Crossword clues for To be, in Bogota:BOGOTASouth American capitalBOGOTAHome of the Museo del OroBOGOTACapital whose first inhabitants were the MuiscaBOGOTACity in the Andes.BOGOTABolívar Square cityBOGOTAWhere the OAS charter was signed.BOGOTANew World capitalBOGOTAClosest capital to QuitoBOGOTACapital southeast of MedellinBOGOTAAthens of South America.BOGOTAColombian capital, 8,563 ft. up.BOGOTACapital of ColombiaBOGOTAColombia's capitalBOGOTAEl Museo del Oro cityBOGOTACapital in the Andes.BOGOTACity, anagram of Tobago.BOGOTAS.A. capitalBOGOTACity liberated by Bolívar, 1819BOGOTACity originally called Santa FeBOGOTACity called "the Athens of South America"BOGOTACity liberated by Simon BolívarBOGOTAColombia's capitolBOGOTAScene of Western Hemisphere Pact, 1948.BOGOTAColombian cityBOGOTACity whose main square is the Plaza BolívarBOGOTANext meeting place of the 21 Americas.BOGOTAHub in the AndesBOGOTAThe Athens of South AmericaBOGOTALargest city in ColombiaBOGOTAColombian capitalBOGOTAAndean capitalBOGOTAEl Dorado International Airport cityOASDefense gp. founded in BogotáOASGp. formed in Bogotá in 1948NINOSBogotá boysCOLBogotá's country: Abbr.NINOBoy, in BogotáOASDefense gp. formed in BogotáCALICity SW of BogotáANDESWhere Bogota is situated.QUITOCapital SW of BogotaMARIPOSAButterfly in BogotaAZULBlue, in BogotáANDESBogota's surroundings.ANDESBogota's lofty site.OASTreaty gp. formed in BogotáCOLOMBIABogotá is its capital.PESOSBogotá breadMALOBad, in BogotáCALICity southwest of Bogotá