Crossword clues for Make: French 5 letters:
- The harp that once through ___ halls . . . ” nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA The Marines took it, November, 1943. nyt 1952 TARBELL Ida M. ___, famed writer on economics. nyt 1952 TARDE Afternoon, in Madrid. nyt 1952 TARDE Afternoon: Spanish. nyt 1952 TARDY Slow. nyt 1952 TARE A weed, in the Bible. nyt 1952 TARE Biblical weed. nyt 1952 TARE Darnel. nyt 1952 TARE Weed. nyt 1952 TARENTINES Inhabitants of an Italian city. nyt 1952 TARES Vetches. nyt 1952 TARES Weeds sowed among the wheat. nyt 1952 TARES Weeds. nyt 1952 TARGET A goal to be reached. nyt 1952 TARHEEL Native of North Carolina. nyt 1952 TARIFF Formerly a big political issue. nyt 1952 TARNS Lakes in the mountains. nyt 1952 TARO A plant called elephant's-ear. nyt 1952 TARO Cocoroot. nyt 1952 TARO Food for Polynesians. nyt 1952 TARO From which poi is made. nyt 1952 TARO Tropical food. nyt 1952 TAROT Card played no more. nyt 1952 TAROT Oldtime playing card. nyt 1952 TARPEIA Vestal virgin who was hurled from a rock by the Sabines. nyt 1952 TARPON Florida game fish. nyt 1952 TARPON Prized catch off Florida. nyt 1952 TARPON Prized game fish. nyt 1952 TARPONS Game fish caught off Florida. nyt 1952 TARR Tease: Var. nyt 1952 TARRED Describing roofs and roads. nyt 1952 TARRING Finishing off a roof. nyt 1952 TARRY Stay awhile. nyt 1952 TARS Briny men. nyt 1952 TARS Covers with pitch. nyt 1952 TARS Dick Deadeye and his pals. nyt 1952 TARS Men of the sea. nyt 1952 TARS Sea dogs. nyt 1952 TARSI Lower leg joints. nyt 1952 TART Small pie with no top crust. nyt 1952 TART Sour. nyt 1952 TARTANA Two-wheeled carriage of Valencia. nyt 1952 TARTAR Intractable person. nyt 1952 TARTE French dessert. nyt 1952 TARTEN Make pungent. nyt 1952 TAS Heap or pile: French. nyt 1952 TAS Heap or pile: French. nyt 1952 TASCO Clay for making melting pots. nyt 1952 TASHA River in China. nyt 1952 TASK A kind of master. nyt 1952 TASK Duty. nyt 1952 TASK Job. nyt 1952 TASK Job. nyt 1952 TASM Island south of Australia: Abbr. nyt 1952 TASMAN Discover of Fiji Islands, 1643. nyt 1952 TASMANSEA Expanse of water W of New Zealand. nyt 1952 TASS Its newsmen are suspect in U. S. nyt 1952 TASS Red news agency. nyt 1952 TASSE Cup: French. nyt 1952 TASSE Cup: French. nyt 1952 TASSEL Decoration on a mortarboard. nyt 1952 TASSELED Put forth inflorescence. nyt 1952 TASSELS Ornaments, on maize. nyt 1952 TASSO Epic poet. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian 16th century poet. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian poet of the 16th century. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian poet who wrote Jerusalem Delivered."
- Excelsior,” for instance. nyt 1953 MOTTO Item for a sampler. nyt 1953 MOUE Pout: French. nyt 1953 MOULAGE Plaster cast of a footprint, tire track, etc., used in criminology. nyt 1953 MOULIN Mill: French. nyt 1953 MOULTED Shed skin or feathers. nyt 1953 MOUNTAIN Potential visitor to Mahomet. nyt 1953 MOUNTAINCLIMBER Switzerland's Raymond Lambert, for instance. nyt 1953 MOUNTS Roundup necessity, too. nyt 1953 MOURN Lament. nyt 1953 MOUSE Mickey. nyt 1953 MOUSSE Dessert for a banquet. nyt 1953 MOUSSELINE French fabric. nyt 1953 MOUSY Drab and colorless. nyt 1953 MOVEOVER Make room. nyt 1953 MOVER Man with a van. nyt 1953 MOW Part of a barn. nyt 1953 MOW Verb for Sunday gardeners. nyt 1953 MOWER Cutting machine. nyt 1953 MOWS Lofts for hay. nyt 1953 MOWS Where hay is stored. nyt 1953 MRMORRIS The Extraordinary ___."—Howard Swiggett's recent biography.
