Crossword clues for What 1953 is.:
- The ___ of Liberty.” nyt 1953 TREE Ailanthus or banyan. nyt 1953 TREE Arbor vitae. nyt 1953 TREE Arborvitae. nyt 1953 TREE Banyan. nyt 1953 TREE Breadfruit. nyt 1953 TREE Conifer. nyt 1953 TREE Eucalyptus or monkey puzzle. nyt 1953 TREE Joshua ___, tall yucca. nyt 1953 TREE Seasonal symbol. nyt 1953 TREE Source of chlorophyll. nyt 1953 TREED Cornered on a limb. nyt 1953 TREED Trapped. nyt 1953 TREEFROGS Peepers. nyt 1953 TREEING Holding at bay. nyt 1953 TREELARK English pipit. nyt 1953 TREELESS Adjective for the tundra. nyt 1953 TREEN Made of wood. nyt 1953 TREES Kilmer classic. nyt 1953 TREES Well-known song by Rasbach. nyt 1953 TREK A long journey. nyt 1953 TREK African trip. nyt 1953 TREK Journey. nyt 1953 TREK Journey. nyt 1953 TREK Travel slowly. nyt 1953 TREKKERS Journeyers, as by wagon train. nyt 1953 TREMOLOS Sound effects on a stringed instrument. nyt 1953 TREMOR Nervous thrill. nyt 1953 TREMORS California shakes. nyt 1953 TREND Direction. nyt 1953 TRENDS Drifts. nyt 1953 TRENDS Tendencies. nyt 1953 TRENT E. C. Bentley's sleuth. nyt 1953 TRENT Third largest stream in England. nyt 1953 TRENTE Thirty: Fr. nyt 1953 TRENTON Gov. Driscoll's capital. nyt 1953 TREPANGS Sea cucumbers. nyt 1953 TRES Very: Fr. nyt 1953 TRES ___ bien! nyt 1953 TRES ___ bien. nyt 1953 TRES ___ bon (most kind): French. nyt 1953 TRESS Lock. nyt 1953 TRESS Lock. nyt 1953 TRESS Long lock. nyt 1953 TRESS Part of a coiffure. nyt 1953 TRESS Ringlet. nyt 1953 TRESSE Mademoiselle's crowning glory. nyt 1953 TRESSE Plait of hair: Fr. nyt 1953 TRESSED With crowning glory. nyt 1953 TRESSES Goldilocks' forte. nyt 1953 TRESSES Locks. nyt 1953 TRESSES Ringlets. nyt 1953 TRESTLES Relatives of sawhorses. nyt 1953 TRET Allowance to purchasers. nyt 1953 TRET Old trade allowance. nyt 1953 TRET Waste allowance. nyt 1953 TRET Waste allowance. nyt 1953 TRET Waste allowance. nyt 1953 TRETS Allowances for waste. nyt 1953 TREVES City in Moselle wine region. nyt 1953 TREVES Rhineland city: Fr. nyt 1953 TREVOR Hollywood's Claire ___. nyt 1953 TREWS Closefitting breeches and stockings of Scotland. nyt 1953 TREY Card. nyt 1953 TREYS Certain cards or dominoes. nyt 1953 TRI Combining form for a number. nyt 1953 TRI Three: Prefix. nyt 1953 TRI Three: Prefix. nyt 1953 TRI Three: Prefix. nyt 1953 TRI Thrice: Comb. form. nyt 1953 TRIALS Sources of vexation. nyt 1953 TRIANGLE Plot for a novel. nyt 1953 TRIANON Residence of Marie Antoinette. nyt 1953 TRIANON Royal villa at Versailles. nyt 1953 TRIBE The Braves. nyt 1953 TRIBUNE Rostrum. nyt 1953 TRICE Instant. nyt 1953 TRICK A girl, when cute. nyt 1953 TRICK Feat of skill. nyt 1953 TRIDENTS Neptune's symbols. nyt 1953 TRIED Trustworthy. nyt 1953 TRIER City in W. Germany, on the Moselle. nyt 1953 TRIER Rhineland city on the Moselle. nyt 1953 TRIESTE Disputed city on the Adriatic. nyt 1953 TRIG College course: Colloq. nyt 1953 TRIG In good condition. nyt 1953 TRIG Math course. nyt 1953 TRIG Math course. nyt 1953 TRIG Spruce. nyt 1953 TRIG Spruce. nyt 1953 TRIG Spruce. nyt 1953 TRIGO Wheat: Spanish. nyt 1953 TRILLS Heard in a Lily Pons aria. nyt 1953 TRILOGIST Any three-decker author. nyt 1953 TRIM Compact. nyt 1953 TRIM Compact. nyt 1953 TRIMMED Pruned. nyt 1953 TRIMMEST In best order. nyt 1953 TRIMMING Dec. 24th occupation. nyt 1953 TRIN One of triplets. nyt 1953 TRIN One of triplets. nyt 1953 TRIO Andrews sisters. nyt 1953 TRIO Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. nyt 1953 TRIO Banjo, sax, and piano. nyt 1953 TRIO Beethoven's Serenade in D Major."
