Crossword clues for The dog family. 5 letters:
- ___ Charming People” by Michael Arlen. nyt 1948 THING Object. nyt 1948 THIRD One part of Caesar's Gaul. nyt 1948 THISBE Sweetheart of Pyramus. nyt 1948 THOLES Pins serving as fulcrums for oars. nyt 1948 THOMAS A Presidential candidate. nyt 1948 THOR In Bilskirnir hall he dwelt. nyt 1948 THOREZ Communist leader in France. nyt 1948 THORIUM Radioactive element no. 90. nyt 1948 THORP Hamlet. nyt 1948 THOS Macaulay's first name: Abbr. nyt 1948 THOS Masculine name: Abbr. nyt 1948 THRACE The country of Hero and Leander. nyt 1948 THRIFT Good husbandry. nyt 1948 THRONGS Hosts. nyt 1948 THUG Assassin. nyt 1948 THUG Ruffian. nyt 1948 THULE Ultima ___. nyt 1948 THUMP Strike with a heavy dull sound. nyt 1948 THUMPER Walt Disney's frantic rabbit. nyt 1948 THUMPS Pounds. nyt 1948 THUS Hence. nyt 1948 THY Pronoun. nyt 1948 TIAR Coronet: Poet. nyt 1948 TIBET Country explored by Sven Hedin. nyt 1948 TIBETAN Shangri-La native. nyt 1948 TIBIA The shin bone. nyt 1948 TIBIAL Of a bone. nyt 1948 TIDAL ___ river, as the Hudson. nyt 1948 TIDAL ___ wave. nyt 1948 TIDE Carry through. nyt 1948 TIDES Currents. nyt 1948 TIDINGS Intelligence. nyt 1948 TIE Dead heat. nyt 1948 TIE Draw. nyt 1948 TIE Hand-painted accessory. nyt 1948 TIE Sleeper. nyt 1948 TIE Standoff. nyt 1948 TIED So Gulliver finds himself. nyt 1948 TIEL Netherlands town west of Nijmegen. nyt 1948 TIEN ___ Shan, Asiatic mountains. nyt 1948 TIER Animal: Ger. nyt 1948 TIER Row of seats. nyt 1948 TIES Family ___. nyt 1948 TIGE Dog's name. nyt 1948 TIGER The Lady or the ___."
- O, ___ horse with wings!” nyt 1960 FORA ___ song (cheaply). nyt 1960 FORAGER Searcher for food. nyt 1960 FORBEAR Be patient. nyt 1960 FORE Golfer's warning. nyt 1960 FORE Links call. nyt 1960 FORE Situated in front. nyt 1960 FOREBODED Presaged. nyt 1960 FOREFEET Equine extremities. nyt 1960 FOREGONE ___ conclusion (certainty). nyt 1960 FOREPAW Dog's foot. nyt 1960 FORESTFIRE Smokey's concern. nyt 1960 FORESTS Natural resources. nyt 1960 FOREWARN Give previous notice. nyt 1960 FORK Runcible spoon. nyt 1960 FORMALS Prom gowns. nyt 1960 FORMAT Make-up. nyt 1960 FORMAT Publisher's concern. nyt 1960 FORRESTAL U. S. supercarrier. nyt 1960 FORSAKE Desert. nyt 1960 FORT Stronghold. nyt 1960 FORTDEFRANCE Capital of Martinique. nyt 1960 FORTE Loud, in music. nyt 1960 FORTE Specialty. nyt 1960 FORTE Strong point. nyt 1960 FORTH Edinburgh's Firth. nyt 1960 FORTUNE Destiny. nyt 1960 FORTUNEHUNTER Suitor of a sort. nyt 1960 FORTY Two score. nyt 1960 FOSSIL Cousin of a stick-in-the-mud. nyt 1960 FOSSIL Geologist's concern. nyt 1960 FOSSILS Old-fashioned persons. nyt 1960 FOUL Hockey violation. nyt 1960 FOUNDER Originator. nyt 1960 FOURLEAF Kind of clover. nyt 1960 FOURTHS Quarters. nyt 1960 FOWL Hens. nyt 1960 FOX Animal of the dog family. nyt 1960 FOXIER Craftier. nyt 1960 FOYER Hall. nyt 1960 FRA Brother. nyt 1960 FRACAS Uproar. nyt 1960 FRACASES Brawls. nyt 1960 FRAISE 16th cen. ruff for the neck. nyt 1960 FRAME Design. nyt 1960 FRAN Short for a girl's name. nyt 1960 FRANC Coin dating from 1360. nyt 1960 FRANC Money in Marseilles. nyt 1960 FRANCES Girl's name. nyt 1960 FRANCOISHOTMAN 16th cen. jurist and Calvinist. nyt 1960 FRANK Open and sincere. nyt 1960 FRANK Straightforward. nyt 1960 FRANKER More direct. nyt 1960 FRANKLIN Inventor of a stove. nyt 1960 FRANZ Novelist Werfel. nyt 1960 FRAP Bind together by cables, ropes, etc. nyt 1960 FRAS Brothers. nyt 1960 FRAT College group: Slang. nyt 1960 FRAU Housewife in Bonn. nyt 1960 FRAULEINS Young ladies from Bonn. nyt 1960 FRAY Fight. nyt 1960 FRB U. S. fiscal agency. nyt 1960 FREA Odin's wife: Var. nyt 1960 FREAK Out-of-the-ordinary. nyt 1960 FREDA Girl's name meaning peace."
