Crossword clues for Placing in position:
- Sufficient ___ the day . . .” nyt 1956 UNTO Poetic preposition. nyt 1956 UNTRAVELED Seldom visited. nyt 1956 UNTRIM Remove ornaments. nyt 1956 UNTRUE Erroneous. nyt 1956 UNU Burmese Premier. nyt 1956 UNU Burmese leader. nyt 1956 UNU Burmese political figure. nyt 1956 UNU Burmese statesman. nyt 1956 UNU Far East Premier. nyt 1956 UNUM Word in U. S. motto. nyt 1956 UNWISER Less prudent. nyt 1956 UPA ___ tree (in a difficult position). nyt 1956 UPAND ___ doing (busy). nyt 1956 UPAS Javanese tree. nyt 1956 UPAS Javanese tree. nyt 1956 UPAS Javanese tree. nyt 1956 UPAS Tall tropical tree. nyt 1956 UPEND Overturn. nyt 1956 UPEND Set erect. nyt 1956 UPENDED Placed in a vertical position. nyt 1956 UPHEAVED Raised. nyt 1956 UPIN ___ arms. nyt 1956 UPINTHEAIR Not settled. nyt 1956 UPOLU Island of West Samoa. nyt 1956 UPOLU Samoan island. nyt 1956 UPON Come ___ (meet by accident). nyt 1956 UPON Preposition. nyt 1956 UPON Preposition. nyt 1956 UPON Surmounting. nyt 1956 UPON Well versed in: Colloq. nyt 1956 UPON Well versed in: Colloq. nyt 1956 UPON ___ my word! nyt 1956 UPON ___ my word! (indeed!). nyt 1956 UPPERS Parts of shoes. nyt 1956 UPRISE Rebel. nyt 1956 UPROSE Ascended. nyt 1956 UPS Good times. nyt 1956 UPS Good times. nyt 1956 UPSET Unexpected defeat. nyt 1956 UPSET Unexpected defeat. nyt 1956 UPSET Unexpected victory. nyt 1956 UPSHORE Away from the beach. nyt 1956 UPSIDEDOWN What some cakes are. nyt 1956 UPTHROW Cast or lift aloft. nyt 1956 UPTO Capable of. nyt 1956 UPTO Scheming: Colloq. nyt 1956 UPTON Author Sinclair. nyt 1956 UPTONS Sinclair and others. nyt 1956 URAL Eurasian boundary river. nyt 1956 URAL Orsk's river. nyt 1956 URAL Rich region of Europe. nyt 1956 URAL River into the Caspian. nyt 1956 URAL River into the Caspian. nyt 1956 URAL River into the Caspian. nyt 1956 URAL River into the Caspian. nyt 1956 URAL Russian river. nyt 1956 URAL ___ Mountains. nyt 1956 URALITE Hornblende. nyt 1956 URALS Eurasian boundary range. nyt 1956 URALS Eurasian chain. nyt 1956 URALS Siberian border range. nyt 1956 URAN Monitor lizard. nyt 1956 URANIA Helicon dweller. nyt 1956 URANIA Muse of astronomy. nyt 1956 URANIA Sister of Polyhymnia. nyt 1956 URANIUM Element. nyt 1956 URANIUMORE Bonanza of the 20th century. nyt 1956 URANIUMORE Quest of the modern forty-niner."
- In an advantageous position, or where both halves of the answers to 20-, 26-, and 44-Across can be placed?
