Crossword clues for United offering 10 letters:
- Hop ___! nyt 1970 TOIT Roof: Fr. nyt 1970 TOJO Japanese general nyt 1970 TOKAY Dessert wine nyt 1970 TOKAY Grape nyt 1970 TOKEN Subway fare nyt 1970 TOKYO 1964 Olympic site nyt 1970 TOKYOROSE W. W. II propagandist nyt 1970 TOLA Indian weight nyt 1970 TOLD Related nyt 1970 TOLD Spilled the beans nyt 1970 TOLDALIE Fibbed nyt 1970 TOLE Enameled metalware nyt 1970 TOLEDO Great Lakes port nyt 1970 TOLEDOANS Certain Ohioans nyt 1970 TOLEDOOHIO City on the Maumee nyt 1970 TOLERANCE Leeway nyt 1970 TOLERANT Forbearing nyt 1970 TOLERANT Forbearing nyt 1970 TOLERATES Bears nyt 1970 TOLET Realty sign nyt 1970 TOLET Sign in a window nyt 1970 TOLL Fee nyt 1970 TOLLER German dramatist nyt 1970 TOLLS Turnpike fees nyt 1970 TOM Half a drum nyt 1970 TOM Male animal nyt 1970 TOM ___ Swifties nyt 1970 TOMANDJERRY Bar offering nyt 1970 TOMATO Salad item nyt 1970 TOMB Grant's ___ nyt 1970 TOMBOY Hoyden nyt 1970 TOMCOD Atlantic fish nyt 1970 TOME Library volume nyt 1970 TOME Volume nyt 1970 TOMES Library contents nyt 1970 TOMES Library items nyt 1970 TOMORROW Procrastinator's time nyt 1970 TOMS Turkeys nyt 1970 TOMTOM Drum nyt 1970 TON Cargo unit nyt 1970 TON Large amount nyt 1970 TON Weight nyt 1970 TON Weight nyt 1970 TONAL Musical term nyt 1970 TONAL Not dissonant nyt 1970 TONAL Of melody nyt 1970 TONAL Of musical keys nyt 1970 TONAL Of sound nyt 1970 TONALITY Arrangement of color values nyt 1970 TONE A flat, for one nyt 1970 TONE Bodily vigor nyt 1970 TONE Elegance nyt 1970 TONE Franchot nyt 1970 TONE Hue nyt 1970 TONE Pitch nyt 1970 TONED Harmonized nyt 1970 TONEDEAF Unable to sense pitch nyt 1970 TONES Musical sounds nyt 1970 TONES Painting effects nyt 1970 TONG African fish nyt 1970 TONG Chinese group nyt 1970 TONG Chinese society nyt 1970 TONG Secret society nyt 1970 TONGA Friendly Islands nyt 1970 TONGS Ice-bucket item nyt 1970 TONGS Lifting implements nyt 1970 TONI Girl's name nyt 1970 TONI Girl's nickname nyt 1970 TONIC Gin's friend nyt 1970 TONIER More classy nyt 1970 TONNAGE Shipping measure nyt 1970 TONNE French weight nyt 1970 TONO ___ avail nyt 1970 TONO ___ avail nyt 1970 TONOF Like a ___ bricks nyt 1970 TONS Vessel displacement units nyt 1970 TONY Oscar's cousin nyt 1970 TONY Stage award nyt 1970 TONY Theater award nyt 1970 TONY Theatrical award nyt 1970 TOO As well nyt 1970 TOODLEOO So long! nyt 1970 TOOHARD Like some nuts nyt 1970 TOOHOTTOHOOT Why owls shun the tropics nyt 1970 TOOK Captured nyt 1970 TOOK Chose nyt 1970 TOOK Seized nyt 1970 TOOKFRIGHT Froze nyt 1970 TOOKINTO ___ account (considered) nyt 1970 TOOKPLACE Occurred nyt 1970 TOOL Implement nyt 1970 TOOLS Hammers and saws nyt 1970 TOON E. Indian tree nyt 1970 TOONERVILLE Trolley center of note nyt 1970 TOOT Binge nyt 1970 TOOT Crossing sound nyt 1970 TOOTH Nail's partner nyt 1970 TOOTOO Extreme nyt 1970 TOOTS Crossing sounds nyt 1970 TOP Do better than nyt 1970 TOP Summit nyt 1970 TOP Word with brass or banana nyt 1970 TOPAZ Gem nyt 1970 TOPDRAWERS Box office stars nyt 1970 TOPE TV mouse nyt 1970 TOPED Drank nyt 1970 TOPEE Pith helmet nyt 1970 TOPEKA Between Atchison and Santa Fe nyt 1970 TOPER Sot nyt 1970 TOPES Guzzles nyt 1970 TOPES Overdrinks nyt 1970 TOPGALLANT Clipper feature nyt 1970 TOPIC Theme nyt 1970 TOPKNOT Hair ribbon nyt 1970 TOPMOVIES Certain Oscar winners nyt 1970 TOPO ___ the morning"
