Crossword clues for Small: Colloq.:
- Corridor” along the Vistula, created by Treaty of Versailles. nyt 1952 POLITE What Alphonse and Gaston were. nyt 1952 POLL Analysis of public opinion. nyt 1952 POLL Head counting. nyt 1952 POLL Indecisive enumeration. nyt 1952 POLL List of voters. nyt 1952 POLL Pre-election activity. nyt 1952 POLLS Selective samplings of public opinion. nyt 1952 POLLTAX Levy required by seven states. nyt 1952 POLO Author of still popular travel book. nyt 1952 POLO Ball game. nyt 1952 POLO Game at Bostwick Field. nyt 1952 POLO Game often played in armories. nyt 1952 POLO Game originated in the Orient. nyt 1952 POLO Hockey on horseback. nyt 1952 POLO ___ Grounds. nyt 1952 POLONIUM Radioactive element in pitchblende. nyt 1952 POLOPONIES Four-legged participants at Westbury Field. nyt 1952 POLYTECHNIC Embracing many arts. nyt 1952 POM Dog weighing about seven pounds: Colloq. nyt 1952 POMA Fruit: Latin. nyt 1952 POME Apple, pear or quince. nyt 1952 POMERANIA Part of Germany, in the Russian zone. nyt 1952 POMP Pageantry. nyt 1952 POMS Small dogs: Colloq. nyt 1952 POND Rural skating rink. nyt 1952 POND The Atlantic, by understatement. nyt 1952 POND Tourist term for the Atlantic. nyt 1952 PONE Bread made of corn meal. nyt 1952 PONES Southern food. nyt 1952 PONG Table tennis noise. nyt 1952 PONIES They once carried the mail. nyt 1952 PONS Cara Nome" is a specialty of hers.
- ___ Kapital.” nyt 1956 DAS German article. nyt 1956 DAS Men of the law: Colloq. nyt 1956 DAS Prosecutors, for short. nyt 1956 DASH Small amount. nyt 1956 DASH Sprinkling, for flavor. nyt 1956 DASHER One of Santa's reindeer. nyt 1956 DASHER One of Santa's team. nyt 1956 DASHER Part of an old ice-cream freezer. nyt 1956 DASNT Daren't: Dial. nyt 1956 DASSY Small fish, the blacktail. nyt 1956 DAST Dare: Dial. nyt 1956 DAT Grammatical case: Abbr. nyt 1956 DATA Facts. nyt 1956 DATA Facts. nyt 1956 DATA Granted facts. nyt 1956 DATE Boy meets girl. nyt 1956 DATE Day to remember. nyt 1956 DATE December 25, for instance. nyt 1956 DATE Escort for the evening. nyt 1956 DATE Have beginning (with from").
- Double” features. nyt 1960 CHIOS Scenic island of the Aegean. nyt 1960 CHIP Piece broken off. nyt 1960 CHIP Swallow's sound. nyt 1960 CHIRR Sound made by grasshoppers. nyt 1960 CHIS Greek letters. nyt 1960 CHOLERIC Irascible. nyt 1960 CHOOSE Single out. nyt 1960 CHOP Cut of meat. nyt 1960 CHOP Cutlet. nyt 1960 CHOP Cutting stroke. nyt 1960 CHOP Quick cut. nyt 1960 CHOPA Rudder fish of Florida, Bermuda, etc. nyt 1960 CHOPS Meats. nyt 1960 CHORALE Hymn tune. nyt 1960 CHORALE Piece of church music. nyt 1960 CHORALS Hymn tunes. nyt 1960 CHORE Job. nyt 1960 CHORE Milking, for one. nyt 1960 CHORE Small job. nyt 1960 CHORE Task. nyt 1960 CHORINE Show girl: Colloq. nyt 1960 CHORTLE Lewis Carroll word. nyt 1960 CHORUSED Spoke in unison. nyt 1960 CHORUSED Uttered in unison. nyt 1960 CHOSE Picked. nyt 1960 CHOU Chinese name. nyt 1960 CHOUENLAI Chinese Red. nyt 1960 CHOW Dog of north China. nyt 1960 CHOWS Canines. nyt 1960 CHQ English bank item: Abbr. nyt 1960 CHRISTOPHERFRY He wrote The Lady's Not for Burning."