- Thus ___ Zarathustra.” nyt 1953 SPALES Timbers used in shipbuilding. nyt 1953 SPAN Arch of a bridge. nyt 1953 SPAN Nine inches. nyt 1953 SPAN Pair of matched horses or mules. nyt 1953 SPAN Part of a bridge. nyt 1953 SPAN Team of horses. nyt 1953 SPANEMIA Blood deficiency. nyt 1953 SPANG Straight: Slang. nyt 1953 SPANGLE Stud with sequins. nyt 1953 SPANIARD Native of Toledo. nyt 1953 SPANISH Language of 100,000,000. nyt 1953 SPANK Move along smartly. nyt 1953 SPANNERS Wrenches. nyt 1953 SPANO Scarce: Comb.form. nyt 1953 SPANS Parts between two supports. nyt 1953 SPANS Reaches across. nyt 1953 SPAR Coast Guard girl. nyt 1953 SPAR Coast Guard lady. nyt 1953 SPAR Member of the Coast Guard. nyt 1953 SPAR Train for a bout. nyt 1953 SPARE Bowling score. nyt 1953 SPARE Good bowling score. nyt 1953 SPAREBED Place for a weekend guest. nyt 1953 SPARED Refrained from. nyt 1953 SPARED Refrained from. nyt 1953 SPARED Was clement. nyt 1953 SPARER More gaunt. nyt 1953 SPARERIB Cut of meat. nyt 1953 SPARERIB Cut of meat. nyt 1953 SPARES Extra parts. nyt 1953 SPARES Extra tires. nyt 1953 SPARESOME Frugal. nyt 1953 SPARETIRE Blowout insurance. nyt 1953 SPARK Go courting in the good old days. nyt 1953 SPARKLE Reflect spirit and fire. nyt 1953 SPARROW Slayer in a nursery rhyme. nyt 1953 SPARSE Few and far between. nyt 1953 SPARSE Few and far between. nyt 1953 SPARSE Scanty. nyt 1953 SPARSE Thin. nyt 1953 SPARSE Thinly settled. nyt 1953 SPARTA Ally of Athens at Thermopylae. nyt 1953 SPARTAN Undaunted. nyt 1953 SPAS Evian, St. Nectaire, etc. nyt 1953 SPAS Hot Springs and French Lick. nyt 1953 SPAS Salutary spots. nyt 1953 SPAS Saratoga and Aix les Bains. nyt 1953 SPAS Springs. nyt 1953 SPASM Sudden spell of energy. nyt 1953 SPAT Slight altercation. nyt 1953 SPAT Squabble. nyt 1953 SPAT Tiff. nyt 1953 SPAT Young oyster. nyt 1953 SPAT Young oyster. nyt 1953 SPATE Flood. nyt 1953 SPATES Flash floods. nyt 1953 SPATES Freshets. nyt 1953 SPATS Gaiters. nyt 1953 SPATS Squabbles. nyt 1953 SPATTED Struck lightly. nyt 1953 SPATULAS Artists' implements for spreading paint. nyt 1953 SPAVINS Lames a horse. nyt 1953 SPCA Humane society. nyt 1953 SPEAK Command to Fido. nyt 1953 SPEAKERS Martin and his predecessor, Rayburn. nyt 1953 SPEAKFOR Represent in court: 2 wds. nyt 1953 SPEAKS Expresses opinions. nyt 1953 SPEAR Assagai. nyt 1953 SPEAR Uhlan's weapon. nyt 1953 SPEARS Asparagus tips. nyt 1953 SPEARS Blades of grass. nyt 1953 SPEARS Pieces of asparagus. nyt 1953 SPEC Wall Street activity, for short. nyt 1953 SPECIAL A particularly favored thing. nyt 1953 SPECIE What the mint makes. nyt 1953 SPECIMENS Typical examples. nyt 1953 SPECIOUS Apparently right, but not really so. nyt 1953 SPECS Successor to the pince-nez: Colloq. nyt 1953 SPECTATORS People on the sidelines. nyt 1953 SPECTRE Ghostly figure. nyt 1953 SPED Expedited. nyt 1953 SPED Expedited. nyt 1953 SPED Hied. nyt 1953 SPED Hied. nyt 1953 SPED Hurried. nyt 1953 SPED Sent swiftly. nyt 1953 SPED Went swiftly. nyt 1953 SPEE German pocket battleship, sunk in 1939. nyt 1953 SPEE German rear admiral, World War I. nyt 1953 SPEE Graf ___, scuttled ship. nyt 1953 SPEE Ship named after German count. nyt 1953 SPEE Von ___, German naval commander. nyt 1953 SPEECH Stevenson's specialty. nyt 1953 SPEECHMAN Oldtime word for an orator. nyt 1953 SPEED A transmission gear. nyt 1953 SPEEDER Man with a ticket. nyt 1953 SPEEDER State trooper's catch. nyt 1953 SPEEDLIMIT Much discussed motoring problem. nyt 1953 SPEEDS First, second, third. nyt 1953 SPEEDS Goes like sixty."
- Chew up the scenery.” nyt 1953 EMOTE Overdo the drama. nyt 1953 EMOTE Portray with schmaltz. nyt 1953 EMOTE Put on a scene: Jocose. nyt 1953 EMOTERS Ham actors. nyt 1953 EMOTES Overacts. nyt 1953 EMOTING Type of acting in the above. nyt 1953 EMOTION Love or hate. nyt 1953 EMOTIONAL Easily stirred. nyt 1953 EMP Ruler: Abbr. nyt 1953 EMP Sovereign: Abbr. nyt 1953 EMP Sovereign: Abbr. nyt 1953 EMPERORHIROHITO Oriental V. I. P. nyt 1953 EMPIREDAY Festival in Great Britain, May 24. nyt 1953 EMPIRES Byzantine and Greek. nyt 1953 EMPIRES They rise and fall. nyt 1953 EMPIRES What Cyrus and Otho had. nyt 1953 EMPIRESTATE Legend on N. Y. license plates. nyt 1953 EMPORIA City in Kansas. nyt 1953 EMPRESS Elizabeth II. nyt 1953 EMPTY Describing the bleachers on a rainy day. nyt 1953 EMPTY Insincere. nyt 1953 EMS German river. nyt 1953 EMS Letters. nyt 1953 EMS Printers' measures. nyt 1953 EMS River flowing into North Sea. nyt 1953 EMU Australian sight. nyt 1953 EMU Avian part of Australia's coat of arms. nyt 1953 EMU Bird of the Antipodes. nyt 1953 EMU It has wings but can't fly. nyt 1953 EMU Large bird. nyt 1953 EMU Rhea's cousin. nyt 1953 EMULATE Vie with. nyt 1953 EMULATE Vie with. nyt 1953 EMUS Nonflying birds. nyt 1953 ENABLE Furnish with adequate means. nyt 1953 ENABLE Make possible. nyt 1953 ENABLE Make possible. nyt 1953 ENABLERS Facilitators. nyt 1953 ENABLES Makes possible. nyt 1953 ENACT Make into a statute. nyt 1953 ENACT Perform. nyt 1953 ENACT Play out. nyt 1953 ENACT Play. nyt 1953 ENACT Play. nyt 1953 ENACTED Legislated. nyt 1953 ENACTED Portrayed. nyt 1953 ENACTED Portrayed. nyt 1953 ENACTED Portrayed. nyt 1953 ENACTIVE Legislative. nyt 1953 ENACTOR Issuer of a decree. nyt 1953 ENACTOR Senator in action. nyt 1953 ENACTORS Lawmakers. nyt 1953 ENACTS Decrees. nyt 1953 ENACTS Makes into law. nyt 1953 ENACTS Passes laws. nyt 1953 ENACTS Performs. nyt 1953 ENAM Hindu land grant. nyt 1953 ENAMEL A kind of paint. nyt 1953 ENAMEL Gloss. nyt 1953 ENAMEL Part of a tooth. nyt 1953 ENAMELER Painter. nyt 1953 ENAMELS Nail polishes. nyt 1953 ENAMELS Paints. nyt 1953 ENAMOR Charm. nyt 1953 ENAMORED Charmed. nyt 1953 ENAMOUR Captivate: Var. nyt 1953 ENARE Finnish lake. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in Finland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in Finland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in Lapland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in Lapland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in northern Finland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lapland lake. nyt 1953 ENARM Embrace: Var. nyt 1953 ENARM Embrace: Var. nyt 1953 ENATE Growing out. nyt 1953 ENATE Growing out. nyt 1953 ENC Something in an envelope: Abbr. nyt 1953 ENCASE Cover, as a hook. nyt 1953 ENCE Noun suffix. nyt 1953 ENCE Noun suffix. nyt 1953 ENCE Noun suffix. nyt 1953 ENCHANT Bewitch. nyt 1953 ENCHANT Captivate. nyt 1953 ENCLAVE Enclose within alien territory. nyt 1953 ENCLAVE Tract enclosed within a foreign territory. nyt 1953 ENCLOSE Fence in. nyt 1953 ENCOMIA Expressions of high praise. nyt 1953 ENCOURAGE Hearten. nyt 1953 ENCOURAGES Cheers on. nyt 1953 ENCRE Ink: Fr. nyt 1953 ENCRE Ink: French. nyt 1953 ENCROACH Intrude on another's rights. nyt 1953 ENCROACHERS Trespassers. nyt 1953 ENCY Noun suffix. nyt 1953 END Journeys ___ in lovers meeting."