- Th-th-that's all folks!' sayer bg 2014 PORNO Blue material bg 2014 PORTA __-Bote (foldable craft) bg 2014 PORTERPOTTY Songwriter a bit daft? bg 2014 PORTION Serving bg 2014 POSE Assume an attitude bg 2014 POSEUR Phony bg 2014 POSEY Actress Parker bg 2014 POSH Luxurious bg 2014 POSIT Hypothesize bg 2014 POSSE Entourage bg 2014 POST Bird feeder mount bg 2014 POSTIE Mail carrier, slangily bg 2014 POSY Nosegay bg 2014 POTASH Fertilizer stuff bg 2014 POTS Kiln content bg 2014 POTSY Hopscotch by another name bg 2014 POTSY Old name for hopscotch bg 2014 POUFS Ottomans bg 2014 POURINGRANGER Park employee at tea? bg 2014 POWHATAN Pop of Pocahontas bg 2014 PRACTICE Drill bg 2014 PRADA Devil's designer? bg 2014 PRADO Madrid museum bg 2014 PRADO Place to see Goyas bg 2014 PRAIRIE Grassland tract bg 2014 PRAM Stroller bg 2014 PRAWNS Seafood entree bg 2014 PRAY Supplicate bg 2014 PREGO Ragu rival bg 2014 PREMIX Ready-to-go cake kit bg 2014 PREP Get ready bg 2014 PREP Get ready bg 2014 PREP __ school bg 2014 PREPARATIONG Drugstore buy? bg 2014 PRES C.-in-C. bg 2014 PRES POTUS bg 2014 PRESAGE Foreshadow bg 2014 PRESET Already ready bg 2014 PRESSURECUKOR Put the squeeze on director George? bg 2014 PRESUME Take for granted bg 2014 PRETESTS Warm-up quizzes bg 2014 PREY Quarry bg 2014 PRIED Got nosy bg 2014 PRIMARY Election prelim bg 2014 PRIME Heyday bg 2014 PRINE Paradise" songwriter John
- ___ the Man.” nyt 1952 STAN Actor Kenton. nyt 1952 STAN Comedian Laurel. nyt 1952 STAN Hollywood's Mr. Kramer. nyt 1952 STAN Man's nickname. nyt 1952 STAN Musial of the Cardinals. nyt 1952 STAN Oliver Hardy's friend. nyt 1952 STAN Slugger Musial. nyt 1952 STAN Stanky's favorite player. nyt 1952 STAN That man Musial. nyt 1952 STANCE Position. nyt 1952 STANCES Important foot positions in golf. nyt 1952 STANCES Postures. nyt 1952 STANCH Steadfast and true. nyt 1952 STAND A firm position. nyt 1952 STAND Growing trees, on a given area. nyt 1952 STANDARDBEARERS Eisenhower and 14 Across. nyt 1952 STANDARDS Emblems of government. nyt 1952 STANDCLEAR Skipper's command to stay away. nyt 1952 STANDEE Symbol of a successful show. nyt 1952 STANDEES Subway sardines. nyt 1952 STANDIN Movie star's double. nyt 1952 STANDINS Unsung Hollywood heroes. nyt 1952 STANDOUTS Things conspicuous for their excellence. nyt 1952 STANDOVER Postpone. nyt 1952 STANDPATTER Die-hard. nyt 1952 STANDPOINT Position on a subject. nyt 1952 STANDS Endures without change. nyt 1952 STANDSTILL No-buying, no-selling condition. nyt 1952 STANE Rock, in Scotland. nyt 1952 STANFORD 8,739 students. nyt 1952 STANFORDINDIANS Coach Taylor's Palo Alto eleven. nyt 1952 STANG TV comedian. nyt 1952 STANISLAS Two kings of Poland bore this name. nyt 1952 STANKY St. Louis Cardinals' manager. nyt 1952 STANLAUREL Movie comedian. nyt 1952 STANLEY Noted explorer. nyt 1952 STANLEYCUP The Red Wings won it. nyt 1952 STANTON Lincoln's Secy. of War. nyt 1952 STANTON Lincoln's Secy. of War. nyt 1952 STANTON Suffragist Elizabeth Cady ___. nyt 1952 STAPLE Chief commodity of a place. nyt 1952 STAPLE Rival of the paper clip. nyt 1952 STAR A name in lights. nyt 1952 STAR Arcturus or Antares. nyt 1952 STAR Arcturus. nyt 1952 STAR Betelgeuse, for instance. nyt 1952 STAR Brigadier general's emblem. nyt 1952 STAR Emblem on Cuba's flag. nyt 1952 STAR Feature. nyt 1952 STAR First-rater. nyt 1952 STAR Item for the planetarium. nyt 1952 STAR Light years away. nyt 1952 STAR Member of a galaxy. nyt 1952 STAR Part of Cassiopeia's Chair. nyt 1952 STAR Part of the Southern Cross. nyt 1952 STAR Pre-eminent. nyt 1952 STAR Printer's