Crossword clues for Man of power. 5 letters:
- There is ___ in affairs of men . . . ” nyt 1960 ATILT Raised on end. nyt 1960 ATINGLE Smarting. nyt 1960 ATION Noun-forming suffix. nyt 1960 ATION Noun-forming suffix. nyt 1960 ATIP Expectant. nyt 1960 ATIP On tiptoe. nyt 1960 ATIP On tiptoe. nyt 1960 ATIP On tiptoe. nyt 1960 ATIP Take ___ (be advised). nyt 1960 ATIU One of the Cook islands. nyt 1960 ATIVE Adjective suffix. nyt 1960 ATKA Aleutian island. nyt 1960 ATKA Aleutian island. nyt 1960 ATKAN Dweller on an Aleutian island. nyt 1960 ATL Ocean: Abbr. nyt 1960 ATL Ocean: Abbr. nyt 1960 ATLANTA City in GWTW. nyt 1960 ATLANTA Where Peachtree Street is. nyt 1960 ATLANTA Where Peachtree Street is. nyt 1960 ATLANTES Male figures used as columns. nyt 1960 ATLAS A Titan. nyt 1960 ATLAS Brother of Prometheus. nyt 1960 ATLAS Father of Hyades. nyt 1960 ATLAS First talking satellite, Dec. 18, 1958. nyt 1960 ATLAS Man with a burden. nyt 1960 ATLAS Mountain range of N. Africa. nyt 1960 ATLAS One of the missiles. nyt 1960 ATLEAST In any event. nyt 1960 ATLI A king of the Huns. nyt 1960 ATLI Husband of Gudrun. nyt 1960 ATLI Spouse of Gudrun. nyt 1960 ATM Earth's envelope: Abbr. nyt 1960 ATMAN Hindu reservoir spirit. nyt 1960 ATMO Earth's envelope, for short. nyt 1960 ATMO Vapor: Comb. form. nyt 1960 ATMOST Not more than. nyt 1960 ATNO What 50 is to tin: Abbr. nyt 1960 ATNO ___ cost (gratis). nyt 1960 ATNO ___ cost (gratis). nyt 1960 ATOLE Mexican porridge. nyt 1960 ATOLL A speck of Oceania. nyt 1960 ATOLL Bikini. nyt 1960 ATOLL Coral island. nyt 1960 ATOLLS Ring-shaped reefs. nyt 1960 ATOM Bit. nyt 1960 ATOM Jot. nyt 1960 ATOM Jot. nyt 1960 ATOM Microcosm. nyt 1960 ATOM Minute quantity. nyt 1960 ATOM Mite. nyt 1960 ATOM Particle. nyt 1960 ATOM Particle. nyt 1960 ATOM See 3 Down. nyt 1960 ATOM Small but important item. nyt 1960 ATOM Source of power. nyt 1960 ATOM The once indivisible. nyt 1960 ATOMIC Adjective for energy. nyt 1960 ATOMICAGE Our time. nyt 1960 ATOMICAL Fissionable. nyt 1960 ATOMIST Adherent of theory about the universe. nyt 1960 ATOMIST Believer in B. C. doctrine. nyt 1960 ATOMIZE Reduce to small particles. nyt 1960 ATOMS ___ For Peace."