- Amo, ___, I loved a lass . . . ” nyt 1953 AMAS Amo, ___, amat. nyt 1953 AMAS Amo, ___, amat. nyt 1953 AMAS Amo, ___, amat. nyt 1953 AMASS Accumulate. nyt 1953 AMASS Gather. nyt 1953 AMASS Heap together. nyt 1953 AMASS Heap up. nyt 1953 AMASS Pile up. nyt 1953 AMASS Pile up. nyt 1953 AMASS Pile up. nyt 1953 AMASSES Accumulates. nyt 1953 AMASSES Gathers. nyt 1953 AMAT Amo, amas, ___. nyt 1953 AMAT Amo, amas, ___. nyt 1953 AMAT He loves: Lat. nyt 1953 AMAT He loves: Lat. nyt 1953 AMAT He loves: Latin. nyt 1953 AMAT He loves: Latin. nyt 1953 AMATES Timber trees of Cen. America. nyt 1953 AMATEUR Rating of Golden Gloves contestants. nyt 1953 AMATI A fine old violin. nyt 1953 AMATI Another virtuoso instrument. nyt 1953 AMATI Relative of a Strad. nyt 1953 AMATI Strad's relative. nyt 1953 AMATIS Violins. nyt 1953 AMATIVE Disposed to love. nyt 1953 AMAZE Dumfound. nyt 1953 AMAZE Kin of flabbergast. nyt 1953 AMB Bohlen's title: Abbr. nyt 1953 AMB Title for C. Douglas Dillon: Abbr. nyt 1953 AMB Title for John M. Allison: Abbr. nyt 1953 AMB Title for Miss Willis: Abbr. nyt 1953 AMB Winthrop Aldrich's title: Abbr. nyt 1953 AMBA Table-mountain formation in Africa. nyt 1953 AMBASSADOR Mr. Dillon, for instance. nyt 1953 AMBER 1664 heroine of 1944. nyt 1953 AMBER Fictional female. nyt 1953 AMBI Both: Comb. form. nyt 1953 AMBI Both: Comb. form. nyt 1953 AMBI Both: Comb. form. nyt 1953 AMBLE An easy pace. nyt 1953 AMBO Church lectern. nyt 1953 AMBOINA One of the Molucca Islands. nyt 1953 AMBOS Puplits in Eastern churches. nyt 1953 AMBOY Perth ___, New Jersey. nyt 1953 AMBROSE Channel across Sandy Hook bar. nyt 1953 AMBROSE Saint whose day is Dec. 7. nyt 1953 AMBS Aldrich, Allen, Allison, etc.: Abbr. nyt 1953 AMBUSHES Traps. nyt 1953 AME Soul: French. nyt 1953 AME Soul: French. nyt 1953 AME Soul: French. nyt 1953 AME Soul: French. nyt 1953 AME Soul: French. nyt 1953 AME Soul: French. nyt 1953 AME Soul: French. nyt 1953 AMECHE Don of Kenosha and Hollywood. nyt 1953 AMECHES Hollywood's Don and family. nyt 1953 AMEER Eastern prince. nyt 1953 AMEER Eastern title. nyt 1953 AMEERS Moslem leaders. nyt 1953 AMELIA Aviatrix Earhart. nyt 1953 AMELIA Fictional Miss Sedley. nyt 1953 AMELIA Thackeray heroine. nyt 1953 AMEN Pater Noster" ending.
- Snafu,” for instance. nyt 1953 SLANG Style of George Ade's fables. nyt 1953 SLANGY Describing bebop talk. nyt 1953 SLANT Mental tendency. nyt 1953 SLANT Point of view. nyt 1953 SLANTED Having a bias. nyt 1953 SLANTED Over one eye. nyt 1953 SLANTS Presents with bias. nyt 1953 SLAP Buffet. nyt 1953 SLAP Buffet. nyt 1953 SLAP Cause for a duel. nyt 1953 SLAP Injury to pride. nyt 1953 SLAP Rebuff. nyt 1953 SLAPSTICKCOMEDY Art of harlequins and Hollywood. nyt 1953 SLASHES Cuts. nyt 1953 SLASHES Cuts. nyt 1953 SLAT Board. nyt 1953 SLAT Flap, as clothes on the line. nyt 1953 SLAT Flat length of wood. nyt 1953 SLAT Part of a Venetian blind. nyt 1953 SLAT Strip of wood. nyt 1953 SLAT Thin strip of wood. nyt 1953 SLAT Thin strip of wood. nyt 1953 SLATE Blackboard. nyt 1953 SLATE List of candidates. nyt 1953 SLATE Political line-up. nyt 1953 SLATE Something to keep clean. nyt 1953 SLATE Something to write on. nyt 1953 SLATERS Roofers. nyt 1953 SLATES Schoolroom appurtenances. nyt 1953 SLATS Bed boards. nyt 1953 SLATS Flaps violently, as sails. nyt 1953 SLATTERN Frowsy female. nyt 1953 SLATY Colored a bluish gray. nyt 1953 SLATY Made of shale. nyt 1953 SLAV European. nyt 1953 SLAV Native of Belgrade. nyt 1953 SLAV Russian. nyt 1953 SLAV Serb or Croat. nyt 1953 SLAVE Booker T. Washington was one. nyt 1953 SLAVE Dred Scott was one. nyt 1953 SLAVE Dred Scott. nyt 1953 SLAVEANT Phenomenon of the insect world. nyt 1953 SLAVERS Ships of John Brown's time. nyt 1953 SLAVISH Ignoble. nyt 1953 SLAVS Bulgars, for example. nyt 1953 SLAVS Malenkov and Tito. nyt 1953 SLAVS Poles, Wends, etc. nyt 1953 SLAW Food for vegetarians. nyt 1953 SLAW Relative of sauerkraut. nyt 1953 SLAW Table d'hote item. nyt 1953 SLAY Affect powerfully: Slang. nyt 1953 SLAY Destroy. nyt 1953 SLAY Destroy. nyt 1953 SLAY Liquidate. nyt 1953 SLAYERS Assassins. nyt 1953 SLD Sealed: Abbr. nyt 1953 SLEAVE The ravel'd ___ of care."