mark *. nyt 1952 STAR Sirius or Pollux. nyt 1952 STAR Sirius, for instance. nyt 1952 STAR Space ship's landfall. nyt 1952 STAR Symbol of Texas. nyt 1952 STAR Symbol on Arizona's flag. nyt 1952 STAR Symbol on certain dressing room doors. nyt 1952 STAR Symbol on our union jack. nyt 1952 STARANISE Poison bay tree. nyt 1952 STARCH In shirts and backbones. nyt 1952 STARCHES Bread and potatoes. nyt 1952 STARCHY Like poi. nyt 1952 STARDOM Goal of most thespians. nyt 1952 STARDUST Appropriate piece of music for space journeys. nyt 1952 STARE Be conspicuous. nyt 1952 STARE Look of amazement. nyt 1952 STARER Goggler. nyt 1952 STARER Ogling one. nyt 1952 STARES Gawps. nyt 1952 STARES Gazes rudely. nyt 1952 STARLET Nancy Davis of Hollywood, for instance. nyt 1952 STARLIT Suffused with a certain radiance. nyt 1952 STAROST Polish nobleman. nyt 1952 STAROST Polish nobleman. nyt 1952 STARRY Sparkling. nyt 1952 STARS Adib, Baham, Canopus, etc. nyt 1952 STARS ___ and Bars. nyt 1952 STARSANDSTRIPES G. I.'s reading matter. nyt 1952 START Establish. nyt 1952 START Lead or handicap in a race. nyt 1952 START Originate. nyt 1952 START Point of departure. nyt 1952 START Set in operation. nyt 1952 START Sudden fright. nyt 1952 START Sudden involuntary movement. nyt 1952 STARTED Jumped. nyt 1952 STARTERS Parts of automobiles. nyt 1952 STARTLING Frightful. nyt 1952 STARTS Inaugurates. nyt 1952 STARTS Spurts of activity. nyt 1952 STARVES Suffers deprivation. nyt 1952 STASH Hide safely: Slang. nyt 1952 STASH Store in a secret place for future use: Slang. nyt 1952 STASSEN Contestant in today's big election. nyt 1952 STASSEN G. O. P. candidate. nyt 1952 STASSEN He's a Republican. nyt 1952 STASSEN His hat is in the ring. nyt 1952 STASSEN One of the candidates. nyt 1952 STAT The Thinker," for one: Abbr.
- A part of education.”—Bacon. nyt 1948 TRAVES Crossbeams. nyt 1948 TRAWLER Fishing craft that drags large bag net. nyt 1948 TRAY Dog in King Lear. nyt 1948 TRAY Old Dog ___. nyt 1948 TREAD Pick one's steps. nyt 1948 TREADER Stepper. nyt 1948 TREADS Parts of auto tires. nyt 1948 TREAS W. A. Julian's official position: Abbr. nyt 1948 TREASON Betrayal. nyt 1948 TREAT Subject to some action. nyt 1948 TREATER Doctor. nyt 1948 TREE A famous Hamlet. nyt 1948 TREE British theatrical family. nyt 1948 TREE English acting family. nyt 1948 TREE Into which Gaea changed Daphne. nyt 1948 TREEN Made of wood. nyt 1948 TREEWOOL Wood fiber used in plaster as binder. nyt 1948 TREF Not kosher. nyt 1948 TREK Enforced march. nyt 1948 TREMBLY Weak and shaking. nyt 1948 TREMOLOS Fluttering reiterations of a tone: Music. nyt 1948 TREMOR Nervous thrill. nyt 1948 TRENT City on the Adige. nyt 1948 TREPANS Swindles. nyt 1948 TRESSED Having locks of hair. nyt 1948 TRESSY Curl-like. nyt 1948 TRET Waste allowance. nyt 1948 TREVOR Miss Claire ___, actress. nyt 1948 TREY Three, at dominoes. nyt 1948 TREY Three. nyt 1948 TRI ___-borough Bridge. nyt 1948 TRIAGE Process of grading produce: Eng. nyt 1948 TRIALATE Three-winged. nyt 1948 TRICE Instant. nyt 1948 TRICES Hauls up and secures. nyt 1948 TRIDENT Neptune's symbol of authority. nyt 1948 TRIED Trustworthy. nyt 1948 TRIESTE Flare-up point in Europe. nyt 1948 TRIESTE Territory under U.N. control. nyt 1948 TRIFID Three-cleft. nyt 1948 TRIG Tidy. nyt 1948 TRIGGER Roy Rogers' co-star. nyt 1948 TRILL Warble. nyt 1948 TRINES Planetary aspects. nyt 1948 TRINES Triads. nyt 1948 TRIO Singing group. nyt 1948 TRIO Three united. nyt 1948 TRIOLET Its rhyme scheme is {/abaaabab/}. nyt 1948 TRIOLET Poem of eight lines. nyt 1948 TRIP Move