- Chew up the scenery.” nyt 1953 EMOTE Overdo the drama. nyt 1953 EMOTE Portray with schmaltz. nyt 1953 EMOTE Put on a scene: Jocose. nyt 1953 EMOTERS Ham actors. nyt 1953 EMOTES Overacts. nyt 1953 EMOTING Type of acting in the above. nyt 1953 EMOTION Love or hate. nyt 1953 EMOTIONAL Easily stirred. nyt 1953 EMP Ruler: Abbr. nyt 1953 EMP Sovereign: Abbr. nyt 1953 EMP Sovereign: Abbr. nyt 1953 EMPERORHIROHITO Oriental V. I. P. nyt 1953 EMPIREDAY Festival in Great Britain, May 24. nyt 1953 EMPIRES Byzantine and Greek. nyt 1953 EMPIRES They rise and fall. nyt 1953 EMPIRES What Cyrus and Otho had. nyt 1953 EMPIRESTATE Legend on N. Y. license plates. nyt 1953 EMPORIA City in Kansas. nyt 1953 EMPRESS Elizabeth II. nyt 1953 EMPTY Describing the bleachers on a rainy day. nyt 1953 EMPTY Insincere. nyt 1953 EMS German river. nyt 1953 EMS Letters. nyt 1953 EMS Printers' measures. nyt 1953 EMS River flowing into North Sea. nyt 1953 EMU Australian sight. nyt 1953 EMU Avian part of Australia's coat of arms. nyt 1953 EMU Bird of the Antipodes. nyt 1953 EMU It has wings but can't fly. nyt 1953 EMU Large bird. nyt 1953 EMU Rhea's cousin. nyt 1953 EMULATE Vie with. nyt 1953 EMULATE Vie with. nyt 1953 EMUS Nonflying birds. nyt 1953 ENABLE Furnish with adequate means. nyt 1953 ENABLE Make possible. nyt 1953 ENABLE Make possible. nyt 1953 ENABLERS Facilitators. nyt 1953 ENABLES Makes possible. nyt 1953 ENACT Make into a statute. nyt 1953 ENACT Perform. nyt 1953 ENACT Play out. nyt 1953 ENACT Play. nyt 1953 ENACT Play. nyt 1953 ENACTED Legislated. nyt 1953 ENACTED Portrayed. nyt 1953 ENACTED Portrayed. nyt 1953 ENACTED Portrayed. nyt 1953 ENACTIVE Legislative. nyt 1953 ENACTOR Issuer of a decree. nyt 1953 ENACTOR Senator in action. nyt 1953 ENACTORS Lawmakers. nyt 1953 ENACTS Decrees. nyt 1953 ENACTS Makes into law. nyt 1953 ENACTS Passes laws. nyt 1953 ENACTS Performs. nyt 1953 ENAM Hindu land grant. nyt 1953 ENAMEL A kind of paint. nyt 1953 ENAMEL Gloss. nyt 1953 ENAMEL Part of a tooth. nyt 1953 ENAMELER Painter. nyt 1953 ENAMELS Nail polishes. nyt 1953 ENAMELS Paints. nyt 1953 ENAMOR Charm. nyt 1953 ENAMORED Charmed. nyt 1953 ENAMOUR Captivate: Var. nyt 1953 ENARE Finnish lake. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in Finland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in Finland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in Lapland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in Lapland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lake in northern Finland. nyt 1953 ENARE Lapland lake. nyt 1953 ENARM Embrace: Var. nyt 1953 ENARM Embrace: Var. nyt 1953 ENATE Growing out. nyt 1953 ENATE Growing out. nyt 1953 ENC Something in an envelope: Abbr. nyt 1953 ENCASE Cover, as a hook. nyt 1953 ENCE Noun suffix. nyt 1953 ENCE Noun suffix. nyt 1953 ENCE Noun suffix. nyt 1953 ENCHANT Bewitch. nyt 1953 ENCHANT Captivate. nyt 1953 ENCLAVE Enclose within alien territory. nyt 1953 ENCLAVE Tract enclosed within a foreign territory. nyt 1953 ENCLOSE Fence in. nyt 1953 ENCOMIA Expressions of high praise. nyt 1953 ENCOURAGE Hearten. nyt 1953 ENCOURAGES Cheers on. nyt 1953 ENCRE Ink: Fr. nyt 1953 ENCRE Ink: French. nyt 1953 ENCROACH Intrude on another's rights. nyt 1953 ENCROACHERS Trespassers. nyt 1953 ENCY Noun suffix. nyt 1953 END Journeys ___ in lovers meeting."
