Crossword clues for In a way not stated.:
- The Count lat 1998 CRO ____ -Magnon lat 1998 CRO ____ Magnon lat 1998 CRO ____ Magnon lat 1998 CROAT Chap from Zagreb lat 1998 CROC Capt. Hook's stalker lat 1998 CROON Sing like Bing lat 1998 CROUCH Stoop lat 1998 CROW Braggart's diet, often lat 1998 CRU Uncooked, the French way lat 1998 CRUEL Heartless lat 1998 CRUETS Oil containers lat 1998 CTIONALILLITERATE Poor reader, no fun intended lat 1998 CTS Small change? lat 1998 CUBA Caribbean country lat 1998 CUBA Communist state since 1961 lat 1998 CUBAN Type of cigar lat 1998 CUBED Like ice lat 1998 CUE Actor's aid lat 1998 CUKE Salad veggie lat 1998 CULPA Mea ____!"
- Time is of the ___.” nyt 1944 ESSENE Jewish ascetic. nyt 1944 ESSENE Jewish cenobite. nyt 1944 ESSENES Ascetic Jewish sect. nyt 1944 ESSENES Members of ancient Jewish sect. nyt 1944 ESSES English letters. nyt 1944 ESSIE Girl's nickname. nyt 1944 EST Superlative ending. nyt 1944 EST Superlative suffix. nyt 1944 EST Superlative suffix. nyt 1944 ESTANCIA South American rancho. nyt 1944 ESTANCIAS Great ranches in Argentina. nyt 1944 ESTATE Property. nyt 1944 ESTATES Properties. nyt 1944 ESTE Famous princely house of Italy. nyt 1944 ESTEEM Respect. nyt 1944 ESTER Ether compound derived from an oxygenated acid. nyt 1944 ESTER Girl's name: Spanish. nyt 1944 ESTERS Chemical compounds. nyt 1944 ESTERS Ethereal salts. nyt 1944 ESTES Colorado park, Rocky Mts. nyt 1944 ESTES Colorado park. nyt 1944 ESTES National park, Colorado. nyt 1944 ESTES ___ Park, Col. nyt 1944 ESTIMATE Rough calculation. nyt 1944 ESTONIA 16th U.S.S.R. republic. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Invaded Baltic state. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Invaded northern State. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Tallinn is its capital. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Tallinn is its capital. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Where Tallinn is. nyt 1944 ESTONIA Where Tallinn is. nyt 1944 ESTOPPEL Stoppage. nyt 1944 ESTRAY Unclaimed horse. nyt 1944 ESTREAT Exact by way of fine: Law. nyt 1944 ESTREAT Take by way of levy: Law. nyt 1944 ESTUARIAL Of large river mouths. nyt 1944 ETA Class of Japanese outcasts. nyt 1944 ETA Greek letter. nyt 1944 ETA Greek letter. nyt 1944 ETA Jap pariah class. nyt 1944 ETA Japanese outcasts. nyt 1944 ETAAC Blaubok of South Africa. nyt 1944 ETAAC Bluebuck antelope. nyt 1944 ETAAC Extinct South African antelope, the blaubok. nyt 1944 ETAACS S. Afr. antelopes. nyt 1944 ETACISM Erasmian pronunciation of seventh Greek letter. nyt 1944 ETAH Allied base in Greenland. nyt 1944 ETAMINE Cotton fabric. nyt 1944 ETAT State: French. nyt 1944 ETEN Truk isle near Dublon. nyt 1944 ETERN Everlasting: Poet. nyt 1944 ETERNAL Unending. nyt 1944 ETERNE Forever: Poet. nyt 1944 ETERNITY Forever. nyt 1944 ETESIAN Periodical wind. nyt 1944 ETHANE Gaseous hydrocarbon, source of alcohol. nyt 1944 ETHER Liquid used in making rayon. nyt 1944 ETHIC Moral. nyt 1944 ETHIC Pertaining to morals. nyt 1944 ETHIOPIA Recent signer of lend-lease pact with U. S. nyt 1944 ETHIOPS Selassie's people. nyt 1944 ETIENNE Bay on Attu Island. nyt 1944 ETIN Chemical suffix. nyt 1944 ETIOLATED Whitened, as plants. nyt 1944 ETITE Eaglestone. nyt 1944 ETNA Former battleground. nyt 1944 ETNA Mountain near Catania. nyt 1944 ETNA Sicilian battleground. nyt 1944 ETNA Where St. Bernard Hospice is. nyt 1944 ETNAS Heating devices. nyt 1944 ETNAS Heating devices. nyt 1944 ETON Waterloo was won on the playing fields of ___"—Wellington.
