Crossword clues for One waving you through:
- Waltzing ___.” nyt 1944 MATSUS Japanese pines. nyt 1944 MATSUWA Island in Kuriles. nyt 1944 MATTE Dull finish. nyt 1944 MATTED Snarled. nyt 1944 MATTY Nickname. nyt 1944 MAUCH ___ Chunk, Pennsylvania. nyt 1944 MAUDLE Render tearful. nyt 1944 MAUI Chief culture hero of Polynesia. nyt 1944 MAUSERS Firearms of repeating type. nyt 1944 MAW Bird's craw. nyt 1944 MAXIM Inventor of automatic gun (1840–1916). nyt 1944 MAXIM Type of gun. nyt 1944 MAYAS Early settlers in Yucatan. nyt 1944 MCAFEE Lieut. Comdr. of the Waves. nyt 1944 ME Symbol for German plane. nyt 1944 MEA ___ culpa. nyt 1944 MEAD One of the 'round the world” Senators.
- His sins were scarlet, but his books were ___.” nyt 1948 READE Author of best seller of 1881. nyt 1948 READE Lawyer, dramatist, novelist. nyt 1948 READER Bookworm. nyt 1948 READERS McGuffey's line. nyt 1948 READING City on the Schuykill River. nyt 1948 REALIZES Converts into money. nyt 1948 REALM Department. nyt 1948 REALM Domain. nyt 1948 REALNESS Factuality. nyt 1948 REALNESS Verisimilitude. nyt 1948 REALTORS Brokers. nyt 1948 REAM Bevel out. nyt 1948 REAPER Farm machine. nyt 1948 REAPER Prototype of Father Time. nyt 1948 REAR Opposite of van. nyt 1948 REARMS Furnishes with new weapons. nyt 1948 REARS Nursles. nyt 1948 REAS Turmerics. nyt 1948 REASON Feature of Paine's age. nyt 1948 REASON Intellect. nyt 1948 REASON Motive. nyt 1948 REASON Understanding. nyt 1948 REASSURE Free from fear. nyt 1948 REAVER Despoiler: Archaic. nyt 1948 REB Confederate. nyt 1948 REBAS Hebrew weights. nyt 1948 REBEAMS Casts rays again. nyt 1948 REBREEDS Causes again. nyt 1948 RECANT Rescind. nyt 1948 RECANT Withdraw. nyt 1948 RECASE Box again. nyt 1948 RECEDE Retrograde. nyt 1948 RECEDED Withdrew. nyt 1948 RECESS Niche. nyt 1948 RECIPE Formula. nyt 1948 RECIPIENT Donee. nyt 1948 RECITED Told over. nyt 1948 RECITER Declaimer. nyt 1948 RECTOS Right-hand pages. nyt 1948 RECUR Come again to mind. nyt 1948 RECURLS Makes a new permanent wave. nyt 1948 RECUTS Slices again. nyt 1948 RED Designation dropped by Russian Army. nyt 1948 RED Mr. Barber. nyt 1948 RED One end of the spectrum. nyt 1948 REDAN Fortification. nyt 1948 REDAN Fortification. nyt 1948 REDBUD Tree with heart-shaped leaves. nyt 1948 REDCAP Porter. nyt 1948 REDIVIDE Re-allocate. nyt 1948 REDS Colors. nyt 1948 REDSKINS The seven who bit the dust: Quincy Kilby. nyt 1948 REDUPED Deceived again. nyt 1948 REE Arikara. nyt 1948 REE Arikara. nyt 1948 REE Arm of Ireland's Shannon river. nyt 1948 REE Dakota Indian. nyt 1948 REECE Chairman of GOP committee. nyt 1948 REECE Chairman of Republican National Committee. nyt 1948 REEDS Musical instruments. nyt 1948 REEDS Pastoral pipes. nyt 1948 REEDY Long and slender. nyt 1948 REEF Longfellow's Norman's Woe."