- David ___,” by Edward Noyes Westcott. nyt 1944 HARUNA Battleship bombed Dec., 1941. nyt 1944 HARUNA Jap battleship attacked by Capt. Colin Kelly. nyt 1944 HAS Owns. nyt 1944 HASAN Grandson of Mohammed. nyt 1944 HASH Jumble. nyt 1944 HASTATE Spear-shaped. nyt 1944 HASTE Hurry. nyt 1944 HATCHMENT Armorial bearing of deceased person. nyt 1944 HATE Intense aversion. nyt 1944 HATE Loathe. nyt 1944 HATERS Despisers. nyt 1944 HAUL Transport. nyt 1944 HAULM Stem of a plant. nyt 1944 HAUTES ___-Pyrenees, French province. nyt 1944 HAVANA Capital city of President-elect San Martin. nyt 1944 HAVOC U. S. fighter-bomber. nyt 1944 HAVRE French Channel port. nyt 1944 HAVRE Great invasion seaport, France. nyt 1944 HAWSE Distance forward from bow to anchor. nyt 1944 HAYE The Hague: French. nyt 1944 HAYES U. S. Ambassador to Spain. nyt 1944 HEADNOTE Summary prefixed to law report. nyt 1944 HEADS Directors. nyt 1944 HEALS Restores. nyt 1944 HEAP Accumulate. nyt 1944 HEAR Give attention to. nyt 1944 HEARN He taught English at University of Tokyo (1850–1904). nyt 1944 HEARN Interpreter of Japan to Western World (1850–1904). nyt 1944 HEARS Gives ear. nyt 1944 HEARST Newspaper publisher born 1863. nyt 1944 HEART Core. nyt 1944 HEARTY Jolly sailor. nyt 1944 HEATS Preliminary races. nyt 1944 HEATS Warms. nyt 1944 HEBETATE Dull, obtuse. nyt 1944 HECLA Volcano in southwest Iceland. nyt 1944 HECTARE Measure of 100 acres. nyt 1944 HEDDLE Part of a loom. nyt 1944 HEDIN Swedish explorer in Asia. nyt 1944 HEEHAWS Makes a sound like an animal. nyt 1944 HEIGHT Distance off an assumed base. nyt 1944 HEIRS Inheritors. nyt 1944 HEL Underworld queen. nyt 1944 HELEN Greek heroine. nyt 1944 HELEN Her abduction caused a war. nyt 1944 HELENA Capital of Gov. Ford's State. nyt 1944 HELENA Gov. Ford's capital. nyt 1944 HELICON Apollo's supposed residence. nyt 1944 HELLCAT U. S. fighter plane. nyt 1944 HELLDIVER Curtiss naval plane. nyt 1944 HELLDOG Cerberus, hound of Hades. nyt 1944 HELLENE Greek. nyt 1944 HELM Steering apparatus. nyt 1944 HELM Wheel. nyt 1944 HELMET Soldier's bullet deflector. nyt 1944 HELMETS GI equipment. nyt 1944 HELMS Ships' wheels. nyt 1944 HELOTS Spartan bondmen. nyt 1944 HELP Distress call. nyt 1944 HELVE Axe handle. nyt 1944 HEM Surround. nyt 1944 HEMPEL American operatic soprano born in Leipzig. nyt 1944 HEMS Surrounds. nyt 1944 HEN Fowl. nyt 1944 HENRI ___ Petain. nyt 1944 HER That woman. nyt 1944 HERA Queen of the gods. nyt 1944 HERALD Harbinger. nyt 1944 HERD Mob. nyt 1944 HERE Present. nyt 1944 HERMES Mercury. nyt 1944 HERMIA Lysander's love. nyt 1944 HEROD Symbol of tyranny. nyt 1944 HEROINE Gallant woman. nyt 1944 HERR German title. nyt 1944 HERR Mister. nyt 1944 HERR Title. nyt 1944 HERZOG German title of duke. nyt 1944 HESS Amateur Nazi chutist. nyt 1944 HESS Britain's uninvited guest. nyt 1944 HESS Former Nazi deputy leader. nyt 1944 HESSE State in southwest Germany. nyt 1944 HET Hot: Slang. nyt 1944 HETMANS Generals of the Cossacks. nyt 1944 HEW Shape roughly. nyt 1944 HEWER Lumber cutter. nyt 1944 HIA Hawk parrot. nyt 1944 HIATE Gape: Rare. nyt 1944 HIDEOUSLY Horribly. nyt 1944 HIDES Pelts. nyt 1944 HIES Hurries. nyt 1944 HILARIA Girl's name meaning cheerful. nyt 1944 HIM Pronoun. nyt 1944 HIM Pronoun. nyt 1944 HIM Pronoun. nyt 1944 HINALAYAS The hump."
