Crossword clues for Part of a tire. 4 letters:
- So Little ___.” nyt 1944 TIME Greenwich ___. nyt 1944 TIMES ___ Square. nyt 1944 TIMING Effective spacing of gags. nyt 1944 TIMOR Island in Malay Archipelago. nyt 1944 TIMOR Kupang is its capital. nyt 1944 TIMOR Strategic Malay island. nyt 1944 TIMOR Strategic island N. W. of Darwin. nyt 1944 TIN Export from Bolivia. nyt 1944 TIN Product of the Malay States. nyt 1944 TINAMINE Pertaining to South American quail. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINEA Ringworm. nyt 1944 TINED Pronged. nyt 1944 TINGE Faint color. nyt 1944 TINGS High pitched sounds. nyt 1944 TINNER Metal worker. nyt 1944 TINNY Having a metallic sound. nyt 1944 TINSMAN Dealer in metal. nyt 1944 TINT Faint color. nyt 1944 TINY Minute. nyt 1944 TIP Dumping-ground. nyt 1944 TIPS Pointers. nyt 1944 TIRANA Albanian capital. nyt 1944 TIRE First on the ration list. nyt 1944 TIRINGLY In exhaustive manner. nyt 1944 TIROL Where Innsbruck is. nyt 1944 TIROLEAN Of the Austrian Alps. nyt 1944 TIRR Uncover: Scot. nyt 1944 TISANES Medicated decoctions. nyt 1944 TITAN Powerful man. nyt 1944 TITANIA Wife of Oberon. nyt 1944 TITHER Collector of tenth part. nyt 1944 TITI South American monkey. nyt 1944 TITO He met Churchill in Rome. nyt 1944 TITO Marshal Brozovich. nyt 1944 TITO Marshal of Jugoslavia. nyt 1944 TITO Nom de guerre of General Brozovich. nyt 1944 TITO Yugoslav leader. nyt 1944 TITO Yugoslav leader. nyt 1944 TIVOLI City east of Rome. nyt 1944 TNT Block-buster stuffing."
- A part of education.”—Bacon. nyt 1948 TRAVES Crossbeams. nyt 1948 TRAWLER Fishing craft that drags large bag net. nyt 1948 TRAY Dog in King Lear. nyt 1948 TRAY Old Dog ___. nyt 1948 TREAD Pick one's steps. nyt 1948 TREADER Stepper. nyt 1948 TREADS Parts of auto tires. nyt 1948 TREAS W. A. Julian's official position: Abbr. nyt 1948 TREASON Betrayal. nyt 1948 TREAT Subject to some action. nyt 1948 TREATER Doctor. nyt 1948 TREE A famous Hamlet. nyt 1948 TREE British theatrical family. nyt 1948 TREE English acting family. nyt 1948 TREE Into which Gaea changed Daphne. nyt 1948 TREEN Made of wood. nyt 1948 TREEWOOL Wood fiber used in plaster as binder. nyt 1948 TREF Not kosher. nyt 1948 TREK Enforced march. nyt 1948 TREMBLY Weak and shaking. nyt 1948 TREMOLOS Fluttering reiterations of a tone: Music. nyt 1948 TREMOR Nervous thrill. nyt 1948 TRENT City on the Adige. nyt 1948 TREPANS Swindles. nyt 1948 TRESSED Having locks of hair. nyt 1948 TRESSY Curl-like. nyt 1948 TRET Waste allowance. nyt 1948 TREVOR Miss Claire ___, actress. nyt 1948 TREY Three, at dominoes. nyt 1948 TREY Three. nyt 1948 TRI ___-borough Bridge. nyt 1948 TRIAGE Process of grading produce: Eng. nyt 1948 TRIALATE Three-winged. nyt 1948 TRICE Instant. nyt 1948 TRICES Hauls up and secures. nyt 1948 TRIDENT Neptune's symbol of authority. nyt 1948 TRIED Trustworthy. nyt 1948 TRIESTE Flare-up point in Europe. nyt 1948 TRIESTE Territory under U.N. control. nyt 1948 TRIFID Three-cleft. nyt 1948 TRIG Tidy. nyt 1948 TRIGGER Roy Rogers' co-star. nyt 1948 TRILL Warble. nyt 1948 TRINES Planetary aspects. nyt 1948 TRINES Triads. nyt 1948 TRIO Singing group. nyt 1948 TRIO Three united. nyt 1948 TRIOLET Its rhyme scheme is {/abaaabab/}. nyt 1948 TRIOLET Poem of eight lines. nyt 1948 TRIP Move lightly. nyt 1948 TRIPART Cut into three sections: Rare. nyt 1948 TRIPLE Threefold. nyt 1948 TRISECT Cut into three parts. nyt 1948 TRITE Stale. nyt 1948 TRITES Lyre strings. nyt 1948 TRIUNE Three in one. nyt 1948 TROD Walked. nyt 1948 TROOPER State cop. nyt 1948 TROOPS Soldiers. nyt 1948 TROPE Topical heading. nyt 1948 TROPEIC Resembling a keel. nyt 1948 TROTTER Sulky racer. nyt 1948 TROUPE Theatrical company. nyt 1948 TROUT Rainbow ___. nyt 1948 TROY Cassandra prophesied its fall. nyt 1948 TROY Old place dug up by Dr. Schliemann. nyt 1948 TROY Where Helen eloped to. nyt 1948 TRUANTS Absentees from school. nyt 1948 TRUE Genuine. nyt 1948 TRUK Former Pacific stronghold. nyt 1948 TRUMAN Bullion Stater, born May 8, 1884. nyt 1948 TRUMAN Thurmond's rival. nyt 1948 TRUST Confidence. nyt 1948 TRUTH ___, the Invincible."—Bryant.
