSET Drama by Maxwell Anderson. nyt 1953 WINTHROP Ambassador Aldrich. nyt 1953 WIPE Dry off. nyt 1953 WIPER Dish towel. nyt 1953 WIRE Fence material. nyt 1953 WIRED Telegraphed. nyt 1953 WIREHAIR Rough-coated fox terrier. nyt 1953 WIRETAP Secret phone line. nyt 1953 WIRY Not husky, but strong. nyt 1953 WISE American rabbi and author. nyt 1953 WISE Judicious. nyt 1953 WISES Makes hep. nyt 1953 WISH Fairy godmother's gift. nyt 1953 WISH Gift of a fairy godmother. nyt 1953 WISHYOUWEREHERE Having Wonderful Time," to music.
- The Naked Maja” painter nyt 1995 GPA School figure, for short nyt 1995 GRAB Snatch nyt 1995 GRACE Adorn nyt 1995 GRACEFULASAFAUN Lithesome, per Samuel Rogers nyt 1995 GRACIE Allen of comedy nyt 1995 GRACIE New York's ____ Mansion nyt 1995 GRADATION Subtle change nyt 1995 GRADE Year in school nyt 1995 GRADS Last year's srs. nyt 1995 GRADUATION This puzzle's theme nyt 1995 GRAM Family member, for short nyt 1995 GRAM Mom's mom nyt 1995 GRAMATOM Chemist's unit nyt 1995 GRAMM Southern Senator nyt 1995 GRAMS Lab weights nyt 1995 GRAN _____ Canaria island nyt 1995 GRAND MGM ____ nyt 1995 GRANDCHILD Magnificent Julia? nyt 1995 GRANDFINALE Stand or mother nyt 1995 GRANDPA White-bearded fellow nyt 1995 GRANDPAS Family patriarchs nyt 1995 GRANDSTANDPLAY Attempt to win approval nyt 1995 GRANNIE Babysitter, perhaps nyt 1995 GRANNY Matriarch, often nyt 1995 GRANT Permit nyt 1995 GRAPE Concord, e.g. nyt 1995 GRAPE Pick of the vineyard nyt 1995 GRAPHED Plotted nyt 1995 GRAS Mardi ____ nyt 1995 GRASP Understand nyt 1995 GRASP Understanding nyt 1995 GRASPED Got nyt 1995 GRASPS Understands nyt 1995 GRASS Bamboo, for one nyt 1995 GRASS Lawn greenery nyt 1995 GRATIN Au _____ (menu phrase) nyt 1995 GRAVE Serious nyt 1995 GRAVER More serious nyt 1995 GRAVY Extra benefit nyt 1995 GRAVYTRAIN Source of easy money nyt 1995 GRAYEST Most dreary nyt 1995 GRAYS Becomes grizzled nyt 1995 GREASER 50's tough nyt 1995 GREAT Gatsby description nyt 1995 GREATDANE Large dog nyt 1995 GREATLAKE Michigan, e.g. nyt 1995 GREATSLAVELAKE Northern Canadian body of water nyt 1995 GREATWHITENORTH Canada nyt 1995 GREBE Diving bird nyt 1995 GRECO Manolete" dancer José
- And after I win, we can rename New York 'The Bloomberg Medi sl 2001 EMU It lays dark-green eggs sl 2001 EMU It's easily tamed sl 2001 EMU Its eggs are dark green sl 2001 EMU Meat choice sl 2001 EMU Quick Australian sl 2001 ENAMEL Molar matter sl 2001 ENC It goes in an env. sl 2001 ENCL It's in an env. sl 2001 END Intention sl 2001 END Quash sl 2001 ENDAT Finish the day on, as a stock's price sl 2001 ENDO Prefix with cranium or sperm sl 2001 ENDOR Planet created by George Lucas sl 2001 ENDS Justifications of means sl 2001 ENDUP Finish sl 2001 ENE One dir. a compass may point sl 2001 ENEMA Movement producer sl 2001 ENEMY Fighter sl 2001 ENERGY Abraham's domain sl 2001 ENERGY Cabinet department created by Carter sl 2001 ENG High school subj. sl 2001 ENGR Caltech maj. sl 2001 ENGRAVE Do plaques sl 2001 ENID Model of uxorial faithfulness sl 2001 ENID Seat of Garfield County, Okla. sl 2001 ENJOIN Order legally sl 2001 ENJOY Waiter's word sl 2001 ENLACE Intertwine sl 2001 ENLISTED Like some men sl 2001 ENO Noted ambient music pioneer sl 2001 ENOLA First name of Col. Paul Tibbets' mother sl 2001 ENOLAGAY Little Boy's craft sl 2001 ENOS Sonny Shroyer's role on The Dukes of Hazzard"