- Black-and-whites.” nyt 1952 SODAS Rivals of sundaes. nyt 1952 SODAS Snacks for teen-agers. nyt 1952 SODAS Sundaes and ___. nyt 1952 SODDENED Became saturated. nyt 1952 SODS Clumps of earth. nyt 1952 SODS Covers with turf. nyt 1952 SODS Covers with turf. nyt 1952 SODY Hillbilly's order at the fountain. nyt 1952 SOFA Living room piece. nyt 1952 SOFA Piece of furniture. nyt 1952 SOFA Piece of furniture. nyt 1952 SOFA Salon piece for Mme. Recamier. nyt 1952 SOFAS Pieces of furniture. nyt 1952 SOFIA Most important Balkan transportation center. nyt 1952 SOFT The answer that turns away wrath. nyt 1952 SOFTEN Mollify. nyt 1952 SOHO London district, noted for its restaurants. nyt 1952 SOI ___-disant (so-called): French. nyt 1952 SOIE Silk: French. nyt 1952 SOIL Cultivated ground. nyt 1952 SOIL Earth. nyt 1952 SOIL Glebe. nyt 1952 SOIL The good earth. nyt 1952 SOIL Top ___. nyt 1952 SOIREE Evening party. nyt 1952 SOIREES Social gatherings in the evening. nyt 1952 SOIT Honi ___ qui mal y pense. nyt 1952 SOKOL Czech athletic pageant. nyt 1952 SOKOTRA Island south of Arabia. nyt 1952 SOL Man's nickname. nyt 1952 SOL Money in Peru. nyt 1952 SOL Old man sun. nyt 1952 SOL Silver coin of Peru. nyt 1952 SOLA Alone on the stage (of an actress). nyt 1952 SOLA Alone on the stage. nyt 1952 SOLA Alone: Stage direction. nyt 1952 SOLA Stage direction. nyt 1952 SOLACEMENT Comfort to one in grief. nyt 1952 SOLACES Cheers or comforts. nyt 1952 SOLAN Kind of goose. nyt 1952 SOLAR Type of energy hard to store. nyt 1952 SOLAR ___ plexus. nyt 1952 SOLAR ___ system. nyt 1952 SOLARIA Sun rooms. nyt 1952 SOLARIST Folk story teller. nyt 1952 SOLARSYSTEM Confines of space journeying in near future. nyt 1952 SOLD Auctioneer's finale. nyt 1952 SOLD Hawked. nyt 1952 SOLDER Alloy for uniting metal joints. nyt 1952 SOLDI Italian copper coins. nyt 1952 SOLDIER G. I. nyt 1952 SOLDIERY The military. nyt 1952 SOLE Exclusive. nyt 1952 SOLE Food fish. nyt 1952 SOLE Lemon ___. nyt 1952 SOLE Menu item. nyt 1952 SOLE Relative of the flounder. nyt 1952 SOLE Unique. nyt 1952 SOLED Did cobbler's work. nyt 1952 SOLEN Razor clam. nyt 1952 SOLENT Channel N. of Isle of Wight. nyt 1952 SOLENT Channel between Isle of Wight and England. nyt 1952 SOLER Cobbler. nyt 1952 SOLERS Shoe repairers. nyt 1952 SOLFAS Practices scales. nyt 1952 SOLICIT Make petition. nyt 1952 SOLID Describing a good citizen. nyt 1952 SOLID Describing a serious-minded citizen. nyt 1952 SOLIDER More substantial. nyt 1952 SOLIDER On a firmer foundation. nyt 1952 SOLIDSOUTH It threatens to crack. nyt 1952 SOLIDSOUTH What Eisenhower cracked. nyt 1952 SOLL Debit: Ger. nyt 1952 SOLO All alone. nyt 1952 SOLO Lone flight. nyt 1952 SOLO Without a crew. nyt 1952 SOLOED Flew alone. nyt 1952 SOLOMON Son of David and Bathsheba. nyt 1952 SOLOMONIC Wise. nyt 1952 SOLON Wise lawgiver. nyt 1952 SOLONG One way to say good-bye. nyt 1952 SOLOS Flies a single seater. nyt 1952 SOLOS Flights by Blair and Odom. nyt 1952 SOLVE Work out. nyt 1952 SOLVERS Crossword fans. nyt 1952 SOMA Body of an animal: Zool. nyt 1952 SOMA Body. nyt 1952 SOMALI Native of a coastal region in Africa. nyt 1952 SOMATIC Corporeal. nyt 1952 SOMATIC Physical. nyt 1952 SOME A few. nyt 1952 SOME Certain persons not specified. nyt 1952 SOME Not a lot, not a few. nyt 1952 SOMEBODY Quite a person. nyt 1952 SOMERS Arthur ___ Roche. nyt 1952 SOMERSET Skowhegan's county, in Maine. nyt 1952 SOMETIME In the future. nyt 1952 SOMME Abbeville's river. nyt 1952 SOMME Amiens' river. nyt 1952 SOMME Battle of 1916. nyt 1952 SOMOZA Nicaragua's president. nyt 1952 SON Boy. nyt 1952 SON Favorite ___. nyt 1952 SONANT Vocal. nyt 1952 SONAR Device for locating underwater objects. nyt 1952 SONATA Beethoven's Opus 27. nyt 1952 SONATA The Moonlight," for instance.