- Happy _____” nyt 1995 TRAIN Wedding dress feature nyt 1995 TRAINEE Checkout line lengthener? nyt 1995 TRAINPASS Ticket to ride nyt 1995 TRAIT Attribute nyt 1995 TRAIT Characteristic nyt 1995 TRAIT Feature nyt 1995 TRAIT Mark nyt 1995 TRAITOR Double agent nyt 1995 TRAITORS Rats nyt 1995 TRALA Song syllables nyt 1995 TRALALA Vocal filler nyt 1995 TRAM Cable car nyt 1995 TRAM Cable car nyt 1995 TRAM Car on rails nyt 1995 TRAM Car on rails nyt 1995 TRAM Streetcar nyt 1995 TRAM Trolley nyt 1995 TRAM Urban transport nyt 1995 TRAMP Chaplin persona nyt 1995 TRAMP Vagabond nyt 1995 TRAMPED Hiked nyt 1995 TRAMPED Walked heavily nyt 1995 TRANCE Hypnotic spell nyt 1995 TRANCE Stupefied state nyt 1995 TRANCES Medium states nyt 1995 TRANS Continental prefix nyt 1995 TRANSECTS Cuts across nyt 1995 TRANSOM Kind of window nyt 1995 TRANSPIRED Eventuated nyt 1995 TRAP Catch animals nyt 1995 TRAP Ensnare nyt 1995 TRAP Links hazard nyt 1995 TRAP Mouse catcher nyt 1995 TRAP Win at cat-and-mouse nyt 1995 TRAPSHOT Half volley, in tennis nyt 1995 TRASH Compactor input nyt 1995 TRASHES Wrecks nyt 1995 TRASHYNOVELS Juicy reading nyt 1995 TRAUMA Accident aftermath nyt 1995 TRAUMAS Psychological injuries nyt 1995 TRAUMAS Scarring events nyt 1995 TRAVAIL Anguish nyt 1995 TRAWL Fish, in a way nyt 1995 TRAWL Fish, in a way nyt 1995 TRAY Breakfast-in-bed item nyt 1995 TRAY Caterer's item nyt 1995 TRAY Waiter's burden nyt 1995 TRAYFUL Waiter's burden nyt 1995 TRE 100-Across + 2 nyt 1995 TRE Half of sei nyt 1995 TRE Half of sei nyt 1995 TRE It's past due nyt 1995 TRE Liszt's _____ sonetti del Petrarca”
- ___ She Sweet?” nyt 1952 AINTREE English steeplechase track. nyt 1952 AINU Aborigine of Japan. nyt 1952 AINU Racial ancestor of the Japanese. nyt 1952 AIR Finletter's bailiwick. nyt 1952 AIR Gas station commodity. nyt 1952 AIR Melody. nyt 1952 AIR Way to travel. nyt 1952 AIR Where Sabre meets Mig. nyt 1952 AIR With 25 Down, a landing place. nyt 1952 AIRANDSEA Pertaining to action in two elements: 3 wds. nyt 1952 AIRCOOLS Removes heat. nyt 1952 AIRE French river. nyt 1952 AIRE It flows through Leeds, England. nyt 1952 AIRE River in France, tributary of the Aisne. nyt 1952 AIRE River in Yorkshire. nyt 1952 AIRE Tributary of the Aisne. nyt 1952 AIRED Displayed. nyt 1952 AIRED Published. nyt 1952 AIRER Frame for clothes drying. nyt 1952 AIRERS Frames for drying clothes. nyt 1952 AIRES Buenos ___. nyt 1952 AIRES Buenos ___. nyt 1952 AIRGUN Child's popper. nyt 1952 AIRLINES Modern transportation systems. nyt 1952 AIRMAILS Puts 6c in stamps on the envelope. nyt 1952 AIRMAILS Puts a six-cent stamp on a letter. nyt 1952 AIRMAN Member of Gen. Weyland's command. nyt 1952 AIRMEN Gen. Twining's forces. nyt 1952 AIRPOCKET Atmospheric airplane hazard. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Gander or Goose Bay. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Orly is one. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Orly or Gander. nyt 1952 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1952 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1952 AIRS Disdainful mien. nyt 1952 AIRS Publicizes. nyt 1952 AIRS Songs. nyt 1952 AIRTRAP Part of a drainage system. nyt 1952 AIRVESSEL Any flying craft: 2 wds. nyt 1952 AIRY Unsubstantial. nyt 1952 AIS Sloths. nyt 1952 AISLED Having passages between seats. nyt 1952 AISNE Tributary of the Oise. nyt 1952 AIT Islet. nyt 1952 AIT River island. nyt 1952 AIT River islet. nyt 1952 AIT Tiny island. nyt 1952 AITS Small