- Like two peas in ___.” nyt 1953 APOD Footless animal. nyt 1953 APOD Footless creature. nyt 1953 APOD Having no feet. nyt 1953 APOGEE Point in orbit of celestial body farthest from earth. nyt 1953 APOLLO Artemis' twin. nyt 1953 APOLLO Relative of 62 Across. nyt 1953 APOODLE Dog or haircut: 2 wds. nyt 1953 APORT To the left side on a ship. nyt 1953 APOS Where GI's get mail. nyt 1953 APPAL Dismay. nyt 1953 APPAL Overcome with fear. nyt 1953 APPARATUS Gymnasium equipment, for instance. nyt 1953 APPEAR Be in a play. nyt 1953 APPEAR Be published. nyt 1953 APPEAR Be seen. nyt 1953 APPEAR Come before the public. nyt 1953 APPEARS Is in the cast. nyt 1953 APPEARS Is published. nyt 1953 APPEASE Accede to belligerent demands by a sacrifice of justice. nyt 1953 APPELS Stamps of the foot, in fencing. nyt 1953 APPLAUSE Sign at a radio broadcast. nyt 1953 APPLE Delicious. nyt 1953 APPLE Northern Spy. nyt 1953 APPLECART Vehicle upset by marplots. nyt 1953 APPLETREE Where to find Baldwins. nyt 1953 APPOINTEE One named to a political job. nyt 1953 APPOSE Put side by side. nyt 1953 APPRAISE Estimate worth. nyt 1953 APPRAISER Jewelry judge. nyt 1953 APPRENTICING Setting to work to learn from a master. nyt 1953 APPROXIMATE Nearly correct. nyt 1953 APPT Calendar notation: Abbr. nyt 1953 APPT Date: Abbr. nyt 1953 APR A month: Abbr. nyt 1953 APR Calendar abbreviation. nyt 1953 APRICATE Bask in sun. nyt 1953 APRIL It had Friday 13th in 1951. nyt 1953 APRIL Its symbol is a diamond. nyt 1953 APRIL Part of 9 Down. nyt 1953 APRIL Thirty days. nyt 1953 APRIL Time to visit 1 Across. nyt 1953 APRIL When Revere rode. nyt 1953 APRILFOOL A victim on a certain day. nyt 1953 APRILFOOL Remark after a practical joke. nyt 1953 APRILINE Like a time in spring. nyt 1953 APRILS Oh, to be in England now that ___ there."
- ___ an American” Day. nyt 1953 IAMB Metrical foot of two syllables. nyt 1953 IAMB Short-long foot in verse. nyt 1953 IAMBI Feet of two syllables. nyt 1953 IAMBS Metrical feet. nyt 1953 IAN Actor Hunter. nyt 1953 IAN Actor Hunter. nyt 1953 IAN Man's name. nyt 1953 IAN Mr. Hunter of Hollywood. nyt 1953 IAN Scotsman's name. nyt 1953 IAN The very British Mr. Fleming. nyt 1953 IASI City in Rumania. nyt 1953 IASI City in Rumania. nyt 1953 IASI Former capital of Moldavia: Rumanian sp. nyt 1953 IASI Rumanian city, also called Jassy. nyt 1953 IASI University city of Rumania. nyt 1953 IATRIC Pertaining to medicine. nyt 1953 IATRIC Relating to medicine. nyt 1953 IBA Mountain in Luzon. nyt 1953 IBA Philippine fruit tree. nyt 1953 IBANEZ President in Santiago. nyt 1953 IBAR Piece of metal of a certain shape. nyt 1953 IBAR Shaped piece of steel. nyt 1953 IBAR Type of steel rod. nyt 1953 IBARRA His capital is Quito. nyt 1953 IBERIA Ancient Spain. nyt 1953 IBERIA Goya's homeland. nyt 1953 IBEX Wild goat. nyt 1953 IBID Footnote abbreviation. nyt 1953 IBID In the same place: Lat. abbr. nyt 1953 IBIS Heron's cousin. nyt 1953 IBIS Nile wader. nyt 1953 IBIS Relative of the stork. nyt 1953 IBIS Sacred Nile wader. nyt 1953 IBIS Tropical cousin of the heron. nyt 1953 IBIS Wading bird. nyt 1953 IBN ___-Saud, ruler in Mecca. nyt 1953 IBNS Sons, in Arabia. nyt 1953 IBO Mozambique island. nyt 1953 IBO Nigerian. nyt 1953 IBSEN Creator of Hedwig Ekdal. nyt 1953 IBSEN Creator of Nora Helmer. nyt 1953 IBSEN Famous figure in drama. nyt 1953 IBSEN He wrote The Wild Duck."
- Dear ___.” nyt 1953 SIR Ambassador Makins' title. nyt 1953 SIR Birthday gift from the Queen. nyt 1953 SIR Churchill's gift from the queen. nyt 1953 SIR Churchill's new possession. nyt 1953 SIR Jockey Gordon Richards. nyt 1953 SIR Olivier's title. nyt 1953 SIR Title for Benegal Rau. nyt 1953 SIR Title of address. nyt 1953 SIR Title. nyt 1953 SIR What a knight is called. nyt 1953 SIR Winston Churchill, for instance. nyt 1953 SIR ___ Winston. nyt 1953 SIRDARS Egyptian army commanders. nyt 1953 SIRE King. nyt 1953 SIRE King. nyt 1953 SIRE Progenitor. nyt 1953 SIRED Fathered. nyt 1953 SIREN Lorelei Lee, for instance. nyt 1953 SIREN Mermaid. nyt 1953 SIREN Sea nymph. nyt 1953 SIRENES Fog signal devices. nyt 1953 SIRENS Sea nymphs, part bird and part woman. nyt 1953 SIRES Kings. nyt 1953 SIRFRANCISBACON He wrote philosophy in Latin. nyt 1953 SIRI Betel. nyt 1953 SIROCCOS Winds from the Libyan deserts. nyt 1953 SIRONIA Texas locale of the longest novel. nyt 1953 SIRRA Old term of address, not complimentary: Var. nyt 1953 SIRS Baronets' titles. nyt 1953 SIRS Churchill, Franks, etc. nyt 1953 SIRUP Product of Vermont. nyt 1953 SIRUP Something sweet. nyt 1953 SIS Little girl. nyt 1953 SIS Member of the family. nyt 1953 SIS Member of the family. nyt 1953 SISAL Export from Java. nyt 1953 SISAL Raw material for rope. nyt 1953 SISERA Jael's victim. nyt 1953 SISI Double agreement in Spain. nyt 1953 SISI Mexican's emphatic yes."
