Crossword clues for It first met in 1789:
- The moon is high, like your friends were the night that we first met / Went home and ___ to stalk you on the internet
- First of three Mets to hit a lead-off home run in a World Series Game 3 (he did it in '69, Garrett in '73, and Dykstra in '86)
- Middle infielder who homered for the Mets in his first plate appearances of 2004, 2005, and 2006
- atc 2005 DIVA Prima donna atc 2005 DIVA Star of the opera atc 2005 DIVANS Soft seats atc 2005 DIVAS Met stars atc 2005 DIVE Jump in head-first atc 2005 DIVE Seedy bar atc 2005 DIVEBOMBER Kind of plane atc 2005 DIVER Underwater explorer atc 2005 DIVERTS Changes direction atc 2005 DIVINEMISSM The Rose" singer
- Comedian who said, "When I eventually met Mr. Right I had no idea that his first name was Always"
- atc 2001 DIVA Jessye Norman, for one atc 2001 DIVA Met star atc 2001 DIVA Prima donna atc 2001 DIVA Star of the opera atc 2001 DIVAS Callas and Price atc 2001 DIVE Jump in head-first atc 2001 DIVE Phony knockout atc 2001 DIVERS Wet-suit wearers atc 2001 DIVESTED Stripped atc 2001 DIVESTINKCHERRY THREE atc 2001 DIVORCEE The Gay __" (1934 film)
- So Little ___.” nyt 1944 TIME Greenwich ___. nyt 1944 TIMES ___ Square. nyt 1944 TIMING Effective spacing of gags. nyt 1944 TIMOR Island in Malay Archipelago. nyt 1944 TIMOR Kupang is its capital. nyt 1944 TIMOR Strategic Malay island. nyt 1944 TIMOR Strategic island N. W. of Darwin. nyt 1944 TIN Export from Bolivia. nyt 1944 TIN Product of the Malay States. nyt 1944 TINAMINE Pertaining to South American quail. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINEA Ringworm. nyt 1944 TINED Pronged. nyt 1944 TINGE Faint color. nyt 1944 TINGS High pitched sounds. nyt 1944 TINNER Metal worker. nyt 1944 TINNY Having a metallic sound. nyt 1944 TINSMAN Dealer in metal. nyt 1944 TINT Faint color. nyt 1944 TINY Minute. nyt 1944 TIP Dumping-ground. nyt 1944 TIPS Pointers. nyt 1944 TIRANA Albanian capital. nyt 1944 TIRE First on the ration list. nyt 1944 TIRINGLY In exhaustive manner. nyt 1944 TIROL Where Innsbruck is. nyt 1944 TIROLEAN Of the Austrian Alps. nyt 1944 TIRR Uncover: Scot. nyt 1944 TISANES Medicated decoctions. nyt 1944 TITAN Powerful man. nyt 1944 TITANIA Wife of Oberon. nyt 1944 TITHER Collector of tenth part. nyt 1944 TITI South American monkey. nyt 1944 TITO He met Churchill in Rome. nyt 1944 TITO Marshal Brozovich. nyt 1944 TITO Marshal of Jugoslavia. nyt 1944 TITO Nom de guerre of General Brozovich. nyt 1944 TITO Yugoslav leader. nyt 1944 TITO Yugoslav leader. nyt 1944 TIVOLI City east of Rome. nyt 1944 TNT Block-buster stuffing."