Crossword clues for Places; sites 7 letters:
- The lily maid.” nyt 1944 ELAINE John Barrymore's fourth wife. nyt 1944 ELAINE John Barrymore's widow. nyt 1944 ELAINE Wooer of Lancelot. nyt 1944 ELAMITE Ancient native N. E. of Babylon. nyt 1944 ELAN Verve. nyt 1944 ELANDS Oxlike antelopes. nyt 1944 ELANET Kite. nyt 1944 ELAPSE Pass. nyt 1944 ELAS Spearhead of EAM. nyt 1944 ELATE Exalt. nyt 1944 ELATE Not downcast. nyt 1944 ELATER Click beetle. nyt 1944 ELATION Joyful feeling nyt 1944 ELATIONS Exaltations. nyt 1944 ELATIVE Absolute superlative. nyt 1944 ELBA Captured Italian island. nyt 1944 ELBA Island off Tuscany. nyt 1944 ELBE Bohemian river, 720 miles to North Sea. nyt 1944 ELEA Home of the philosophers Parmenides and Zeno. nyt 1944 ELEANOR Mrs. Roosevelt's middle name. nyt 1944 ELEANOR Niece of T. R. nyt 1944 ELECT Choose. nyt 1944 ELECTION Coming event. nyt 1944 ELECTIONS Democratic choices. nyt 1944 ELECTORS Voters. nyt 1944 ELEGIST Poet writing dirges. nyt 1944 ELEMENT Person's natural habitat. nyt 1944 ELEMENTAL Pertaining to great natural forces. nyt 1944 ELEMI Gum resin. nyt 1944 ELEMIS Fragrant oleoresins. nyt 1944 ELENA Italian queen. nyt 1944 ELENA Queen of Italy. nyt 1944 ELEVE Pupil: French. nyt 1944 ELGER Eel-spear: Eng. nyt 1944 ELI ___ Whitney. nyt 1944 ELI ___ Yale. nyt 1944 ELIA Essayist Charles. nyt 1944 ELIA Essayist. nyt 1944 ELIA Essayist. nyt 1944 ELICIT Draw forth. nyt 1944 ELIDE Slur over. nyt 1944 ELIDES Strikes out. nyt 1944 ELIE ___ de Beaumont, lofty N. Z. mountain. nyt 1944 ELIHU ___ Root. nyt 1944 ELINOR ___ Wylie, American novelist (1887–1928). nyt 1944 ELIS Ancient country in Greece. nyt 1944 ELIS Ancient site of Olympian games. nyt 1944 ELIS Place of first Olympics. nyt 1944 ELISTA City south of Stalingrad. nyt 1944 ELITE Crack Nazi regiment. nyt 1944 ELITE Nazi army. nyt 1944 ELKO City in Nevada. nyt 1944 ELL Extension. nyt 1944 ELLEN Dame Terry. nyt 1944 ELLEN Scott heroine. nyt 1944 ELLICE Island group north of Fiji. nyt 1944 ELLICE Island group south of the Gilberts: Allied base. nyt 1944 ELM Shade tree. nyt 1944 ELM Shade tree. nyt 1944 ELM Shade tree. nyt 1944 ELM Tree. nyt 1944 ELM Tree. nyt 1944 ELMS Shade trees. nyt 1944 ELOD Electric od. nyt 1944 ELPIDITE Sodium zirconium silicate. nyt 1944 ELS Railroads on stilts. nyt 1944 ELSA Heroine of Lohengrin."