- Landlord of New York,” a century ago. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Ex-Marine in baseball. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Founder of Rhode Island. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Senator from Delaware. nyt 1953 WILLIE Maugham, to his friends. nyt 1953 WILMA Girl's name. nyt 1953 WILSON Lovett's successor. nyt 1953 WILY Foxy. nyt 1953 WILY Machiavellian. nyt 1953 WIN Prevail. nyt 1953 WINCE Shrink from. nyt 1953 WINDLASS Device for raising the old oaken bucket. nyt 1953 WINE Product of New York state. nyt 1953 WINED Feted. nyt 1953 WINES Riesling, Zinfandel, etc. nyt 1953 WINES Subject of oenology. nyt 1953 WINES Vouvray and Moselle. nyt 1953 WINES Xeres and Riesling. nyt 1953 WING Army Air Force unit, 2,305 members. nyt 1953 WING Section of a building. nyt 1953 WINONA Girl's name, after Hiawatha's mother. nyt 1953 WINS Acquires. nyt 1953 WINSLOW Arizona town, U. S. 66, near Painted Desert. nyt 1953 WINSOME Engaging. nyt 1953 WINTERSET Drama by Maxwell Anderson. nyt 1953 WINTHROP Ambassador Aldrich. nyt 1953 WIPE Dry off. nyt 1953 WIPER Dish towel. nyt 1953 WIRE Fence material. nyt 1953 WIRED Telegraphed. nyt 1953 WIREHAIR Rough-coated fox terrier. nyt 1953 WIRETAP Secret phone line. nyt 1953 WIRY Not husky, but strong. nyt 1953 WISE American rabbi and author. nyt 1953 WISE Judicious. nyt 1953 WISES Makes hep. nyt 1953 WISH Fairy godmother's gift. nyt 1953 WISH Gift of a fairy godmother. nyt 1953 WISHYOUWEREHERE Having Wonderful Time," to music.
- ___ Plenty of Nuttin'.” nyt 1953 III Three. nyt 1953 IKE Byword in Washington. nyt 1953 IKE D. D. E. nyt 1953 IKE D.D.E. nyt 1953 IKE Famous golfer. nyt 1953 IKE Famous nickname. nyt 1953 IKE Famous nickname. nyt 1953 IKE Name in the news. nyt 1953 IKE Painter of Bobby Jones' portrait. nyt 1953 IKE Popular nickname. nyt 1953 IKE Washington byword. nyt 1953 IKON Object of worship in the Orthodox Church. nyt 1953 IKON Religious image: Var. nyt 1953 IKONS Sacred figures of the Greek Church. nyt 1953 ILA Stevedores' union. nyt 1953 ILA Union in the headlines. nyt 1953 ILE Adjective suffix. nyt 1953 ILE Island: Fr. nyt 1953 ILE Isle: Fr. nyt 1953 ILE Martinique, par exemple. nyt 1953 ILE ___ d'Yeu, Petain's prison. nyt 1953 ILE ___ d'Yeu, place of Petain's imprisonment. nyt 1953 ILE ___ de France. nyt 1953 ILE ___ de France. nyt 1953 ILE ___ de France. nyt 1953 ILE ___ de France. nyt 1953 ILE ___ de France. nyt 1953 ILE ___ de France. nyt 1953 ILE ___ de France. nyt 1953 ILE ___ de la Cité. nyt 1953 ILE ___ du Diable. nyt 1953 ILE ___ du Diable. nyt 1953 ILEDE ___ France. nyt 1953 ILES Author of Before the Fact."
- Seated one day at the ___ . . . ” nyt 1953 ORGAN Albert Schweitzer's musical instrument. nyt 1953 ORGAN Harmonium. nyt 1953 ORGAN Lost chord's hideout. nyt 1953 ORGAN Relative of a harmonium. nyt 1953 ORGAN What 25 across composed for. nyt 1953 ORGANDY Material for a summer frock. nyt 1953 ORGANER Player of church music. nyt 1953 ORGANIC Relating to a living thing. nyt 1953 ORGANIST César Franck was one nyt 1953 ORGANIST What César Franck was. nyt 1953 ORGANIZERS Party leaders. nyt 1953 ORGANON Method for acquisition of knowledge. nyt 1953 ORGANS Pipe ___. nyt 1953 ORGEAT Barley water beverage. nyt 1953 ORGY Wild time. nyt 1953 ORI Boundary: Comb. form. nyt 1953 ORI Boundary: Comb. form. nyt 1953 ORIEL Bay window. nyt 1953 ORIEL Bay window. nyt 1953 ORIEL Large bay window. nyt 1953 ORIENT All the East. nyt 1953 ORIENT Lustrous pearl. nyt 1953 ORIENT Of which Hong Kong is part. nyt 1953 ORIENT Part of the world. nyt 1953 ORIENT Scene of conflict. nyt 1953 ORIENT Tibet, Nepal, Burma, etc. nyt 1953 ORIENT Where Stevenson traveled. nyt 1953 ORIENT Where the Three Kings came from. nyt 1953 ORIENTAL Eastern. nyt 1953 ORIENTAL Kirman rug. nyt 1953 ORIENTS Points toward the East. nyt 1953 ORIENTS Teaches a new G.I. nyt 1953 ORIFICE Aperture. nyt 1953 ORIN Character in Mourning Becomes Electra."