- What's My ___?” nyt 1954 LINE A railroad. nyt 1954 LINE Bridge score division. nyt 1954 LINE Course of conduct. nyt 1954 LINE Queue. nyt 1954 LINE Route. nyt 1954 LINE Succession. nyt 1954 LINE Succession. nyt 1954 LINEA Line: Sp. nyt 1954 LINEAL Hereditary. nyt 1954 LINEAR Having length only. nyt 1954 LINEATE Marked with stripes. nyt 1954 LINED Arranged in rows. nyt 1954 LINED Brought into conformity. nyt 1954 LINED Placed in a row. nyt 1954 LINEN Fine stationery. nyt 1954 LINEN Present for 12th anniversary. nyt 1954 LINEN Tablecloths. nyt 1954 LINENCAP Part of an R.N.'s uniform. nyt 1954 LINER It's often a base hit. nyt 1954 LINER Sharp drive. nyt 1954 LINER The United States. nyt 1954 LINER Vessel. nyt 1954 LINES Highway guides. nyt 1954 LINES Siegfried and others. nyt 1954 LINESMAN Football official. nyt 1954 LINESMAN Gridiron official. nyt 1954 LING Burbot. nyt 1954 LING Cod's relative. nyt 1954 LINGERER He hangs around. nyt 1954 LINGO Shop talk. nyt 1954 LINK Anything serving to connect. nyt 1954 LINK Inventor of a trainer for student fliers. nyt 1954 LINK Missing ___. nyt 1954 LINKED Connected. nyt 1954 LINKED United. nyt 1954 LINNET Small song bird. nyt 1954 LINO Typesetter, for short. nyt 1954 LINO Typesetting machine: Colloq. nyt 1954 LINS Linden trees. nyt 1954 LINSEY Coarse linen and woolen cloth. nyt 1954 LINT Fluff from fabrics. nyt 1954 LINT Fluff. nyt 1954 LINTELING Wood for crosspieces. nyt 1954 LION Haile Selassie, ___ of Judah. nyt 1954 LION Person of note. nyt 1954 LION Personage. nyt 1954 LION Social success. nyt 1954 LION Social success. nyt 1954 LION Symbol of Great Britain. nyt 1954 LIONELBARRYMORE One of our leading actors. nyt 1954 LIONS Business man's organization. nyt 1954 LIONS Celebrities. nyt 1954 LIONS Kings in manes. nyt 1954 LIP Outer rim. nyt 1954 LIP Part of the face. nyt 1954 LIPO Great Chinese poet. nyt 1954 LIPS Edges. nyt 1954 LIPS Margins. nyt 1954 LIQUOR Item under excise tax. nyt 1954 LIRA Italian coin. nyt 1954 LIRA Italian coin. nyt 1954 LIRA Money in Rome. nyt 1954 LIRA Piece of foreign currency. nyt 1954 LIRA Possible coin in the fountain. nyt 1954 LIRAS Money for Florentines. nyt 1954 LIRE Coins of Italy. nyt 1954 LIRE Foreign money. nyt 1954 LIRE Money in Rome. nyt 1954 LIS A flower: Fr. nyt 1954 LIS French flower. nyt 1954 LISA Girl's name. nyt 1954 LISA Girl's name. nyt 1954 LISA Jurgen's wife. nyt 1954 LISE Scientist Meitner. nyt 1954 LISETTE Diminutive of Elizabeth. nyt 1954 LISLE Fine thread. nyt 1954 LISLE Stocking material. nyt 1954 LISLES Cotton threads. nyt 1954 LISPERS Baby talkers. nyt 1954 LISPS Has S” trouble.