- The Mill on the ___.” nyt 1954 FLOSS Fibers of silk. nyt 1954 FLOSS Tom Tulliver's river. nyt 1954 FLOSSY Elegant: Slang. nyt 1954 FLOUNDERING At sea. nyt 1954 FLOUR Flapjack makings. nyt 1954 FLOURISH Ornate musical passage. nyt 1954 FLOW 7th word of the Doxology. nyt 1954 FLOW Fall in waves. nyt 1954 FLOW Proceed. nyt 1954 FLOW Stream or current. nyt 1954 FLUB Bobble. nyt 1954 FLUE Chimney part. nyt 1954 FLUE Shaft. nyt 1954 FLUKE Stroke of luck. nyt 1954 FLUNKER Deficient one: Colloq. nyt 1954 FLUSTER Disconcert. nyt 1954 FLUTED Grooved, as a column. nyt 1954 FLUTIST Member of the orchestra. nyt 1954 FLY Ball batted in the air. nyt 1954 FLY Coachman or red quill. nyt 1954 FLYROD Fishing pole. nyt 1954 FOALS Paddock occupants. nyt 1954 FOAM Spindrift. nyt 1954 FOB Freight letters. nyt 1954 FOBS Watch chain trinkets. nyt 1954 FOCH Commander in Chief of 1918. nyt 1954 FOCSLE Part of a ship, in sailors' lingo. nyt 1954 FOCUSED Concentrated on one point. nyt 1954 FOEHNS Warm Alpine winds. nyt 1954 FOFUM Part of the giant's threat. nyt 1954 FOGS Steams over. nyt 1954 FOIE Pâté de ___ gras. nyt 1954 FOILER Balker. nyt 1954 FOIS Time: French. nyt 1954 FOLK People. nyt 1954 FOLK People. nyt 1954 FOLLICLE Hair sac. nyt 1954 FOMENT Stir up, as trouble. nyt 1954 FOND Loving. nyt 1954 FONDA Court Martial" star.
- ___ Charming People” by Michael Arlen. nyt 1948 THING Object. nyt 1948 THIRD One part of Caesar's Gaul. nyt 1948 THISBE Sweetheart of Pyramus. nyt 1948 THOLES Pins serving as fulcrums for oars. nyt 1948 THOMAS A Presidential candidate. nyt 1948 THOR In Bilskirnir hall he dwelt. nyt 1948 THOREZ Communist leader in France. nyt 1948 THORIUM Radioactive element no. 90. nyt 1948 THORP Hamlet. nyt 1948 THOS Macaulay's first name: Abbr. nyt 1948 THOS Masculine name: Abbr. nyt 1948 THRACE The country of Hero and Leander. nyt 1948 THRIFT Good husbandry. nyt 1948 THRONGS Hosts. nyt 1948 THUG Assassin. nyt 1948 THUG Ruffian. nyt 1948 THULE Ultima ___. nyt 1948 THUMP Strike with a heavy dull sound. nyt 1948 THUMPER Walt Disney's frantic rabbit. nyt 1948 THUMPS Pounds. nyt 1948 THUS Hence. nyt 1948 THY Pronoun. nyt 1948 TIAR Coronet: Poet. nyt 1948 TIBET Country explored by Sven Hedin. nyt 1948 TIBETAN Shangri-La native. nyt 1948 TIBIA The shin bone. nyt 1948 TIBIAL Of a bone. nyt 1948 TIDAL ___ river, as the Hudson. nyt 1948 TIDAL ___ wave. nyt 1948 TIDE Carry through. nyt 1948 TIDES Currents. nyt 1948 TIDINGS Intelligence. nyt 1948 TIE Dead heat. nyt 1948 TIE Draw. nyt 1948 TIE Hand-painted accessory. nyt 1948 TIE Sleeper. nyt 1948 TIE Standoff. nyt 1948 TIED So Gulliver finds himself. nyt 1948 TIEL Netherlands town west of Nijmegen. nyt 1948 TIEN ___ Shan, Asiatic mountains. nyt 1948 TIER Animal: Ger. nyt 1948 TIER Row of seats. nyt 1948 TIES Family ___. nyt 1948 TIGE Dog's name. nyt 1948 TIGER The Lady or the ___."