- The ___ Falcon.” nyt 1953 MALTESE Natives of Valletta. nyt 1953 MALTS Produces germinated grain. nyt 1953 MAMA Member of the family. nyt 1953 MAMA Old TV show, Friday night. nyt 1953 MAMA Peggy Wood's role. nyt 1953 MAMA Peggy Wood's role. nyt 1953 MAMA Popular TV role. nyt 1953 MAMAS Parents. nyt 1953 MAMBA Snake. nyt 1953 MAMELUKE Oldtime Egyptian soldier. nyt 1953 MAMIE Her middle name is Geneva. nyt 1953 MAMIE Latest style-setter in coiffures. nyt 1953 MAMIE One of the ten best-dressed women. nyt 1953 MAMIEANDPAT They shared the spotlight with 40 Down. nyt 1953 MAMIEEISENHOWER Her biography will be published this year. nyt 1953 MAMIEEISENHOWER Wife of a well-known golfer. nyt 1953 MAMMA Child's favorite word. nyt 1953 MAN A sturdy individual. nyt 1953 MAN Isle of the Manxmen. nyt 1953 MAN One of the British Isles. nyt 1953 MAN Person. nyt 1953 MANACLED Put in irons. nyt 1953 MANAGER Executive. nyt 1953 MANAGES Runs. nyt 1953 MANAGES Succeeds in accomplishing a task. nyt 1953 MANANA Tomorrow, in Spain. nyt 1953 MANANA Tomorrow: Span. nyt 1953 MANANA When procrastinators work. nyt 1953 MANCHESTER Golfers' mecca in Vermont. nyt 1953 MANDALAY Destination for a baritone. nyt 1953 MANDALAY One of the Barrack-Room Ballads."
- ___ Fan Tutte” (Thus Do They All). nyt 1953 COSIES Covers for teapots. nyt 1953 COSIMA Richard Wagner's wife. nyt 1953 COSMO World: Comb. form. nyt 1953 COSMOS Flower that sounds universal. nyt 1953 COST Accountant's figure. nyt 1953 COST Business category. nyt 1953 COST Outlay. nyt 1953 COST Whatever is requisite to secure benefit. nyt 1953 COSTA Part of the name of a Central American republic. nyt 1953 COSTA Rib: Anat. nyt 1953 COSTA ___ Rica. nyt 1953 COSTAE Ribs: Anat. nyt 1953 COSTARRED Acted as chief performers. nyt 1953 COSTER Pushcart peddler in London. nyt 1953 COSTS Fees. nyt 1953 COSTS Problems for 84 Across. nyt 1953 COSY Quilted teapot cover: Var. nyt 1953 COT Camper's couch. nyt 1953 COT Extra bed. nyt 1953 COT Sheath for a hurt finger. nyt 1953 COT Simple bed. nyt 1953 COT Small bed. nyt 1953 COT Spare bed. nyt 1953 COTE Bird's home. nyt 1953 COTE Sheep shelter. nyt 1953 COTERIES Literary circles. nyt 1953 COTILLIONS Dances at debutante balls. nyt 1953 COTS Dormitory furnishings. nyt 1953 COTTA Choir robe. nyt 1953 COTTONS Takes a liking to (with to”).
- No” man. nyt 1953 NEGATOR One who denies. nyt 1953 NEGEB Israel's desert. nyt 1953 NEGEB Semi-desert region of Israel. nyt 1953 NEGLECT Leave undone. nyt 1953 NEGOTIATING Parleying. nyt 1953 NEGRI Star of early movies. nyt 1953 NEGRI Star of the silent screen. nyt 1953 NEGRO 1,400-mi. river into the Amazon. nyt 1953 NEGRO 630-mile river in Argentina. nyt 1953 NEH Book of the Old Testament: Abbr. nyt 1953 NEHRU Asiatic V. I. P. nyt 1953 NEIGH Stable talk. nyt 1953 NEIL Actor Hamilton. nyt 1953 NEIL Man' name. nyt 1953 NEIL Man's name. nyt 1953 NEIL Man's name. nyt 1953 NEIL Man's name. nyt 1953 NEIN Definitely not, in Berlin. nyt 1953 NEIN No: German. nyt 1953 NEIN No: German. nyt 1953 NEITHER Conjunction. nyt 1953 NELL Dickens character. nyt 1953 NELL Friend of Kit Nubbles. nyt 1953 NELL Kit Nubbles' friend. nyt 1953 NELLA Girl's nickname. nyt 1953 NELLIE Guest at Aunt Dinah's quilting party. nyt 1953 NELLIE Miss Forbush of Little Rock. nyt 1953 NELS Role in Mama."
- ___ and Beyond.” nyt 1953 ABOVE Kind of board. nyt 1953 ABRA Mouth of a canyon. nyt 1953 ABRA Narrow pass, in Southwest. nyt 1953 ABRA Part of a mystic incantation. nyt 1953 ABRA ___-cadabra. nyt 1953 ABRADES Rubs off. nyt 1953 ABRAHAM Ishmael's father. nyt 1953 ABRAHAM Part of a Carl Sandburg title. nyt 1953 ABRI Dugout or shelter: French. nyt 1953 ABRI Dugout: French. nyt 1953 ABRI Shelter, in France. nyt 1953 ABRI Shelter: Fr. nyt 1953 ABRI Shelter: French. nyt 1953 ABSENT Away. nyt 1953 ABSENTEE Type of striker. nyt 1953 ABSENTS Stays away. nyt 1953 ABSENTS Withdraws (oneself). nyt 1953 ABSOLVE Exonerate. nyt 1953 ABSORB Swallow up. nyt 1953 ABSORBS Engrosses. nyt 1953 ABT German composer. nyt 1953 ABU Arabic name. nyt 1953 ABU Oriental name. nyt 1953 ABUG As snug as ___ in a rug."
- ___ vigilance is the price of liberty.” nyt 1953 ETERNAL Kind of city Rome is. nyt 1953 ETERNAL ___ flame at Gettysburg. nyt 1953 ETERNE Forever: Poet. nyt 1953 ETES French summers. nyt 1953 ETES Nous sommes, vous ___. nyt 1953 ETES Nous sommes, vous ___. nyt 1953 ETES Nous sommes, vous ___. nyt 1953 ETES Nous sommes, vous ___. nyt 1953 ETES Summers in France. nyt 1953 ETES Summers: Fr. nyt 1953 ETESIAN Recurring annually, as winds. nyt 1953 ETH Biblical verb ending. nyt 1953 ETH Biblical word ending. nyt 1953 ETH Country in NE Africa: Abbr. nyt 1953 ETH Suffix for ordinal numbers. nyt 1953 ETH Suffix of cardinal numbers. nyt 1953 ETH Suffix of ordinal numbers. nyt 1953 ETH Suffix of ordinal numerals. nyt 1953 ETHAN Edith Wharton character. nyt 1953 ETHANE Gaseous hydrocarbon. nyt 1953 ETHEL Actress Waters. nyt 1953 ETHEL Famous first name in the theatre. nyt 1953 ETHEL Girl's name. nyt 1953 ETHEL Mrs. Mertz of I Love Lucy."