- ___ and the Dragonet,” popular satirical record. nyt 1954 STICKTO Persevere in. nyt 1954 STICKUP Armed robbery. nyt 1954 STIED Housed like a pig. nyt 1954 STIES Piggeries. nyt 1954 STIFLE Suppress. nyt 1954 STIGMATA Small marks or scars. nyt 1954 STILE Accessory to a fence. nyt 1954 STILE Convenience for mounting a fence. nyt 1954 STILE Fence crossing. nyt 1954 STILL Picture: Colloq. nyt 1954 STILL Tranquil. nyt 1954 STILLS Pictures. nyt 1954 STILLS Theatre lobby pictures. nyt 1954 STILLY Oft in the ___ night . . . "
- Ol' man” of song. nyt 1956 MOSES Israelite leader. nyt 1956 MOSES Role for Charlton Heston. nyt 1956 MOSES Subject of Michelangelo masterpiece. nyt 1956 MOSES Well-known name in art. nyt 1956 MOSQUITOBOAT Small naval craft. nyt 1956 MOSS Dramatist Hart. nyt 1956 MOSS Playwright Hart. nyt 1956 MOSS Sphagnum. nyt 1956 MOSSADEGH Iran's demoted Premier. nyt 1956 MOSSAGATE Variety of quartz. nyt 1956 MOSSBACK Extreme conservative: Colloq. nyt 1956 MOSSY Lichenic. nyt 1956 MOST Greatest part. nyt 1956 MOST Greatest. nyt 1956 MOT Bon ___. nyt 1956 MOT Bon ___. nyt 1956 MOT Bright saying. nyt 1956 MOT Pithy remark. nyt 1956 MOT Pithy remark. nyt 1956 MOT Pithy remark. nyt 1956 MOTEL Stopping place. nyt 1956 MOTES Specks. nyt 1956 MOTETS Choral works. nyt 1956 MOTHEATEN Out-dated. nyt 1956 MOTHERNATURE Personified force. nyt 1956 MOTHERSDAY It was founded by Anna Jarvis, 1914. nyt 1956 MOTIF Main theme, in art, music, etc. nyt 1956 MOTION Proposal made in an assembly. nyt 1956 MOTO Marquand's detective. nyt 1956 MOTO Marquand's detective. nyt 1956 MOTOR Go by car. nyt 1956 MOTOR Power producer. nyt 1956 MOTOR Prime mover. nyt 1956 MOTOR Straight 6. nyt 1956 MOTORCOURT Tourist stopover. nyt 1956 MOTORLESSPLANES Gliders. nyt 1956 MOTORMEN Subway drivers. nyt 1956 MOTORS Certain securities, in finance. nyt 1956 MOTORS Group of securities. nyt 1956 MOTOS Movements, in music: Ital. nyt 1956 MOTTO Semper paratus," for example.
- ___ apple cider.” nyt 1960 SWEETEN Sugar. nyt 1960 SWEETPOTATO Tropical, trailing plant with edible root. nyt 1960 SWELL Generalized epithet of approval. nyt 1960 SWEPT Cleaned house. nyt 1960 SWIFTER Moving with greater speed. nyt 1960 SWIM Do the trudgen. nyt 1960 SWIM ___ suit. nyt 1960 SWINE Ulysses' men under Circe's spell. nyt 1960 SWINGS Playground equipment. nyt 1960 SWINGYOURCORNER Square dance call. nyt 1960 SWIRL Eddy. nyt 1960 SWISH Susurrus. nyt 1960 SWISH Taffeta sound. nyt 1960 SWISS Kind of cheese. nyt 1960 SWISS Native of Lucerne. nyt 1960 SWISS Thin cotton fabric. nyt 1960 SWISSCHEESE Sandwich makings. nyt 1960 SWOB Mop for floor or deck: Var. nyt 1960 SWOON Languish. nyt 1960 SWOON Languish: Poet. nyt 1960 SWOON Victorian faint. nyt 1960 SWOP Barter: Colloq. nyt 1960 SWORD Symbol of power. nyt 1960 SWORDPLAY Parry and thrust. nyt 1960 SWOW Swear: Dial. nyt 1960 SWUNG Oscillated. nyt 1960 SWUNG Wielded, as a golf club. nyt 1960 SYCAMORE Tree on the banks of the Wabash. nyt 1960 SYDNEY Capital of New South Wales. nyt 1960 SYLLABUS Study course outline. nyt 1960 SYLPH Fabulous aerial spirit. nyt 1960 SYLPH Graceful girl. nyt 1960 SYLPHID Small, graceful girl. nyt 1960 SYLVAN Living in the forest. nyt 1960 SYLVETTE Heroine of Roland's The Romancers."
- Friend” of a frosh. nyt 1953 SOPH College student: Colloq. nyt 1953 SOPHIE Girl's name. nyt 1953 SOPHIST Person using adroit but fallacious reasoning. nyt 1953 SOPHS Last year's freshmen. nyt 1953 SOPOR Lethargic sleep. nyt 1953 SOPOROSE Descriptive of Rip Van Winkle. nyt 1953 SOPPED Made soggy. nyt 1953 SOPPER Doughnut dunker. nyt 1953 SOPS Dunks. nyt 1953 SOPS Things given in reward or appeasement. nyt 1953 SORA Rice rail. nyt 1953 SORA Short-billed rail. nyt 1953 SORA Short-billed rail. nyt 1953 SORA Small rail. nyt 1953 SORB Fruit of the service tree. nyt 1953 SORBETS Ices, on a French menu. nyt 1953 SORCERER A dealer in magic and spells."