Crossword clues for Out for the night, in a way 6 letters:
- In shape no bigger than an agate stone. On the forefinger of an ___.” nyt 1948 ALE Beverage. nyt 1948 ALE Robin Hood's beverage. nyt 1948 ALEA Athena ___, Greek goddess of light. nyt 1948 ALEATORY Pertaining to luck, lotteries, etc. nyt 1948 ALEC Pianist Templeton. nyt 1948 ALECS Wise guys. nyt 1948 ALECTO One of the three Furies. nyt 1948 ALEE On the sheltered side. nyt 1948 ALEGAR Vinegar made of ale. nyt 1948 ALEM Turkish crescent, or its flag. nyt 1948 ALEMAN President of Mananaland. nyt 1948 ALEMAN President of Mexico. nyt 1948 ALEN Danish measure. nyt 1948 ALERTS Warning sirens. nyt 1948 ALES Beverages. nyt 1948 ALEXANDRE Monsieur Dumas. nyt 1948 ALEXIS Czar of Russia (1629–76). nyt 1948 ALGER Clergyman who wrote 119 books (1832–99). nyt 1948 ALI Arabian Nights character. nyt 1948 ALI Disciple of Mohammed. nyt 1948 ALI Son-in-law of Mohammed. nyt 1948 ALI ___ Baba. nyt 1948 ALIA By another way: Latin. nyt 1948 ALIAS Nom de guerre. nyt 1948 ALIBI What everyone has in a whodunit. nyt 1948 ALIDADE Instrument for locating forest fires. nyt 1948 ALIENATE Estrange. nyt 1948 ALIENED Estranged. nyt 1948 ALIGN Lay out methodically. nyt 1948 ALIKE Identical. nyt 1948 ALIKE Identical. nyt 1948 ALIKE In common. nyt 1948 ALISH Like October brew. nyt 1948 ALIST Canted over. nyt 1948 ALIT Dismounted. nyt 1948 ALIT Dismounted. nyt 1948 ALIT Dismounted. nyt 1948 ALIT Rested. nyt 1948 ALKALI Mineral salt in some soils. nyt 1948 ALL ___ American. nyt 1948 ALLA According to. nyt 1948 ALLA Mme. Nazimova. nyt 1948 ALLAH Arab God. nyt 1948 ALLAYED Quelled. nyt 1948 ALLEGES Declares. nyt 1948 ALLEGHENY One of the Smoky City's rivers. nyt 1948 ALLEGRO L'___" by Milton.
- The Hairy ___,” by Eugene O'Neill. nyt 1948 APE Killer in the Rue Morgue. nyt 1948 APE Mimic. nyt 1948 APEPI Great serpent in Egyptian myth. nyt 1948 APER Copycat. nyt 1948 APER Copycat. nyt 1948 APER Mimic. nyt 1948 APERS Mimics. nyt 1948 APHASIC Speechless. nyt 1948 API Himalayan mountain, 22,700 feet. nyt 1948 APIARIST Maeterlinck's avocation. nyt 1948 APII Starch-yielding aroid. nyt 1948 APIS Object of worship, 3000 B.C. nyt 1948 APIS Sacred bull of ancient Egypt. nyt 1948 APLITE Fine-grained granite. nyt 1948 APO Highest mountain in Philippines. nyt 1948 APO Volcano on Mindanao. nyt 1948 APOD Footless animal. nyt 1948 APODAN Footless animal. nyt 1948 APOGEES The highest points. nyt 1948 APOLLO One of the Delian twins. nyt 1948 APPEARANCE Mien. nyt 1948 APPIAN ___ Way, ancient Roman road. nyt 1948 APPOINT Name. nyt 1948 APR Moist month: Abbr. nyt 1948 APREMONT Village NW of Verdun. nyt 1948 APTERAL The kiwi is. nyt 1948 ARA Constellation. nyt 1948 ARA Constellation. nyt 1948 ARA Greek goddess of vengeance. nyt 1948 ARA Macaw. nyt 1948 ARA Macaw. nyt 1948 ARA Macaw. nyt 1948 ARAB Belligerent in Asia. nyt 1948 ARAB Yemenite. nyt 1948 ARABIA Land of the Thousand and One Nights. nyt 1948 ARABIA Near-Eastern kingdom. nyt 1948 ARABIAN Breed of horses shipped from Aden. nyt 1948 ARABIC Language of Ibn Saud's people. nyt 1948 ARABISTAN Turkish name for large peninsula. nyt 1948 ARAG ___, a bone, and a hank of hair."