- Brother, can you spare ___ . . . ” nyt 1953 ADIOS Goodbye, muchachos. nyt 1953 ADIPOSE Fatty. nyt 1953 ADIPOSE Fatty. nyt 1953 ADIRONDACK Range of the Appalachians. nyt 1953 ADIT Access. nyt 1953 ADIT Approach. nyt 1953 ADIT Colliery tunnel. nyt 1953 ADIT Entrance. nyt 1953 ADIT Mine tunnel. nyt 1953 ADIT Tunnel. nyt 1953 ADIT Way into a mine. nyt 1953 ADJT Staff officer: Abbr. nyt 1953 ADJURE Entreat solemnly. nyt 1953 ADLAI Biblical man's name. nyt 1953 ADLAIESTEVENSON Traveler to the Far East. nyt 1953 ADLIBBED Talked à la Henry Morgan. nyt 1953 ADMAN Writer of billboard prose. nyt 1953 ADMIRE Honor. nyt 1953 ADMISSIVE Tending to concede. nyt 1953 ADMIT Let in. nyt 1953 ADMITTED Acknowledged. nyt 1953 ADMS Fechteler and Carney: Abbr. nyt 1953 ADMS Radford and Duncan: Abbr. nyt 1953 ADO Much ___."
- Arma virumque ___.” nyt 1953 CANO I sing: Latin. nyt 1953 CANOE Dugout. nyt 1953 CANOE Sponson ___. nyt 1953 CANOE Symbol of vacation ease. nyt 1953 CANOES Dugouts or outriggers. nyt 1953 CANON Axiomatic law. nyt 1953 CANON Rule or decree. nyt 1953 CANONS Ecclesiastical decrees. nyt 1953 CANOVA Judy from Jacksonville. nyt 1953 CANOVA Judy of the movies. nyt 1953 CANS Containers. nyt 1953 CANS Food containers. nyt 1953 CANS Items on a pantry shelf. nyt 1953 CANS What reels come in. nyt 1953 CANT Hollow talk. nyt 1953 CANT Hypocritical talk. nyt 1953 CANT Secret jargon of thieves. nyt 1953 CANTAB Oxonian's rival. nyt 1953 CANTAR About 125 pounds in Turkey. nyt 1953 CANTATA Form often used by Bach. nyt 1953 CANTATA Form used by Bach. nyt 1953 CANTERBURYBELLS Scotland's blue flowers. nyt 1953 CANTLES Rear parts of saddles. nyt 1953 CANTO Chapter" of a poem.
- Excelsior,” for instance. nyt 1953 MOTTO Item for a sampler. nyt 1953 MOUE Pout: French. nyt 1953 MOULAGE Plaster cast of a footprint, tire track, etc., used in criminology. nyt 1953 MOULIN Mill: French. nyt 1953 MOULTED Shed skin or feathers. nyt 1953 MOUNTAIN Potential visitor to Mahomet. nyt 1953 MOUNTAINCLIMBER Switzerland's Raymond Lambert, for instance. nyt 1953 MOUNTS Roundup necessity, too. nyt 1953 MOURN Lament. nyt 1953 MOUSE Mickey. nyt 1953 MOUSSE Dessert for a banquet. nyt 1953 MOUSSELINE French fabric. nyt 1953 MOUSY Drab and colorless. nyt 1953 MOVEOVER Make room. nyt 1953 MOVER Man with a van. nyt 1953 MOW Part of a barn. nyt 1953 MOW Verb for Sunday gardeners. nyt 1953 MOWER Cutting machine. nyt 1953 MOWS Lofts for hay. nyt 1953 MOWS Where hay is stored. nyt 1953 MRMORRIS The Extraordinary ___."—Howard Swiggett's recent biography.
- Come Back, Little ___.” nyt 1953 SHEBA Ancient country in Arabia. nyt 1953 SHED Diffuse and impart. nyt 1953 SHED Tool house. nyt 1953 SHEDTEARS Emulated Niobe. nyt 1953 SHEEN TV headliner. nyt 1953 SHEEN TV's prelate. nyt 1953 SHEENS Lusters. nyt 1953 SHEEP Karakul. nyt 1953 SHEEP Nursery strays. nyt 1953 SHEER 66 gauge, 12 denier, in nylons. nyt 1953 SHEER Diaphanous. nyt 1953 SHEER Dropping suddenly down. nyt 1953 SHEER Unmixed. nyt 1953 SHEIK Subject of Edith M. Hull's best seller. nyt 1953 SHELF Part of a cupboard. nyt 1953 SHELL Item in a confidence game. nyt 1953 SHELL Type of light shoe, like a pump. nyt 1953 SHELLACS Defeats decisively: Slang. nyt 1953 SHELLED Handed over (with out"): Colloq.
- Friend” of a frosh. nyt 1953 SOPH College student: Colloq. nyt 1953 SOPHIE Girl's name. nyt 1953 SOPHIST Person using adroit but fallacious reasoning. nyt 1953 SOPHS Last year's freshmen. nyt 1953 SOPOR Lethargic sleep. nyt 1953 SOPOROSE Descriptive of Rip Van Winkle. nyt 1953 SOPPED Made soggy. nyt 1953 SOPPER Doughnut dunker. nyt 1953 SOPS Dunks. nyt 1953 SOPS Things given in reward or appeasement. nyt 1953 SORA Rice rail. nyt 1953 SORA Short-billed rail. nyt 1953 SORA Short-billed rail. nyt 1953 SORA Small rail. nyt 1953 SORB Fruit of the service tree. nyt 1953 SORBETS Ices, on a French menu. nyt 1953 SORCERER A dealer in magic and spells."
- Memory ___.” nyt 1953 LANE Fixed route. nyt 1953 LANE Maiden ___. nyt 1953 LANE Ship route. nyt 1953 LANE Ship's course. nyt 1953 LANE Ship's course. nyt 1953 LANE Where the little boy lives. nyt 1953 LANED Describing a highway. nyt 1953 LANES Air routes. nyt 1953 LANES Country ways. nyt 1953 LANES Highway sections. nyt 1953 LANES Narrow ways. nyt 1953 LANES Routes. nyt 1953 LANES Sprinters' paths. nyt 1953 LANES Strips of roadway. nyt 1953 LANG Andrew of the fairy tale books. nyt 1953 LANGLIE Governor at Olympia. nyt 1953 LANGTRY Noted English actress, the Jersey Lily.”
- The merry friar.” nyt 1953 TUCK Robin Hood's jovial Friar. nyt 1953 TUCK Sherwood friar. nyt 1953 TUCSON Second largest city in Arizona. nyt 1953 TUDEH Iran's Communist party. nyt 1953 TUE Day of the week: Abbr. nyt 1953 TUE Ironing day: Abbr. nyt 1953 TUES A day: Abbr. nyt 1953 TUES Day of the week: Abbr. nyt 1953 TUG Harbor boat. nyt 1953 TULANE It has 5,754 students. nyt 1953 TULANEGREENWAVE Team from New Orleans. nyt 1953 TULE Bulrush. nyt 1953 TULES Bulrushes. nyt 1953 TULES Bulrushes. nyt 1953 TULES Bulrushes. nyt 1953 TULIP The Black ___," by Dumas.
