Crossword clues for I need an answer now 7 letters:
- Beaver Cleaver expletive ... or what you might need to be to answer 18-, 23-, 51- and 60-Across?
- Unexpected guests, and what you need to do to seven Across answers for their clues to make sense
- Classic ad line, and question you need to answer to find the hidden theme in four starred answers
- Search engine feature ... or what you literally need to do to answer the six starred clues
- You're blocking the view!, and what is needed to complete the answers to the starred clues?
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show theme, or a hint to the start needed to complete 12 answers in this puzzle
- Begin a new birth control packet instead of taking the week of sugar pills ... or what you need to do to the answers to three clues in this puzzle
- Change a map of southern England? ... or, when parsed differently, what you need to do to the answers to the starred clues
- Annoyed moviegoer's shout ... or what's needed to make sense of the answers to starred clues
- Do some holiday decorating ... and what you need to do to four puzzle answers to produce familiar phrases?
- Browser extension needed in order to understand the answers to 17-, 24-, 31-, 44-, 51- and 62-Across
- With 69- and 70-Across, get to the point . . . or what you'll need to do with some of the answers in this puzzle?
- Modern way into a building, and what each answer to 20-, 29-, and 43-Across needs to be to match its clue?
- One whose parents might need the baby products heard in the starred answers (he'll learn how to spell them when he's a bit older)
- Word needed to be added to 12 appropriately placed answers in this puzzle for their clues to make sense
- Steeping needs ... or a way to say phonetically what happens in the answers to this puzzle's starred clues
- Correcting, in a way ... or what would need to be done to remove the things hidden in the answers to starred clues?