- Thus ___ Zarathustra.” nyt 1953 SPALES Timbers used in shipbuilding. nyt 1953 SPAN Arch of a bridge. nyt 1953 SPAN Nine inches. nyt 1953 SPAN Pair of matched horses or mules. nyt 1953 SPAN Part of a bridge. nyt 1953 SPAN Team of horses. nyt 1953 SPANEMIA Blood deficiency. nyt 1953 SPANG Straight: Slang. nyt 1953 SPANGLE Stud with sequins. nyt 1953 SPANIARD Native of Toledo. nyt 1953 SPANISH Language of 100,000,000. nyt 1953 SPANK Move along smartly. nyt 1953 SPANNERS Wrenches. nyt 1953 SPANO Scarce: Comb.form. nyt 1953 SPANS Parts between two supports. nyt 1953 SPANS Reaches across. nyt 1953 SPAR Coast Guard girl. nyt 1953 SPAR Coast Guard lady. nyt 1953 SPAR Member of the Coast Guard. nyt 1953 SPAR Train for a bout. nyt 1953 SPARE Bowling score. nyt 1953 SPARE Good bowling score. nyt 1953 SPAREBED Place for a weekend guest. nyt 1953 SPARED Refrained from. nyt 1953 SPARED Refrained from. nyt 1953 SPARED Was clement. nyt 1953 SPARER More gaunt. nyt 1953 SPARERIB Cut of meat. nyt 1953 SPARERIB Cut of meat. nyt 1953 SPARES Extra parts. nyt 1953 SPARES Extra tires. nyt 1953 SPARESOME Frugal. nyt 1953 SPARETIRE Blowout insurance. nyt 1953 SPARK Go courting in the good old days. nyt 1953 SPARKLE Reflect spirit and fire. nyt 1953 SPARROW Slayer in a nursery rhyme. nyt 1953 SPARSE Few and far between. nyt 1953 SPARSE Few and far between. nyt 1953 SPARSE Scanty. nyt 1953 SPARSE Thin. nyt 1953 SPARSE Thinly settled. nyt 1953 SPARTA Ally of Athens at Thermopylae. nyt 1953 SPARTAN Undaunted. nyt 1953 SPAS Evian, St. Nectaire, etc. nyt 1953 SPAS Hot Springs and French Lick. nyt 1953 SPAS Salutary spots. nyt 1953 SPAS Saratoga and Aix les Bains. nyt 1953 SPAS Springs. nyt 1953 SPASM Sudden spell of energy. nyt 1953 SPAT Slight altercation. nyt 1953 SPAT Squabble. nyt 1953 SPAT Tiff. nyt 1953 SPAT Young oyster. nyt 1953 SPAT Young oyster. nyt 1953 SPATE Flood. nyt 1953 SPATES Flash floods. nyt 1953 SPATES Freshets. nyt 1953 SPATS Gaiters. nyt 1953 SPATS Squabbles. nyt 1953 SPATTED Struck lightly. nyt 1953 SPATULAS Artists' implements for spreading paint. nyt 1953 SPAVINS Lames a horse. nyt 1953 SPCA Humane society. nyt 1953 SPEAK Command to Fido. nyt 1953 SPEAKERS Martin and his predecessor, Rayburn. nyt 1953 SPEAKFOR Represent in court: 2 wds. nyt 1953 SPEAKS Expresses opinions. nyt 1953 SPEAR Assagai. nyt 1953 SPEAR Uhlan's weapon. nyt 1953 SPEARS Asparagus tips. nyt 1953 SPEARS Blades of grass. nyt 