islands. nyt 1952 AIX ___-la-Chapelle. nyt 1952 AJAR Open. nyt 1952 AJAR Out of harmony. nyt 1952 AJOG Moving at a slow pace. nyt 1952 AKENE Dandelion seed, for instance: Var. nyt 1952 AKIHITO Son in line for Hirohito's throne. nyt 1952 AKIN Allied. nyt 1952 AKIN Related to. nyt 1952 AKIN Related. nyt 1952 AKIN Very like. nyt 1952 AKKA Belgian Congo pygmy. nyt 1952 AKKA Pygmy of the Belgian Congo. nyt 1952 AKRON City of 274,605 in Ohio. nyt 1952 AKRON City of 274,605 in Ohio. nyt 1952 AKRON City south of Cleveland. nyt 1952 AKRON Ohio city. nyt 1952 AKRON Rubber products center. nyt 1952 AKRON U. S. rubber center. nyt 1952 ALA Chicken ___ king. nyt 1952 ALA Gov. Person's state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Governor Persons' state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA In the mode of. nyt 1952 ALA Iranian diplomat. nyt 1952 ALA Iranian diplomat. nyt 1952 ALA Pie ___ mode. nyt 1952 ALA Sen. Sparkman's state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Montgomery is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Muscle Shoals is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Selma is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Tuscaloosa is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where the Azalea Trail is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where the Coosa flows: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA With, in cookery. nyt 1952 ALA With, in cookery. nyt 1952 ALABAMA First name in convention roll calls. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Gov. Persons' state. nyt 1952 ALABAMA National convention's first vote. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Sparkman's state. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Where Mobile is. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Where Tombigbee River flows. nyt 1952 ALABAMAN Senator Hill is one. nyt 1952 ALABAMANS Governor Persons and Senator Hill. nyt 1952 ALABAMAS Sparkman and Hill are ___ Senators. nyt 1952 ALACK Ah me! nyt 1952 ALACK Oldtime word of dismay. nyt 1952 ALAE Botanical wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Winglike parts. nyt 1952 ALAE Winglike petals. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings of a Roman army. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings: Anat. nyt 1952 ALAGOAS A state in Brazil. nyt 1952 ALAI Half of a Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Cuban game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, also called pelota. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, game resembling squash. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___. nyt 1952 ALAI Merry: Spanish. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountain range in the Tien Shan system. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains in Asia. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains in Kirgiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains of Kirghiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains of Kirghiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Turkish regiment. nyt 1952 ALAMEDA Naval air base site in Calif. nyt 1952 ALAMEIN Where the Desert Fox was turned back. nyt 1952 ALAMO A Pyrrhic victory for Santa Anna. nyt 1952 ALAMO James Bowie fell here, 1836. nyt 1952 ALAMO San Antonio's historic mission. nyt 1952 ALAMO Shrine at San Antonio. nyt 1952 ALAMO Texan shrine built in 1722. nyt 1952 ALAMO Texan's war cry, Remember the ___."