- It's been ___ pleasure lat 2002 AREAS Neighborhoods lat 2002 AREAS Spaces lat 2002 AREAS Specialties lat 2002 AREEL Knocked for a loop lat 2002 AREEL Staggering lat 2002 AREEL Teetering lat 2002 ARENA Battleground, so to speak lat 2002 ARENA Boston's FleetCenter, e.g. lat 2002 ARENA Boxing venue lat 2002 ARENA Competition site lat 2002 ARENA Field of activity lat 2002 ARENA Gladiator's domain lat 2002 ARENA Gladiator's domain lat 2002 ARENA Gladiator's domain lat 2002 ARENA It may be part of a complex lat 2002 ARENA Place to play lat 2002 ARENA Place to play lat 2002 ARENA Sports venue lat 2002 ARENA Sports venue lat 2002 ARENA Spots for sports lat 2002 ARENA Staples Center, for one lat 2002 ARENA Utah's Delta Center, for one lat 2002 ARENA Where the action is lat 2002 ARENA Where the action is lat 2002 ARENAS Fight sites lat 2002 ARENO Sir, you ___ gentleman": Scarlett
- ___ She Sweet?” nyt 1952 AINTREE English steeplechase track. nyt 1952 AINU Aborigine of Japan. nyt 1952 AINU Racial ancestor of the Japanese. nyt 1952 AIR Finletter's bailiwick. nyt 1952 AIR Gas station commodity. nyt 1952 AIR Melody. nyt 1952 AIR Way to travel. nyt 1952 AIR Where Sabre meets Mig. nyt 1952 AIR With 25 Down, a landing place. nyt 1952 AIRANDSEA Pertaining to action in two elements: 3 wds. nyt 1952 AIRCOOLS Removes heat. nyt 1952 AIRE French river. nyt 1952 AIRE It flows through Leeds, England. nyt 1952 AIRE River in France, tributary of the Aisne. nyt 1952 AIRE River in Yorkshire. nyt 1952 AIRE Tributary of the Aisne. nyt 1952 AIRED Displayed. nyt 1952 AIRED Published. nyt 1952 AIRER Frame for clothes drying. nyt 1952 AIRERS Frames for drying clothes. nyt 1952 AIRES Buenos ___. nyt 1952 AIRES Buenos ___. nyt 1952 AIRGUN Child's popper. nyt 1952 AIRLINES Modern transportation systems. nyt 1952 AIRMAILS Puts 6c in stamps on the envelope. nyt 1952 AIRMAILS Puts a six-cent stamp on a letter. nyt 1952 AIRMAN Member of Gen. Weyland's command. nyt 1952 AIRMEN Gen. Twining's forces. nyt 1952 AIRPOCKET Atmospheric airplane hazard. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Gander or Goose Bay. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Orly is one. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Orly or Gander. nyt 1952 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1952 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1952 AIRS Disdainful mien. nyt 1952 AIRS Publicizes. nyt 1952 AIRS Songs. nyt 1952 AIRTRAP Part of a drainage system. nyt 1952 AIRVESSEL Any flying craft: 2 wds. nyt 1952 AIRY Unsubstantial. nyt 1952 AIS Sloths. nyt 1952 AISLED Having passages between seats. nyt 1952 AISNE Tributary of the Oise. nyt 1952 AIT Islet. nyt 1952 AIT River island. nyt 1952 AIT River islet. nyt 1952 AIT Tiny island. nyt 1952 AITS Small islands. nyt 1952 AIX ___-la-Chapelle. nyt 1952 AJAR Open. nyt 1952 AJAR Out of harmony. nyt 1952 AJOG Moving at a slow pace. nyt 1952 AKENE Dandelion seed, for instance: Var. nyt 1952 AKIHITO Son in line for Hirohito's throne. nyt 1952 AKIN Allied. nyt 1952 AKIN Related to. nyt 1952 AKIN Related. nyt 1952 AKIN Very like. nyt 1952 AKKA Belgian Congo pygmy. nyt 1952 AKKA Pygmy of the Belgian Congo. nyt 1952 AKRON City of 274,605 in Ohio. nyt 1952 AKRON City of 274,605 in Ohio. nyt 1952 AKRON City south of Cleveland. nyt 1952 AKRON Ohio city. nyt 1952 AKRON Rubber products center. nyt 1952 AKRON U. S. rubber center. nyt 1952 ALA Chicken ___ king. nyt 1952 ALA Gov. Person's state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Governor Persons' state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA In the mode of. nyt 1952 ALA Iranian diplomat. nyt 1952 ALA Iranian diplomat. nyt 1952 ALA Pie ___ mode. nyt 1952 ALA Sen. Sparkman's state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Montgomery is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Muscle Shoals is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Selma is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Tuscaloosa is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where the Azalea Trail is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where the Coosa flows: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA With, in cookery. nyt 1952 ALA With, in cookery. nyt 1952 ALABAMA First name in convention roll calls. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Gov. Persons' state. nyt 1952 ALABAMA National convention's first vote. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Sparkman's state. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Where Mobile is. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Where Tombigbee River flows. nyt 1952 ALABAMAN Senator Hill is one. nyt 1952 ALABAMANS Governor Persons and Senator Hill. nyt 1952 ALABAMAS Sparkman and Hill are ___ Senators. nyt 1952 ALACK Ah me! nyt 1952 ALACK Oldtime word of dismay. nyt 1952 ALAE Botanical wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Winglike parts. nyt 1952 ALAE Winglike petals. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings of a Roman army. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings: Anat. nyt 1952 ALAGOAS A state in Brazil. nyt 1952 ALAI Half of a Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Cuban game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, also called pelota. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, game resembling squash. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___. nyt 1952 ALAI Merry: Spanish. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountain range in the Tien Shan system. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains in Asia. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains in Kirgiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains of Kirghiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains of Kirghiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Turkish regiment. nyt 1952 ALAMEDA Naval air base site in Calif. nyt 1952 ALAMEIN Where the Desert Fox was turned back. nyt 1952 ALAMO A Pyrrhic victory for Santa Anna. nyt 1952 ALAMO James Bowie fell here, 1836. nyt 1952 ALAMO San Antonio's historic mission. nyt 1952 ALAMO Shrine at San Antonio. nyt 1952 ALAMO Texan shrine built in 1722. nyt 1952 ALAMO Texan's war cry, Remember the ___."
- _____ Master's Voice (91-Across slogan) wsj 1998 HIS Towel inscription wsj 1998 HISSERS Upset audience members wsj 1998 HIT Web site usage unit wsj 1998 HIT Web traffic unit wsj 1998 HITME Request to the dealer wsj 1998 HOAGIE Sub wsj 1998 HOBBY Spelunking, for one wsj 1998 HOBO Tramp wsj 1998 HODS Mortar troughs wsj 1998 HOERS Weed whackers wsj 1998 HOGTIES Hampers wsj 1998 HOKUM Claptrap wsj 1998 HOLDSTO Doesn't abandon wsj 1998 HOLE Donut feature wsj 1998 HOLE Pocket problem wsj 1998 HOLIST New Age practitioner wsj 1998 HOLLYBUSH Buddy and George's Christmas supplies? wsj 1998 HOLM Actor Ian wsj 1998 HOLY Fit for sainthood wsj 1998 HOMO _____ sapiens wsj 1998 HON Sweetie wsj 1998 HONDA Accord maker wsj 1998 HONDA Prelude producer wsj 1998 HONE Give an edge to wsj 1998 HONOR Accept for payment wsj 1998 HONORE Artist Daumier wsj 1998 HONORS Academic recognition wsj 1998 HOOD Nottingham nemesis wsj 1998 HOOPS See 58-Across wsj 1998 HOPED Crossed one's fingers wsj 1998 HORDE Swarm wsj 1998 HOREB Biblical mountain wsj 1998 HORSE Part of Ferrari's logo wsj 1998 HOSNI Anwar's successor wsj 1998 HOSTELTAKEOVER Alpine tourist invasion? wsj 1998 HOSTS Party leaders wsj 1998 HOTAIR Blather wsj 1998 HOTSEATS Stressful spots wsj 1998 HOUND Devotee wsj 1998 HOURIS Alluring women wsj 1998 HOUSTON Compaq's headquarters wsj 1998 HOWCOMEITSAPENNY START OF THE QUIP wsj 1998 HOWDOILIVE ... and LeAnn Rimes sang ... wsj 1998 HOWTO Nonfiction category wsj 1998 HTS Abbr. in some city names wsj 1998 HTS Abbr. in some place names wsj 1998 HUAC Grp. that accused Hiss wsj 1998 HUAC Onetime anticommunist grp. wsj 1998 HUB Center of activity wsj 1998 HUG Bear offering? wsj 1998 HULAS Hippy dances wsj 1998 HUME Fox News Channel anchor Brit wsj 1998 HUMID Like summer's dog days wsj 1998 HUON New Guinea's _____ Gulf wsj 1998 HUR Lew-Wallace's Ben ___"