1953 SPEARS Pieces of asparagus. nyt 1953 SPEC Wall Street activity, for short. nyt 1953 SPECIAL A particularly favored thing. nyt 1953 SPECIE What the mint makes. nyt 1953 SPECIMENS Typical examples. nyt 1953 SPECIOUS Apparently right, but not really so. nyt 1953 SPECS Successor to the pince-nez: Colloq. nyt 1953 SPECTATORS People on the sidelines. nyt 1953 SPECTRE Ghostly figure. nyt 1953 SPED Expedited. nyt 1953 SPED Expedited. nyt 1953 SPED Hied. nyt 1953 SPED Hied. nyt 1953 SPED Hurried. nyt 1953 SPED Sent swiftly. nyt 1953 SPED Went swiftly. nyt 1953 SPEE German pocket battleship, sunk in 1939. nyt 1953 SPEE German rear admiral, World War I. nyt 1953 SPEE Graf ___, scuttled ship. nyt 1953 SPEE Ship named after German count. nyt 1953 SPEE Von ___, German naval commander. nyt 1953 SPEECH Stevenson's specialty. nyt 1953 SPEECHMAN Oldtime word for an orator. nyt 1953 SPEED A transmission gear. nyt 1953 SPEEDER Man with a ticket. nyt 1953 SPEEDER State trooper's catch. nyt 1953 SPEEDLIMIT Much discussed motoring problem. nyt 1953 SPEEDS First, second, third. nyt 1953 SPEEDS Goes like sixty."
- The Mill on the ___.” nyt 1954 FLOSS Fibers of silk. nyt 1954 FLOSS Tom Tulliver's river. nyt 1954 FLOSSY Elegant: Slang. nyt 1954 FLOUNDERING At sea. nyt 1954 FLOUR Flapjack makings. nyt 1954 FLOURISH Ornate musical passage. nyt 1954 FLOW 7th word of the Doxology. nyt 1954 FLOW Fall in waves. nyt 1954 FLOW Proceed. nyt 1954 FLOW Stream or current. nyt 1954 FLUB Bobble. nyt 1954 FLUE Chimney part. nyt 1954 FLUE Shaft. nyt 1954 FLUKE Stroke of luck. nyt 1954 FLUNKER Deficient one: Colloq. nyt 1954 FLUSTER Disconcert. nyt 1954 FLUTED Grooved, as a column. nyt 1954 FLUTIST Member of the orchestra. nyt 1954 FLY Ball batted in the air. nyt 1954 FLY Coachman or red quill. nyt 1954 FLYROD Fishing pole. nyt 1954 FOALS Paddock occupants. nyt 1954 FOAM Spindrift. nyt 1954 FOB Freight letters. nyt 1954 FOBS Watch chain trinkets. nyt 1954 FOCH Commander in Chief of 1918. nyt 1954 FOCSLE Part of a ship, in sailors' lingo. nyt 1954 FOCUSED Concentrated on one point. nyt 1954 FOEHNS Warm Alpine winds. nyt 1954 FOFUM Part of the giant's threat. nyt 1954 FOGS Steams over. nyt 1954 FOIE Pâté de ___ gras. nyt 1954 FOILER Balker. nyt 1954 FOIS Time: French. nyt 1954 FOLK People. nyt 1954 FOLK People. nyt 1954 FOLLICLE Hair sac. nyt 1954 FOMENT Stir up, as trouble. nyt 1954 FOND Loving. nyt 1954 FONDA Court Martial" star.