- ___ She Sweet.” nyt 1954 AINT Contraction accepted by some authorities. nyt 1954 AINT Inelegant verb form. nyt 1954 AINT Isn't, improperly. nyt 1954 AINU Eastern aborigine. nyt 1954 AINU Japanese aborigine. nyt 1954 AINUS Early Japanese. nyt 1954 AIR Carol. nyt 1954 AIR Earthy envelope. nyt 1954 AIR Harold Talbott's bailiwick. nyt 1954 AIR Semblance. nyt 1954 AIRARMS The USAF and the RAF. nyt 1954 AIRBASES Factors in U. S. global strategy. nyt 1954 AIRCONDITIONING Relief for city swelterers. nyt 1954 AIRCRAFTCARRIER Coral Sea or Midway. nyt 1954 AIRDROMES Orly, Le Bourget, etc. nyt 1954 AIRE French river. nyt 1954 AIRED Brought into the open. nyt 1954 AIRED Discussed openly. nyt 1954 AIRED Put on the line. nyt 1954 AIRED Ventilated. nyt 1954 AIRGUN Toy rifle. nyt 1954 AIRLANE Highway in the sky. nyt 1954 AIRLANE Sky way. nyt 1954 AIRLINE Great-circle route between two places. nyt 1954 AIRMAIL Expanding Post Office service. nyt 1954 AIRPLANE The Columbine, for instance. nyt 1954 AIRPLANESPIN Wrestler's hold. nyt 1954 AIRROUTE Idlewild to Orly. nyt 1954 AIRS Affectations. nyt 1954 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1954 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1954 AIRS Brings to public notice. nyt 1954 AIRS Displays. nyt 1954 AIRS Hoity-toity behavior. nyt 1954 AIRS Main melodies. nyt 1954 AIRS Pretensions. nyt 1954 AIRWAY Plane lane. nyt 1954 AIRY Flippant. nyt 1954 AIRY Sprightly. nyt 1954 AIRY Unsubstantial. nyt 1954 AIS Sloths. nyt 1954 AIS Sloths. nyt 1954 AISE Ease: Fr. nyt 1954 AISLE Bridal path. nyt 1954 AISLE Passage. nyt 1954 AISLE Seat location for a reviewer. nyt 1954 AISLE Usher's bailiwick. nyt 1954 AISNE Oise tributary. nyt 1954 AISNE River bordering Argonne Forest. nyt 1954 AIT Islet. nyt 1954 AIT River isle. nyt 1954 AITS Islets in a lake. nyt 1954 AITS River islands. nyt 1954 AITS River islets. nyt 1954 AIX City near Marseilles. nyt 1954 AJAR Door position. nyt 1954 AJAR Not in harmony. nyt 1954 AJAR Partly open. nyt 1954 AKIHITO Royal visitor to U. S. nyt 1954 AKIMBO Describing a hand-on-hip stance. nyt 1954 AKIMBO Hands-on-hips stance. nyt 1954 AKIN Related. nyt 1954 AKIN Similar. nyt 1954 AKIN Similar. nyt 1954 AKRON Rubber city. nyt 1954 AKU Hawaiian fish. nyt 1954 ALA According to. nyt 1954 ALA Gov. Persons' state: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA In the style of. nyt 1954 ALA Lizard State: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA Pie ___ mode. nyt 1954 ALA Sparkman's state: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA Where Gadsden is: Abbr. nyt 1954 ALA ___ carte. nyt 1954 ALA ___ king. nyt 1954 ALA ___ mode. nyt 1954 ALABAM Where the midnight choo-choo" goes.
- Get lost!' lat 2016 SCRAM Make a run for it lat 2016 SCRAMS Beats it lat 2016 SCRAP Get rid of lat 2016 SCRAP Junkyard material lat 2016 SCRAP Note-to-self paper lat 2016 SCRAWL Many a signature lat 2016 SCREAMAT Dress down in a big way lat 2016 SCREEN Project at the theater lat 2016 SCREENDOOR Bug barrier lat 2016 SCREW Carpentry fastener lat 2016 SCREW Common fastener lat 2016 SCREW Tapered fastener lat 2016 SCREW Threaded fastener lat 2016 SCRIM Curtain material lat 2016 SCRIP Doc's order to a pharmacist lat 2016 SCROD New England whitefish lat 2016 SCROLLWHEEL Mouse feature lat 2016 SCUBADIVER Certain explorer lat 2016 SCUFFS Shoe polish targets lat 2016 SCULL Boat, or the tool that moves it lat 2016 SCULL Regatta racer lat 2016 SCUM Film on stagnant water lat 2016 SCUM Pond build-up lat 2016 SCUM Pond gunk lat 2016 SCUM Problem in a neglected pool lat 2016 SCUT Bunny's tail lat 2016 SCUT Rabbit's tail lat 2016 SCYTHES Grain cutters lat 2016 SDAK Black Hills st. lat 2016 SDAK Deadwood's state: Abbr. lat 2016 SDI '80s missile prog. lat 2016 SDI Deterrent announced in 1983: Abbr. lat 2016 SDI Reagan prog. lat 2016 SDI Star Wars initials lat 2016 SDI Star Wars, initially lat 2016 SDS '60s radical gp. lat 2016 SDS Vietnam War protest gp. lat 2016 SEA Aegean, for one lat 2016 SEA Neptune's domain lat 2016 SEA Salty expanse lat 2016 SEA See 61-Down lat 2016 SEABASS Fisherman's Wharf entrée lat 2016 SEABED Mussel habitat lat 2016 SEABED Wreckage resting place lat 2016 SEABISCUIT *Laura Hillenbrand best-seller about a racehorse lat 2016 SEAFOODBOILS Shellfish cookouts lat 2016 SEAGOD Neptune, e.g. lat 2016 SEAHAG Popeye" pirate