- Type of passenger cart whose name derives from the Japanese characters for "man," "power," and "vehicle"
- So Little ___.” nyt 1944 TIME Greenwich ___. nyt 1944 TIMES ___ Square. nyt 1944 TIMING Effective spacing of gags. nyt 1944 TIMOR Island in Malay Archipelago. nyt 1944 TIMOR Kupang is its capital. nyt 1944 TIMOR Strategic Malay island. nyt 1944 TIMOR Strategic island N. W. of Darwin. nyt 1944 TIN Export from Bolivia. nyt 1944 TIN Product of the Malay States. nyt 1944 TINAMINE Pertaining to South American quail. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINEA Ringworm. nyt 1944 TINED Pronged. nyt 1944 TINGE Faint color. nyt 1944 TINGS High pitched sounds. nyt 1944 TINNER Metal worker. nyt 1944 TINNY Having a metallic sound. nyt 1944 TINSMAN Dealer in metal. nyt 1944 TINT Faint color. nyt 1944 TINY Minute. nyt 1944 TIP Dumping-ground. nyt 1944 TIPS Pointers. nyt 1944 TIRANA Albanian capital. nyt 1944 TIRE First on the ration list. nyt 1944 TIRINGLY In exhaustive manner. nyt 1944 TIROL Where Innsbruck is. nyt 1944 TIROLEAN Of the Austrian Alps. nyt 1944 TIRR Uncover: Scot. nyt 1944 TISANES Medicated decoctions. nyt 1944 TITAN Powerful man. nyt 1944 TITANIA Wife of Oberon. nyt 1944 TITHER Collector of tenth part. nyt 1944 TITI South American monkey. nyt 1944 TITO He met Churchill in Rome. nyt 1944 TITO Marshal Brozovich. nyt 1944 TITO Marshal of Jugoslavia. nyt 1944 TITO Nom de guerre of General Brozovich. nyt 1944 TITO Yugoslav leader. nyt 1944 TITO Yugoslav leader. nyt 1944 TIVOLI City east of Rome. nyt 1944 TNT Block-buster stuffing."
- And ___ man hath power to say 'Behold!' eltana 2014 ERECT Construct eltana 2014 ERG Small amount of work eltana 2014 ERGO Thus eltana 2014 ERIC Ariel's prince eltana 2014 ERIC Holder of the Attorney General's office eltana 2014 ERIE U.S. lake eltana 2014 ERMA Author Bombeck eltana 2014 ERMA Writer Bombeck eltana 2014 ERNESTHEMINGWAY He left the US for France in 1921 and returned in 1940 eltana 2014 ERODE Eat away at eltana 2014 ERODE Slowly eat away eltana 2014 EROS Son of 15-Across eltana 2014 EROTICA Steamy 1992 Madonna song/album eltana 2014 ERR Botch it eltana 2014 ERR Bumble eltana 2014 ERUPT Emulate St. Helens eltana 2014 ESAI Criminal Minds actor Morales eltana 2014 ESAU Jacob's brother eltana 2014 ESAUS His brother came out, with his hand grasping ___ heel; so he was named Jacob" (Genesis)
- Ol' man” of song. nyt 1956 MOSES Israelite leader. nyt 1956 MOSES Role for Charlton Heston. nyt 1956 MOSES Subject of Michelangelo masterpiece. nyt 1956 MOSES Well-known name in art. nyt 1956 MOSQUITOBOAT Small naval craft. nyt 1956 MOSS Dramatist Hart. nyt 1956 MOSS Playwright Hart. nyt 1956 MOSS Sphagnum. nyt 1956 MOSSADEGH Iran's demoted Premier. nyt 1956 MOSSAGATE Variety of quartz. nyt 1956 MOSSBACK Extreme conservative: Colloq. nyt 1956 MOSSY Lichenic. nyt 1956 MOST Greatest part. nyt 1956 MOST Greatest. nyt 1956 MOT Bon ___. nyt 1956 MOT Bon ___. nyt 1956 MOT Bright saying. nyt 1956 MOT Pithy remark. nyt 1956 MOT Pithy remark. nyt 1956 MOT Pithy remark. nyt 1956 MOTEL Stopping place. nyt 1956 MOTES Specks. nyt 1956 MOTETS Choral works. nyt 1956 MOTHEATEN Out-dated. nyt 1956 MOTHERNATURE Personified force. nyt 1956 MOTHERSDAY It was founded by Anna Jarvis, 1914. nyt 1956 MOTIF Main theme, in art, music, etc. nyt 1956 MOTION Proposal made in an assembly. nyt 1956 MOTO Marquand's detective. nyt 1956 MOTO Marquand's detective. nyt 1956 MOTOR Go by car. nyt 1956 MOTOR Power producer. nyt 1956 MOTOR Prime mover. nyt 1956 MOTOR Straight 6. nyt 1956 MOTORCOURT Tourist stopover. nyt 1956 MOTORLESSPLANES Gliders. nyt 1956 MOTORMEN Subway drivers. nyt 1956 MOTORS Certain securities, in finance. nyt 1956 MOTORS Group of securities. nyt 1956 MOTOS Movements, in music: Ital. nyt 1956 MOTTO Semper paratus," for example.