- Took ten.” nyt 1956 RESTED Stopped. nyt 1956 RESTER Napper. nyt 1956 RESTING Taking one's ease. nyt 1956 RESTIVE Balky. nyt 1956 RESTONS Washington correspondent and family. nyt 1956 RESTORE Give back. nyt 1956 RESTORES Cleans up, as old art. nyt 1956 RESTPERIOD Relative of a coffee break. nyt 1956 RESTS Bridges, in billiards. nyt 1956 RESTS Caesuras. nyt 1956 RESTS Intervals of silence, in music. nyt 1956 RESTS Musical pauses. nyt 1956 RESTS Stops. nyt 1956 RESTS Supports for cues. nyt 1956 RESUED Took to court again. nyt 1956 RESULT Outcome. nyt 1956 RESUME Continue. nyt 1956 RESUMED Continued. nyt 1956 RESUN Something to do at 111 Across. nyt 1956 RESURGE Rise again. nyt 1956 RET Soak, as flax. nyt 1956 RET Steep by soaking. nyt 1956 RETAIL Pass on, as gossip. nyt 1956 RETAILING Business school course. nyt 1956 RETAIN Hold. nyt 1956 RETAIN Keep. nyt 1956 RETAINER Legal fee. nyt 1956 RETAINER Preliminary counsel fee. nyt 1956 RETAINS Holds on to. nyt 1956 RETAKE Extra job in movie making. nyt 1956 RETAKEN Rephotographed. nyt 1956 RETALK Speak a second time. nyt 1956 RETARD Hold back. nyt 1956 RETARD Hold back. nyt 1956 RETARD Obstruct. nyt 1956 RETE Network in anatomy. nyt 1956 RETE Network. nyt 1956 RETEM Juniper, in the Old Testament. nyt 1956 RETENT Capacity for remembering. nyt 1956 RETIA Anatomical networks. nyt 1956 RETICENT Quite reserved. nyt 1956 RETICULE Grandmother's handbag. nyt 1956 RETIN Plate again with a metal. nyt 1956 RETINA Part of the eye. nyt 1956 RETINUES Trains of followers. nyt 1956 RETIP Put a new point on. nyt 1956 RETIRE Go away. nyt 1956 RETIRE Move back. nyt 1956 RETIRE Withdraw. nyt 1956 RETIRED Emeritus. nyt 1956 RETIRED Not active. nyt 1956 RETIRER Pensionable one. nyt 1956 RETIRES Puts out, on the diamond. nyt 1956 RETITLE Change the name. nyt 1956 RETORT Witty reply. nyt 1956 RETORTION Twisting back. nyt 1956 RETORTS Replies in kind. nyt 1956 RETRACE Go over again. nyt 1956 RETRACES Goes back over again. nyt 1956 RETRACES Goes back over. nyt 1956 RETRACT Unsay. nyt 1956 RETRAIN Instruct again. nyt 1956 RETREATED Backed down. nyt 1956 RETREE Poor quality. nyt 1956 RETRIEVE Set right. nyt 1956 RETS Macerates. nyt 1956 RETS Soaks, as flax. nyt 1956 RETS Soaks, as flax. nyt 1956 RETURNS Election results. nyt 1956 RETYPES Uses 11 Down again. nyt 1956 REUNITE Link anew. nyt 1956 REUP Enlist again, in Army slang. nyt 1956 REUS Defendant: Lat. nyt 1956 REUSE Employ again. nyt 1956 REUTER Founder of British news agency. nyt 1956 REUTERS British news agency. nyt 1956 REV Church title: Abbr. nyt 1956 REV Clerical title: Abbr. nyt 1956 REV Turn of an airplane motor. nyt 1956 REVAMP Recast and fix up. nyt 1956 REVD Clerical abbreviation. nyt 1956 REVE Dream: Fr. nyt 1956 REVE Dream: Fr. nyt 1956 REVE French dream. nyt 1956 REVEAL Show. nyt 1956 REVEALED Displayed. nyt 1956 REVEILLE Bugle call. nyt 1956 REVEL Make merry. nyt 1956 REVEL Merrymaking. nyt 1956 REVENANT Ghost. nyt 1956 REVENEER Reface with fine wood. nyt 1956 REVENGER Vindicator. nyt 1956 REVENUE Income. nyt 1956 REVENUERS Moonshiners' nemeses. nyt 1956 REVERCOMB Senator-elect of W. Virginia. nyt 1956 REVERE Noted silversmith. nyt 1956 REVERED Venerated. nyt 1956 REVERENT Profoundly respectful. nyt 1956 REVERER Worshiper. nyt 1956 REVERIE Brown study. nyt 1956 REVERIE Dreamy thinking. nyt 1956 REVERS Lapel. nyt 1956 REVERS Lapels. nyt 1956 REVERSE Car gear. nyt 1956 REVERSE Certain drive button. nyt 1956 REVERSE Turn about. nyt 1956 REVERSED Set back. nyt 1956 REVERSO Left-hand book page. nyt 1956 REVERT Go back to. nyt 1956 REVICTUAL Suppy a ship or army with food again. nyt 1956 REVISAL Emendation. nyt 1956 REVISE Change or amend. nyt 1956 REVISED Emended. nyt 1956 REVISERS Play doctors, for example. nyt 1956 REVOKE Offense at bridge. nyt 1956 REVUE Musical show. nyt 1956 REVUE Stage show. nyt 1956 REWARD Guerdon. nyt 1956 REX King: Lat. nyt 1956 REY Reina's spouse. nyt 1956 REYES Spanish kings. nyt 1956 REYNARD Br'er Rabbit's foe. nyt 1956 RFC Federal lending agency. nyt 1956 RFD Part of a country address. nyt 1956 RFD Post office abbreviation. nyt 1956 RFD Postal abbreviation. nyt 1956 RFDS P. O. designations. nyt 1956 RHAPSODY ___ in Blue."