- ___ to Psyche.”—Keats. nyt 1948 ODEON Theatre. nyt 1948 ODER Breslau's river. nyt 1948 ODIN Brother of Vili and Ve. nyt 1948 ODINIC Of a Norse god. nyt 1948 ODIST Lyric poet. nyt 1948 ODOR Bouquet. nyt 1948 ODOR Repute. nyt 1948 ODOR Scent. nyt 1948 ODOROUS Redolent. nyt 1948 ODS Supposed forces in hypnotism. nyt 1948 ODWYER Empire City's first citizen. nyt 1948 ODWYER Father Knickerbocker's first citizen. nyt 1948 ODYSSEY Homer's epic. nyt 1948 ODYSSEY Long wandering. nyt 1948 OECIST Colonizer. nyt 1948 OED Famous dictionary: Abbr. nyt 1948 OENEUS King whose son slew the Calydonian boar. nyt 1948 OENIN Pigment in blue grape. nyt 1948 OERSTED Danish physicist, discoverer of electromagnetism (1777–1851). nyt 1948 OES Letters of the alphabet. nyt 1948 OFFERER Tenderer. nyt 1948 OFFERS Bids. nyt 1948 OFFICIO Ex ___. nyt 1948 OGEE Pointed arch. nyt 1948 OGEE S-like molding. nyt 1948 OGEES Moldings with sigmoid profiles. nyt 1948 OGI Geisha's fan. nyt 1948 OGILVIE Director General of BBC from 1938 to 1942. nyt 1948 OGIVES Arches. nyt 1948 OGLE Examine. nyt 1948 OGLE Scrutinize offensively. nyt 1948 OHARA Scarlett ___. nyt 1948 OHIO Valley sowed by Johnny Appleseed. nyt 1948 OHM Unit of electrical resistance. nyt 1948 OHMMETERS Indicators showing electrical resistance. nyt 1948 OHO Exclamation. nyt 1948 OILCUP Lubricator on a motor. nyt 1948 OILED Unctuously appeased. nyt 1948 OILS Artist's colors. nyt 1948 OILS Lubricates. nyt 1948 OILS Paintings. nyt 1948 OILS Paints. nyt 1948 OILS Unctious liquids. nyt 1948 OILY Oleaginous. nyt 1948 OISE River in north France. nyt 1948 OJEDA Spanish adventurer with Columbus (1465–1515). nyt 1948 OKAPI Giraffe-like animal. nyt 1948 OKAPI Peculiar mammal discovered in 1900. nyt 1948 OKAPIS Cousins to the giraffe. nyt 1948 OKAY All correct: Humorous spelling. nyt 1948 OKAY All right. nyt 1948 OKRAS Gumbos. nyt 1948 OLA Norse name. nyt 1948 OLAF Norway's national hero. nyt 1948 OLAND Originator of Charlie Chan.”
- _____ Master's Voice (91-Across slogan) wsj 1998 HIS Towel inscription wsj 1998 HISSERS Upset audience members wsj 1998 HIT Web site usage unit wsj 1998 HIT Web traffic unit wsj 1998 HITME Request to the dealer wsj 1998 HOAGIE Sub wsj 1998 HOBBY Spelunking, for one wsj 1998 HOBO Tramp wsj 1998 HODS Mortar troughs wsj 1998 HOERS Weed whackers wsj 1998 HOGTIES Hampers wsj 1998 HOKUM Claptrap wsj 1998 HOLDSTO Doesn't abandon wsj 1998 HOLE Donut feature wsj 1998 HOLE Pocket problem wsj 1998 HOLIST New Age practitioner wsj 1998 HOLLYBUSH Buddy and George's Christmas supplies? wsj 1998 HOLM Actor Ian wsj 1998 HOLY Fit for sainthood wsj 1998 HOMO _____ sapiens wsj 1998 HON Sweetie wsj 1998 HONDA Accord maker wsj 1998 HONDA Prelude producer wsj 1998 HONE Give an edge to wsj 1998 HONOR Accept for payment wsj 1998 HONORE Artist Daumier wsj 1998 HONORS Academic recognition wsj 1998 HOOD Nottingham nemesis wsj 1998 HOOPS See 58-Across wsj 1998 HOPED Crossed one's fingers wsj 1998 HORDE Swarm wsj 1998 HOREB Biblical mountain wsj 1998 HORSE Part of Ferrari's logo wsj 1998 HOSNI Anwar's successor wsj 1998 HOSTELTAKEOVER Alpine tourist invasion? wsj 1998 HOSTS Party leaders wsj 1998 HOTAIR Blather wsj 1998 HOTSEATS Stressful spots wsj 1998 HOUND Devotee wsj 1998 HOURIS Alluring women wsj 1998 HOUSTON Compaq's headquarters wsj 1998 HOWCOMEITSAPENNY START OF THE QUIP wsj 1998 HOWDOILIVE ... and LeAnn Rimes sang ... wsj 1998 HOWTO Nonfiction category wsj 1998 HTS Abbr. in some city names wsj 1998 HTS Abbr. in some place names wsj 1998 HUAC Grp. that accused Hiss wsj 1998 HUAC Onetime anticommunist grp. wsj 1998 HUB Center of activity wsj 1998 HUG Bear offering? wsj 1998 HULAS Hippy dances wsj 1998 HUME Fox News Channel anchor Brit wsj 1998 HUMID Like summer's dog days wsj 1998 HUON New Guinea's _____ Gulf wsj 1998 HUR Lew-Wallace's Ben ___"