- Arabian Nights” character. nyt 1953 ALI Arabian boy. nyt 1953 ALI Baba or Pasha. nyt 1953 ALI Eastern name. nyt 1953 ALI Islamic name. nyt 1953 ALI Oriental name. nyt 1953 ALI Oriental name. nyt 1953 ALI Oriental name. nyt 1953 ALI Oriental name. nyt 1953 ALI Scheherazade hero. nyt 1953 ALI Woodcutter hero. nyt 1953 ALI ___ Baba. nyt 1953 ALIA Inter ___ (among other things). nyt 1953 ALIA Inter ___ (among other things): Latin. nyt 1953 ALIA Inter ___ (among others): Latin. nyt 1953 ALIAS Information on a rogues' gallery card. nyt 1953 ALIAS Underworld monicker."
- Do ___ others . . . ” nyt 1953 UNTO Golden Rule preposition. nyt 1953 UNTO Poetic preposition. nyt 1953 UNTO Word of the Golden Rule. nyt 1953 UNTROD Not walked on. nyt 1953 UNUM Unesco medium of exchange. nyt 1953 UNUM Word on United States coins. nyt 1953 UNWED Single. nyt 1953 UOFGEORGIA Home of the Bulldogs."
- The ___ Corbies”—old Scottish ballad. nyt 1953 TWA A number in Scotland. nyt 1953 TWA A pair in Scotland. nyt 1953 TWA Two: Dial. nyt 1953 TWANG Sound of a banjo. nyt 1953 TWANG Sound of a bowstring. nyt 1953 TWEED 19th century swindler. nyt 1953 TWEEDLE Cajole. nyt 1953 TWEEDLEDEE Contrariwise" character.
- The antler'd monarch of the waste.” nyt 1953 STAG Bachelor party. nyt 1953 STAG Benedict's last fling. nyt 1953 STAG Hunter's prize. nyt 1953 STAG Hunter's quarry. nyt 1953 STAG Non-distaff party. nyt 1953 STAG Smoker. nyt 1953 STAGE The boards."
- ___ my sweetheart . . . ” nyt 1953 SHES Boats, vehicles, planets, etc. nyt 1953 SHES Copies of Rider Haggard's novel. nyt 1953 SHES Females. nyt 1953 SHES Feminine pronouns. nyt 1953 SHES Ladies and ships. nyt 1953 SHES Pronouns. nyt 1953 SHES The beginning of Little Annie Rooney.”
- But yet the pity of it, ___!” nyt 1953 IAGO Cause of Desdemona's woes. nyt 1953 IAGO Desdemona's detractor. nyt 1953 IAGO Desdemona's slanderer. nyt 1953 IAGO Role in a Verdi opera. nyt 1953 IAGO Symbol of false friendship. nyt 1953 IAGOS False friends. nyt 1953 IAINT ___ got nobody . . . "
- Mighty ___ a Rose.” nyt 1953 LAKE Louise or George. nyt 1953 LAKE Superior, for instance. nyt 1953 LAKEGEORGE N. Y. State resort region. nyt 1953 LAKEGEORGE New York resort area. nyt 1953 LAKER Vessel plying between Duluth and Port Arthur. nyt 1953 LAKES Chad, Louise, Van. nyt 1953 LAKESIDE By the shores of Gitche Gumee."
- Oh, what a girl!” nyt 1953 SUSIE Girl's nickname. nyt 1953 SUSPENSION Category of the Golden Gate Bridge. nyt 1953 SUSTAIN Corroborate. nyt 1953 SUSTAINER Unsponsored radio program. nyt 1953 SUSY Girl's name. nyt 1953 SUTTERS ___ Gold."
- ___ the last rose of summer . . . ” nyt 1953 TIS Poetic contraction. nyt 1953 TIS Poetic verbal contraction. nyt 1953 TIS Verbal contraction. nyt 1953 TISH A Mary Roberts Rinehart heroine. nyt 1953 TISH Mary Roberts Rinehart character. nyt 1953 TISKET A ___, a tasket . . . "
- How are you?” for instance. nyt 1953 IDIOM Vernacular turn. nyt 1953 IDIOT Booby. nyt 1953 IDIOT Dostoevski's Prince Myshkin. nyt 1953 IDIOT Dunderhead. nyt 1953 IDIOT One lacking common sense. nyt 1953 IDIOT One of Dostoevsky's books (with The").
- And they were ___ afraid.” nyt 1953 SORE Offended: Colloq. nyt 1953 SORE Peevish. nyt 1953 SORE Touchy. nyt 1953 SOREE Rail bird: Var. nyt 1953 SOREL Cecile of the Comédie Française. nyt 1953 SOREL Hero of Stendhal's The Red and the Black."
- Hurry up” ___, at Michigan. nyt 1953 YOST Famous football coach. nyt 1953 YOST Famous name in football. nyt 1953 YOST Well-known name in football. nyt 1953 YOU Person addressed. nyt 1953 YOU Twelfth word of Kipling's The Vampire.”
- As you ___.” nyt 1953 WERE Auxiliary verb. nyt 1953 WERE Common verb. nyt 1953 WES Kansas miler Santee. nyt 1953 WESER Bremen's river. nyt 1953 WESSEL Horst ___,” Nazi song.
- Gone” at the auction. nyt 1953 SOLD Auctioneer's windup. nyt 1953 SOLD Betrayed. nyt 1953 SOLD Sign seen on property. nyt 1953 SOLDER Alloy used to join surfaces. nyt 1953 SOLE O ___ mio."
- The Trial of Mary ___.” nyt 1953 DUKE University at Durham, N. C. nyt 1953 DUKE University of the Blue Devils. nyt 1953 DUKES Elongated basketball star. nyt 1953 DULCE Sweet preparation. nyt 1953 DULLES Author of War or Peace."
- For Pete's ___.” nyt 1953 SAKE Beverage made from rice. nyt 1953 SAKE For goodness' ___. nyt 1953 SAKE Rice beer of Japan. nyt 1953 SAKES ___ alive!"
- The dawn's early light.” nyt 1953 DAYLIGHT Part of DST. nyt 1953 DAYMAN Worker on an evening paper. nyt 1953 DAYS Ancient of ___."
- I didn't know you ___.” nyt 1953 CAREEN Cause to heel over. nyt 1953 CARELESS Slapdash. nyt 1953 CARES They infest the day."
- Gorgeous Gussie,” of tennis. nyt 1953 MORAN Gussie of the courts. nyt 1953 MORAY Savage eel. nyt 1953 MORE He wrote Utopia."