lightly. nyt 1948 TRIPART Cut into three sections: Rare. nyt 1948 TRIPLE Threefold. nyt 1948 TRISECT Cut into three parts. nyt 1948 TRITE Stale. nyt 1948 TRITES Lyre strings. nyt 1948 TRIUNE Three in one. nyt 1948 TROD Walked. nyt 1948 TROOPER State cop. nyt 1948 TROOPS Soldiers. nyt 1948 TROPE Topical heading. nyt 1948 TROPEIC Resembling a keel. nyt 1948 TROTTER Sulky racer. nyt 1948 TROUPE Theatrical company. nyt 1948 TROUT Rainbow ___. nyt 1948 TROY Cassandra prophesied its fall. nyt 1948 TROY Old place dug up by Dr. Schliemann. nyt 1948 TROY Where Helen eloped to. nyt 1948 TRUANTS Absentees from school. nyt 1948 TRUE Genuine. nyt 1948 TRUK Former Pacific stronghold. nyt 1948 TRUMAN Bullion Stater, born May 8, 1884. nyt 1948 TRUMAN Thurmond's rival. nyt 1948 TRUST Confidence. nyt 1948 TRUTH ___, the Invincible."—Bryant.
- ___ She Sweet.” nyt 1954 AINT Contraction accepted by some authorities. nyt 1954 AINT Inelegant verb form. nyt 1954 AINT Isn't, improperly. nyt 1954 AINU Eastern aborigine. nyt 1954 AINU Japanese aborigine. nyt 1954 AINUS Early Japanese. nyt 1954 AIR Carol. nyt 1954 AIR Earthy envelope. nyt 1954 AIR Harold Talbott's bailiwick. nyt 1954 AIR Semblance. nyt 1954 AIRARMS The USAF and the RAF. nyt 1954 AIRBASES Factors in U. S. global strategy. nyt 1954 AIRCONDITIONING Relief for city swelterers. nyt 1954 AIRCRAFTCARRIER Coral Sea or Midway. nyt 1954 AIRDROMES Orly, Le Bourget, etc. nyt 1954 AIRE French river. nyt 1954 AIRED Brought into the open. nyt 1954 AIRED Discussed openly. nyt 1954 AIRED Put on the line. nyt 1954 AIRED Ventilated. nyt 1954 AIRGUN Toy rifle. nyt 1954 AIRLANE Highway in the sky. nyt 1954 AIRLANE Sky way. nyt 1954 AIRLINE Great-circle route between two places. nyt 1954 AIRMAIL Expanding Post Office service. nyt 1954 AIRPLANE The Columbine, for instance. nyt 1954 AIRPLANESPIN Wrestler's hold. nyt 1954 AIRROUTE Idlewild to Orly. nyt 1954 AIRS Affectations. nyt 1954 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1954 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1954 AIRS Brings to public notice. nyt 1954 AIRS Displays. nyt 1954 AIRS Hoity-toity behavior. nyt 1954 AIRS Main melodies. nyt 1954 AIRS Pretensions. nyt 1954 AIRWAY Plane lane. nyt 1954 AIRY Flippant. nyt 1954 AIRY Sprightly. nyt 1954 AIRY Unsubstantial. nyt 1954 AIS Sloths. nyt 1954 AIS Sloths. nyt 1954 AISE Ease: Fr. nyt 1954 AISLE Bridal path. nyt 1954 AISLE Passage. nyt 1954 AISLE Seat location for a reviewer. nyt 1954 AISLE Usher's bailiwick. nyt 1954 AISNE Oise tributary. nyt 1954 AISNE River bordering Argonne Forest. nyt 1954 AIT Islet. nyt 1954 AIT River isle. nyt 1954 AITS Islets in a lake. nyt 1954 AITS River islands. nyt 1954 AITS River islets. nyt 1954 AIX City near Marseilles. nyt 1954 AJAR Door position. nyt 1954 AJAR Not in harmony. nyt 1954 AJAR Partly open. nyt 1954 AKIHITO Royal visitor to U. S. nyt 1954 AKIMBO Describing a hand-on-hip stance. nyt 1954 AKIMBO Hands-on-hips stance. nyt 1954 AKIN Related. nyt 1954 AKIN Similar. nyt 1954 AKIN Similar. nyt 1954 AKRON Rubber city. nyt 1954 AKU Hawaiian fish. nyt 1954 ALA According to. nyt 1954 ALA Gov. Persons' state: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA In the style of. nyt 1954 ALA Lizard State: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA Pie ___ mode. nyt 1954 ALA Sparkman's state: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA Where Gadsden is: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA ___ carte. nyt 1954 ALA ___ king. nyt 1954 ALA ___ mode. nyt 1954 ALABAM Where the midnight choo-choo" goes.
