- Landlord of New York,” a century ago. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Ex-Marine in baseball. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Founder of Rhode Island. nyt 1953 WILLIAMS Senator from Delaware. nyt 1953 WILLIE Maugham, to his friends. nyt 1953 WILMA Girl's name. nyt 1953 WILSON Lovett's successor. nyt 1953 WILY Foxy. nyt 1953 WILY Machiavellian. nyt 1953 WIN Prevail. nyt 1953 WINCE Shrink from. nyt 1953 WINDLASS Device for raising the old oaken bucket. nyt 1953 WINE Product of New York state. nyt 1953 WINED Feted. nyt 1953 WINES Riesling, Zinfandel, etc. nyt 1953 WINES Subject of oenology. nyt 1953 WINES Vouvray and Moselle. nyt 1953 WINES Xeres and Riesling. nyt 1953 WING Army Air Force unit, 2,305 members. nyt 1953 WING Section of a building. nyt 1953 WINONA Girl's name, after Hiawatha's mother. nyt 1953 WINS Acquires. nyt 1953 WINSLOW Arizona town, U. S. 66, near Painted Desert. nyt 1953 WINSOME Engaging. nyt 1953 WINTERSET Drama by Maxwell Anderson. nyt 1953 WINTHROP Ambassador Aldrich. nyt 1953 WIPE Dry off. nyt 1953 WIPER Dish towel. nyt 1953 WIRE Fence material. nyt 1953 WIRED Telegraphed. nyt 1953 WIREHAIR Rough-coated fox terrier. nyt 1953 WIRETAP Secret phone line. nyt 1953 WIRY Not husky, but strong. nyt 1953 WISE American rabbi and author. nyt 1953 WISE Judicious. nyt 1953 WISES Makes hep. nyt 1953 WISH Fairy godmother's gift. nyt 1953 WISH Gift of a fairy godmother. nyt 1953 WISHYOUWEREHERE Having Wonderful Time," to music.