- Thus ___ Zarathustra.” nyt 1953 SPALES Timbers used in shipbuilding. nyt 1953 SPAN Arch of a bridge. nyt 1953 SPAN Nine inches. nyt 1953 SPAN Pair of matched horses or mules. nyt 1953 SPAN Part of a bridge. nyt 1953 SPAN Team of horses. nyt 1953 SPANEMIA Blood deficiency. nyt 1953 SPANG Straight: Slang. nyt 1953 SPANGLE Stud with sequins. nyt 1953 SPANIARD Native of Toledo. nyt 1953 SPANISH Language of 100,000,000. nyt 1953 SPANK Move along smartly. nyt 1953 SPANNERS Wrenches. nyt 1953 SPANO Scarce: Comb.form. nyt 1953 SPANS Parts between two supports. nyt 1953 SPANS Reaches across. nyt 1953 SPAR Coast Guard girl. nyt 1953 SPAR Coast Guard lady. nyt 1953 SPAR Member of the Coast Guard. nyt 1953 SPAR Train for a bout. nyt 1953 SPARE Bowling score. nyt 1953 SPARE Good bowling score. nyt 1953 SPAREBED Place for a weekend guest. nyt 1953 SPARED Refrained from. nyt 1953 SPARED Refrained from. nyt 1953 SPARED Was clement. nyt 1953 SPARER More gaunt. nyt 1953 SPARERIB Cut of meat. nyt 1953 SPARERIB Cut of meat. nyt 1953 SPARES Extra parts. nyt 1953 SPARES Extra tires. nyt 1953 SPARESOME Frugal. nyt 1953 SPARETIRE Blowout insurance. nyt 1953 SPARK Go courting in the good old days. nyt 1953 SPARKLE Reflect spirit and fire. nyt 1953 SPARROW Slayer in a nursery rhyme. nyt 1953 SPARSE Few and far between. nyt 1953 SPARSE Few and far between. nyt 1953 SPARSE Scanty. nyt 1953 SPARSE Thin. nyt 1953 SPARSE Thinly settled. nyt 1953 SPARTA Ally of Athens at Thermopylae. nyt 1953 SPARTAN Undaunted. nyt 1953 SPAS Evian, St. Nectaire, etc. nyt 1953 SPAS Hot Springs and French Lick. nyt 1953 SPAS Salutary spots. nyt 1953 SPAS Saratoga and Aix les Bains. nyt 1953 SPAS Springs. nyt 1953 SPASM Sudden spell of energy. nyt 1953 SPAT Slight altercation. nyt 1953 SPAT Squabble. nyt 1953 SPAT Tiff. nyt 1953 SPAT Young oyster. nyt 1953 SPAT Young oyster. nyt 1953 SPATE Flood. nyt 1953 SPATES Flash floods. nyt 1953 SPATES Freshets. nyt 1953 SPATS Gaiters. nyt 1953 SPATS Squabbles. nyt 1953 SPATTED Struck lightly. nyt 1953 SPATULAS Artists' implements for spreading paint. nyt 1953 SPAVINS Lames a horse. nyt 1953 SPCA Humane society. nyt 1953 SPEAK Command to Fido. nyt 1953 SPEAKERS Martin and his predecessor, Rayburn. nyt 1953 SPEAKFOR Represent in court: 2 wds. nyt 1953 SPEAKS Expresses opinions. nyt 1953 SPEAR Assagai. nyt 1953 SPEAR Uhlan's weapon. nyt 1953 SPEARS Asparagus tips. nyt 1953 SPEARS Blades of grass. nyt 1953 SPEARS Pieces of asparagus. nyt 1953 SPEC Wall Street activity, for short. nyt 1953 SPECIAL A particularly favored thing. nyt 1953 SPECIE What the mint makes. nyt 1953 SPECIMENS Typical examples. nyt 1953 SPECIOUS Apparently right, but not really so. nyt 1953 SPECS Successor to the pince-nez: Colloq. nyt 1953 SPECTATORS People on the sidelines. nyt 1953 SPECTRE Ghostly figure. nyt 1953 SPED Expedited. nyt 1953 SPED Expedited. nyt 1953 SPED Hied. nyt 1953 SPED Hied. nyt 1953 SPED Hurried. nyt 1953 SPED Sent swiftly. nyt 1953 SPED Went swiftly. nyt 1953 SPEE German pocket battleship, sunk in 1939. nyt 1953 SPEE German rear admiral, World War I. nyt 1953 SPEE Graf ___, scuttled ship. nyt 1953 SPEE Ship named after German count. nyt 1953 SPEE Von ___, German naval commander. nyt 1953 SPEECH Stevenson's specialty. nyt 1953 SPEECHMAN Oldtime word for an orator. nyt 1953 SPEED A transmission gear. nyt 1953 SPEEDER Man with a ticket. nyt 1953 SPEEDER State trooper's catch. nyt 1953 SPEEDLIMIT Much discussed motoring problem. nyt 1953 SPEEDS First, second, third. nyt 1953 SPEEDS Goes like sixty."