- ___ in Paris.” nyt 1956 APRIL Season of variable weather. nyt 1956 APRIL Time for showers. nyt 1956 APRIL Time to visit Paris. nyt 1956 APRILSHOWER Subject of an Al Jolson song. nyt 1956 APRON Front part of a stage. nyt 1956 APRON Part of a stage, in front of the curtain. nyt 1956 APRONED Wearing a certain garment. nyt 1956 APRONS Paved areas in front of hangars. nyt 1956 APROPOS To the point. nyt 1956 APSE Addendum to a nave. nyt 1956 APSE Architectural feature. nyt 1956 APSE Basilica part. nyt 1956 APSE Church part. nyt 1956 APSE Church recess. nyt 1956 APSE Church section. nyt 1956 APSE Part of a church. nyt 1956 APSE Part of a church. nyt 1956 APSE Place for a bishop's throne. nyt 1956 APSES Recesses in church structures. nyt 1956 APT Fitting. nyt 1956 APT Quick to learn. nyt 1956 APT Skillful. nyt 1956 APTITUDE Kind of test. nyt 1956 APTLY Readily. nyt 1956 APURE River in Venezuela. nyt 1956 APURE Tributary of the Orinoco. nyt 1956 APUS Bird of Paradise constellation. nyt 1956 AQUA Bluish-green. nyt 1956 AQUA Bluish-green. nyt 1956 AQUA Pale color. nyt 1956 AQUA Water: Lat. nyt 1956 AQUARIUM Vanished landmark of Battery Park, N. Y. C. nyt 1956 ARA Altar constellation. nyt 1956 ARA Altar constellation. nyt 1956 ARA Constellation. nyt 1956 ARA Constellation. nyt 1956 ARA Constellation. nyt 1956 ARA Constellation. nyt 1956 ARA Constellation. nyt 1956 ARA Constellation. nyt 1956 ARA Greek goddess. nyt 1956 ARA Macaw. nyt 1956 ARA Macaw. nyt 1956 ARA Macaw. nyt 1956 ARA Neighbor of Scorpio. nyt 1956 ARA Scorpio's neighbor. nyt 1956 ARA Southern constellation. nyt 1956 ARAB Citizen of SW Asia. nyt 1956 ARAB Middle Easterner. nyt 1956 ARAB Native of the Near East. nyt 1956 ARAB Semite. nyt 1956 ARAB T. E. Lawrence's interest. nyt 1956 ARAB ___ League. nyt 1956 ARAB ___ League. nyt 1956 ARABA Coach or cab of the Near East. nyt 1956 ARABAS Cabs, in the Near East. nyt 1956 ARABESQUE Debussy opus. nyt 1956 ARABESQUES Positions in ballet dancing. nyt 1956 ARABIAN ___ Sea. nyt 1956 ARABIANS Natives of the Levant. nyt 1956 ARABISM Devotion to Eastern culture. nyt 1956 ARABIST One versed in Saracen lore. nyt 1956 ARABLEAGUE Federation of nations. nyt 1956 ARABLEAGUE Syria, Egypt et al. nyt 1956 ARABS Hussein, Faisal, etc. nyt 1956 ARABS Semites. nyt 1956 ARABS Sheiks. nyt 1956 ARABS Street urchins. nyt 1956 ARABS Yemenites. nyt 1956 ARABY Sheik's land. nyt 1956 ARADA Tilled land. nyt 1956 ARADO Southwestern farmland. nyt 1956 ARAG One of a Kipling trio. nyt 1956 ARAG One of a Kipling trio. nyt 1956 ARAGE ___ To Live," John O'Hara novel.