- A part of education.”—Bacon. nyt 1948 TRAVES Crossbeams. nyt 1948 TRAWLER Fishing craft that drags large bag net. nyt 1948 TRAY Dog in King Lear. nyt 1948 TRAY Old Dog ___. nyt 1948 TREAD Pick one's steps. nyt 1948 TREADER Stepper. nyt 1948 TREADS Parts of auto tires. nyt 1948 TREAS W. A. Julian's official position: Abbr. nyt 1948 TREASON Betrayal. nyt 1948 TREAT Subject to some action. nyt 1948 TREATER Doctor. nyt 1948 TREE A famous Hamlet. nyt 1948 TREE British theatrical family. nyt 1948 TREE English acting family. nyt 1948 TREE Into which Gaea changed Daphne. nyt 1948 TREEN Made of wood. nyt 1948 TREEWOOL Wood fiber used in plaster as binder. nyt 1948 TREF Not kosher. nyt 1948 TREK Enforced march. nyt 1948 TREMBLY Weak and shaking. nyt 1948 TREMOLOS Fluttering reiterations of a tone: Music. nyt 1948 TREMOR Nervous thrill. nyt 1948 TRENT City on the Adige. nyt 1948 TREPANS Swindles. nyt 1948 TRESSED Having locks of hair. nyt 1948 TRESSY Curl-like. nyt 1948 TRET Waste allowance. nyt 1948 TREVOR Miss Claire ___, actress. nyt 1948 TREY Three, at dominoes. nyt 1948 TREY Three. nyt 1948 TRI ___-borough Bridge. nyt 1948 TRIAGE Process of grading produce: Eng. nyt 1948 TRIALATE Three-winged. nyt 1948 TRICE Instant. nyt 1948 TRICES Hauls up and secures. nyt 1948 TRIDENT Neptune's symbol of authority. nyt 1948 TRIED Trustworthy. nyt 1948 TRIESTE Flare-up point in Europe. nyt 1948 TRIESTE Territory under U.N. control. nyt 1948 TRIFID Three-cleft. nyt 1948 TRIG Tidy. nyt 1948 TRIGGER Roy Rogers' co-star. nyt 1948 TRILL Warble. nyt 1948 TRINES Planetary aspects. nyt 1948 TRINES Triads. nyt 1948 TRIO Singing group. nyt 1948 TRIO Three united. nyt 1948 TRIOLET Its rhyme scheme is {/abaaabab/}. nyt 1948 TRIOLET Poem of eight lines. nyt 1948 TRIP Move lightly. nyt 1948 TRIPART Cut into three sections: Rare. nyt 1948 TRIPLE Threefold. nyt 1948 TRISECT Cut into three parts. nyt 1948 TRITE Stale. nyt 1948 TRITES Lyre strings. nyt 1948 TRIUNE Three in one. nyt 1948 TROD Walked. nyt 1948 TROOPER State cop. nyt 1948 TROOPS Soldiers. nyt 1948 TROPE Topical heading. nyt 1948 TROPEIC Resembling a keel. nyt 1948 TROTTER Sulky racer. nyt 1948 TROUPE Theatrical company. nyt 1948 TROUT Rainbow ___. nyt 1948 TROY Cassandra prophesied its fall. nyt 1948 TROY Old place dug up by Dr. Schliemann. nyt 1948 TROY Where Helen eloped to. nyt 1948 TRUANTS Absentees from school. nyt 1948 TRUE Genuine. nyt 1948 TRUK Former Pacific stronghold. nyt 1948 TRUMAN Bullion Stater, born May 8, 1884. nyt 1948 TRUMAN Thurmond's rival. nyt 1948 TRUST Confidence. nyt 1948 TRUTH ___, the Invincible."—Bryant.