- Excelsior,” for instance. nyt 1953 MOTTO Item for a sampler. nyt 1953 MOUE Pout: French. nyt 1953 MOULAGE Plaster cast of a footprint, tire track, etc., used in criminology. nyt 1953 MOULIN Mill: French. nyt 1953 MOULTED Shed skin or feathers. nyt 1953 MOUNTAIN Potential visitor to Mahomet. nyt 1953 MOUNTAINCLIMBER Switzerland's Raymond Lambert, for instance. nyt 1953 MOUNTS Roundup necessity, too. nyt 1953 MOURN Lament. nyt 1953 MOUSE Mickey. nyt 1953 MOUSSE Dessert for a banquet. nyt 1953 MOUSSELINE French fabric. nyt 1953 MOUSY Drab and colorless. nyt 1953 MOVEOVER Make room. nyt 1953 MOVER Man with a van. nyt 1953 MOW Part of a barn. nyt 1953 MOW Verb for Sunday gardeners. nyt 1953 MOWER Cutting machine. nyt 1953 MOWS Lofts for hay. nyt 1953 MOWS Where hay is stored. nyt 1953 MRMORRIS The Extraordinary ___."—Howard Swiggett's recent biography.
- Jesus Christ Superstar” lyricist nyt 2005 TIN 10th-anniversary metal nyt 2005 TIN Canterbury can nyt 2005 TIN Oscar statuette, mostly nyt 2005 TIN Pewter, in part nyt 2005 TINA A Sinatra nyt 2005 TINA A Sinatra nyt 2005 TINA A Turner nyt 2005 TINA Singer Turner nyt 2005 TINCANS Destroyers, slangily nyt 2005 TINCT Add color to nyt 2005 TINCT Color nyt 2005 TINCT Touch of color nyt 2005 TINDERS Fire starters nyt 2005 TINE Item component usually seen in threes or fours nyt 2005 TINE Prong nyt 2005 TINE Trident part nyt 2005 TINES Pitchfork features nyt 2005 TINGES Traces of color nyt 2005 TINHAT Soldier's helmet nyt 2005 TINIER More diminutive nyt 2005 TINMINE Bolivian underground? nyt 2005 TINNY Weak and thin, as a voice nyt 2005 TINNYTIM Dickens character with a metallic voice? nyt 2005 TINPLATE Vintage toy material nyt 2005 TINSEL Christmas trimming nyt 2005 TINT Glasses option nyt 2005 TINT Hue nyt 2005 TINT TV control nyt 2005 TINT Windshield feature nyt 2005 TINTED Like some windows nyt 2005 TINTER Photographic worker nyt 2005 TINTER Salon worker nyt 2005 TINTORETTO Scuola di San Rocco muralist nyt 2005 TINTS Salon supply nyt 2005 TINTS Window treatments nyt 2005 TINY Minute nyt 2005 TINY Peewee nyt 2005 TINY Wee nyt 2005 TIO Mañuel's uncle nyt 2005 TIO Mañuel's uncle nyt 2005 TIO Parent's hermano nyt 2005 TIO Uruguayan uncle nyt 2005 TIOGA New York county whose seat is Owego nyt 2005 TIP Not stiff? nyt 2005 TIPIN Easy two points nyt 2005 TIPJAR Bar counter sight nyt 2005 TIPS Rewards for waiting nyt 2005 TIPSY Blotto nyt 2005 TIPTOEING Stealthy activity nyt 2005 TIPTOPONEILL Playwright in rare form? nyt 2005 TIR Beginner: Var. nyt 2005 TIRADE Steam is blown off during it nyt 2005 TIRADES Rants nyt 2005 TIRANA Largely Muslim capital city nyt 2005 TIRANA Largely Muslim capital city nyt 2005 TIRELESS Indefatigable nyt 2005 TIRES Flags nyt 2005 TIRES Four for the road nyt 2005 TIRES Michelins or Pirellis nyt 2005 TIRES Targets of inflation nyt 2005 TIROS NASA weather satellite nyt 2005 TIS ___ the season …"