- Time is of the ___.” nyt 1944 ESSENE Jewish ascetic. nyt 1944 ESSENE Jewish cenobite. nyt 1944 ESSENES Ascetic Jewish sect. nyt 1944 ESSENES Members of ancient Jewish sect. nyt 1944 ESSES English letters. nyt 1944 ESSIE Girl's nickname. nyt 1944 EST Superlative ending. nyt 1944 EST Superlative suffix. nyt 1944 EST Superlative suffix. nyt 1944 ESTANCIA South American rancho. nyt 1944 ESTANCIAS Great ranches in Argentina. nyt 1944 ESTATE Property. nyt 1944 ESTATES Properties. nyt 1944 ESTE Famous princely house of Italy. nyt 1944 ESTEEM Respect. nyt 1944 ESTER Ether compound derived from an oxygenated acid. nyt 1944 ESTER Girl's name: Spanish. nyt 1944 ESTERS Chemical compounds. nyt 1944 ESTERS Ethereal salts. nyt 1944 ESTES Colorado park, Rocky Mts. nyt 1944 ESTES Colorado park. nyt 1944 ESTES National park, Colorado. nyt 1944 ESTES ___ Park, Col. nyt 1944 ESTIMATE Rough calculation. nyt 1944 ESTONIA 16th U.S.S.R. republic. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Invaded Baltic state. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Invaded northern State. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Tallinn is its capital. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Tallinn is its capital. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Where Tallinn is. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Where Tallinn is. nyt 1944 ESTOPPEL Stoppage. nyt 1944 ESTRAY Unclaimed horse. nyt 1944 ESTREAT Exact by way of fine: Law. nyt 1944 ESTREAT Take by way of levy: Law. nyt 1944 ESTUARIAL Of large river mouths. nyt 1944 ETA Class of Japanese outcasts. nyt 1944 ETA Greek letter. nyt 1944 ETA Greek letter. nyt 1944 ETA Jap pariah class. nyt 1944 ETA Japanese outcasts. nyt 1944 ETAAC Blaubok of South Africa. nyt 1944 ETAAC Bluebuck antelope. nyt 1944 ETAAC Extinct South African antelope, the blaubok. nyt 1944 ETAACS S. Afr. antelopes. nyt 1944 ETACISM Erasmian pronunciation of seventh Greek letter. nyt 1944 ETAH Allied base in Greenland. nyt 1944 ETAMINE Cotton fabric. nyt 1944 ETAT State: French. nyt 1944 ETEN Truk isle near Dublon. nyt 1944 ETERN Everlasting: Poet. nyt 1944 ETERNAL Unending. nyt 1944 ETERNE Forever: Poet. nyt 1944 ETERNITY Forever. nyt 1944 ETESIAN Periodical wind. nyt 1944 ETHANE Gaseous hydrocarbon, source of alcohol. nyt 1944 ETHER Liquid used in making rayon. nyt 1944 ETHIC Moral. nyt 1944 ETHIC Pertaining to morals. nyt 1944 ETHIOPIA Recent signer of lend-lease pact with U. S. nyt 1944 ETHIOPS Selassie's people. nyt 1944 ETIENNE Bay on Attu Island. nyt 1944 ETIN Chemical suffix. nyt 1944 ETIOLATED Whitened, as plants. nyt 1944 ETITE Eaglestone. nyt 1944 ETNA Former battleground. nyt 1944 ETNA Mountain near Catania. nyt 1944 ETNA Sicilian battleground. nyt 1944 ETNA Where St. Bernard Hospice is. nyt 1944 ETNAS Heating devices. nyt 1944 ETNAS Heating devices. nyt 1944 ETON Waterloo was won on the playing fields of ___"—Wellington.