Crossword clues for Opposite of long.:
- Line in 2000s TV ads where Justin Long personified one of Apple's computers (opposite John Hodgman's PC)
- What's in _____?” nyt 1995 ANANIAS Biblical dissembler nyt 1995 ANANIAS Biblical liar nyt 1995 ANAP Take ____ (doze) nyt 1995 ANAPEST Short, short, long nyt 1995 ANARM Cost _____ and... nyt 1995 ANAS Common duck genus nyt 1995 ANAT Gray area: Abbr. nyt 1995 ANAT Gray's subj. nyt 1995 ANAT Henry Gray's subj. nyt 1995 ANAT Part of an M.D.'s educ. nyt 1995 ANAT Premed course: Abbr. nyt 1995 ANATHEMA It's not wanted nyt 1995 ANC Black rights org. since 1912 nyt 1995 ANC Mandela's polit. party nyt 1995 ANCE Clear finish nyt 1995 ANCHORED Fast in the water nyt 1995 ANCHOVY Pizza topping nyt 1995 ANCIEN Opposite of moderne nyt 1995 ANCORA Mooring for a Spanish galleon nyt 1995 AND What's more..."
- Private eye.” nyt 1952 SHANTIES Opposite of palaces. nyt 1952 SHAPE Its headquarters are at Rocquencourt. nyt 1952 SHAPE One-time Ike post. nyt 1952 SHAPE Ridgway's new command. nyt 1952 SHAPELY Well-formed. nyt 1952 SHAPELY Well-proportioned. nyt 1952 SHARD Fragment of broken earthenware. nyt 1952 SHARD Pottery fragment. nyt 1952 SHARED Participated. nyt 1952 SHARERS One for all and all for one. nyt 1952 SHARERS Participants. nyt 1952 SHARES Topic on Wall Street. nyt 1952 SHARKS Unusually able people: slang. nyt 1952 SHARKSKIN Suiting material. nyt 1952 SHARMAN Lewis Douglas' daughter. nyt 1952 SHARP Quick on the uptake. nyt 1952 SHARPIES Long, flat-bottomed sailboats of New England. nyt 1952 SHASTA Our second highest dam. nyt 1952 SHASTA Second highest U. S. dam. nyt 1952 SHASTA Second highest dam, 602 feet. nyt 1952 SHAVER Youngster. nyt 1952 SHAVIANS Followers of a great English writer. nyt 1952 SHAW Celebrated Irish dramatist. nyt 1952 SHAW He wrote Caesar and Cleopatra."
- His sins were scarlet, but his books were ___.” nyt 1948 READE Author of best seller of 1881. nyt 1948 READE Lawyer, dramatist, novelist. nyt 1948 READER Bookworm. nyt 1948 READERS McGuffey's line. nyt 1948 READING City on the Schuykill River. nyt 1948 REALIZES Converts into money. nyt 1948 REALM Department. nyt 1948 REALM Domain. nyt 1948 REALNESS Factuality. nyt 1948 REALNESS Verisimilitude. nyt 1948 REALTORS Brokers. nyt 1948 REAM Bevel out. nyt 1948 REAPER Farm machine. nyt 1948 REAPER Prototype of Father Time. nyt 1948 REAR Opposite of van. nyt 1948 REARMS Furnishes with new weapons. nyt 1948 REARS Nursles. nyt 1948 REAS Turmerics. nyt 1948 REASON Feature of Paine's age. nyt 1948 REASON Intellect. nyt 1948 REASON Motive. nyt 1948 REASON Understanding. nyt 1948 REASSURE Free from fear. nyt 1948 REAVER Despoiler: Archaic. nyt 1948 REB Confederate. nyt 1948 REBAS Hebrew weights. nyt 1948 REBEAMS Casts rays again. nyt 1948 REBREEDS Causes again. nyt 1948 RECANT Rescind. nyt 1948 RECANT Withdraw. nyt 1948 RECASE Box again. nyt 1948 RECEDE Retrograde. nyt 1948 RECEDED Withdrew. nyt 1948 RECESS Niche. nyt 1948 RECIPE Formula. nyt 1948 RECIPIENT Donee. nyt 1948 RECITED Told over. nyt 1948 RECITER Declaimer. nyt 1948 RECTOS Right-hand pages. nyt 1948 RECUR Come again to mind. nyt 1948 RECURLS Makes a new permanent wave. nyt 1948 RECUTS Slices again. nyt 1948 RED Designation dropped by Russian Army. nyt 1948 RED Mr. Barber. nyt 1948 RED One end of the spectrum. nyt 1948 REDAN Fortification. nyt 1948 REDAN Fortification. nyt 1948 REDBUD Tree with heart-shaped leaves. nyt 1948 REDCAP Porter. nyt 1948 REDIVIDE Re-allocate. nyt 1948 REDS Colors. nyt 1948 REDSKINS The seven who bit the dust: Quincy Kilby. nyt 1948 REDUPED Deceived again. nyt 1948 REE Arikara. nyt 1948 REE Arikara. nyt 1948 REE Arm of Ireland's Shannon river. nyt 1948 REE Dakota Indian. nyt 1948 REECE Chairman of GOP committee. nyt 1948 REECE Chairman of Republican National Committee. nyt 1948 REEDS Musical instruments. nyt 1948 REEDS Pastoral pipes. nyt 1948 REEDY Long and slender. nyt 1948 REEF Longfellow's Norman's Woe."