Crossword clues for Put in a position:
- Flight parts for putting your tray table up, returning your seat to its upright position so the passenger you tortured for the past hour can relax, etc.
- Th-th-that's all folks!' sayer bg 2014 PORNO Blue material bg 2014 PORTA __-Bote (foldable craft) bg 2014 PORTERPOTTY Songwriter a bit daft? bg 2014 PORTION Serving bg 2014 POSE Assume an attitude bg 2014 POSEUR Phony bg 2014 POSEY Actress Parker bg 2014 POSH Luxurious bg 2014 POSIT Hypothesize bg 2014 POSSE Entourage bg 2014 POST Bird feeder mount bg 2014 POSTIE Mail carrier, slangily bg 2014 POSY Nosegay bg 2014 POTASH Fertilizer stuff bg 2014 POTS Kiln content bg 2014 POTSY Hopscotch by another name bg 2014 POTSY Old name for hopscotch bg 2014 POUFS Ottomans bg 2014 POURINGRANGER Park employee at tea? bg 2014 POWHATAN Pop of Pocahontas bg 2014 PRACTICE Drill bg 2014 PRADA Devil's designer? bg 2014 PRADO Madrid museum bg 2014 PRADO Place to see Goyas bg 2014 PRAIRIE Grassland tract bg 2014 PRAM Stroller bg 2014 PRAWNS Seafood entree bg 2014 PRAY Supplicate bg 2014 PREGO Ragu rival bg 2014 PREMIX Ready-to-go cake kit bg 2014 PREP Get ready bg 2014 PREP Get ready bg 2014 PREP __ school bg 2014 PREPARATIONG Drugstore buy? bg 2014 PRES C.-in-C. bg 2014 PRES POTUS bg 2014 PRESAGE Foreshadow bg 2014 PRESET Already ready bg 2014 PRESSURECUKOR Put the squeeze on director George? bg 2014 PRESUME Take for granted bg 2014 PRETESTS Warm-up quizzes bg 2014 PREY Quarry bg 2014 PRIED Got nosy bg 2014 PRIMARY Election prelim bg 2014 PRIME Heyday bg 2014 PRINE Paradise" songwriter John
- ___ She Sweet.” nyt 1954 AINT Contraction accepted by some authorities. nyt 1954 AINT Inelegant verb form. nyt 1954 AINT Isn't, improperly. nyt 1954 AINU Eastern aborigine. nyt 1954 AINU Japanese aborigine. nyt 1954 AINUS Early Japanese. nyt 1954 AIR Carol. nyt 1954 AIR Earthy envelope. nyt 1954 AIR Harold Talbott's bailiwick. nyt 1954 AIR Semblance. nyt 1954 AIRARMS The USAF and the RAF. nyt 1954 AIRBASES Factors in U. S. global strategy. nyt 1954 AIRCONDITIONING Relief for city swelterers. nyt 1954 AIRCRAFTCARRIER Coral Sea or Midway. nyt 1954 AIRDROMES Orly, Le Bourget, etc. nyt 1954 AIRE French river. nyt 1954 AIRED Brought into the open. nyt 1954 AIRED Discussed openly. nyt 1954 AIRED Put on the line. nyt 1954 AIRED Ventilated. nyt 1954 AIRGUN Toy rifle. nyt 1954 AIRLANE Highway in the sky. nyt 1954 AIRLANE Sky way. nyt 1954 AIRLINE Great-circle route between two places. nyt 1954 AIRMAIL Expanding Post Office service. nyt 1954 AIRPLANE The Columbine, for instance. nyt 1954 AIRPLANESPIN Wrestler's hold. nyt 1954 AIRROUTE Idlewild to Orly. nyt 1954 AIRS Affectations. nyt 1954 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1954 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1954 AIRS Brings to public notice. nyt 1954 AIRS Displays. nyt 1954 AIRS Hoity-toity behavior. nyt 1954 AIRS Main melodies. nyt 1954 AIRS Pretensions. nyt 1954 AIRWAY Plane lane. nyt 1954 AIRY Flippant. nyt 1954 AIRY Sprightly. nyt 1954 AIRY Unsubstantial. nyt 1954 AIS Sloths. nyt 1954 AIS Sloths. nyt 1954 AISE Ease: Fr. nyt 1954 AISLE Bridal path. nyt 1954 AISLE Passage. nyt 1954 AISLE Seat location for a reviewer. nyt 1954 AISLE Usher's bailiwick. nyt 1954 AISNE Oise tributary. nyt 1954 AISNE River bordering Argonne Forest. nyt 1954 AIT Islet. nyt 1954 AIT River isle. nyt 1954 AITS Islets in a lake. nyt 1954 AITS River islands. nyt 1954 AITS River islets. nyt 1954 AIX City near Marseilles. nyt 1954 AJAR Door position. nyt 1954 AJAR Not in harmony. nyt 1954 AJAR Partly open. nyt 1954 AKIHITO Royal visitor to U. S. nyt 1954 AKIMBO Describing a hand-on-hip stance. nyt 1954 AKIMBO Hands-on-hips stance. nyt 1954 AKIN Related. nyt 1954 AKIN Similar. nyt 1954 AKIN Similar. nyt 1954 AKRON Rubber city. nyt 1954 AKU Hawaiian fish. nyt 1954 ALA According to. nyt 1954 ALA Gov. Persons' state: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA In the style of. nyt 1954 ALA Lizard State: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA Pie ___ mode. nyt 1954 ALA Sparkman's state: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA Where Gadsden is: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA ___ carte. nyt 1954 ALA ___ king. nyt 1954 ALA ___ mode. nyt 1954 ALABAM Where the midnight choo-choo" goes.