Crossword clues for Horses' hair 5 letters:
- Because lat 1998 MALM Limestone lat 1998 MALTA Mediterranean land lat 1998 MAMA Dad's darling lat 1998 MAMET Playwright David lat 1998 MANATEE Sea cow lat 1998 MANATEE Sea cow lat 1998 MANCHU Chinese dynasty lat 1998 MANES Horse hairs lat 1998 MANGO Tropical fruit lat 1998 MANNA Biblical bread lat 1998 MANO Hand, in Madrid lat 1998 MANO _____ -war-bird lat 1998 MANON Massenet opera lat 1998 MANSE Clergyman's home lat 1998 MANSION Regal residence lat 1998 MANX Tailless cat lat 1998 MANY Numerous lat 1998 MAO China's principal Marxist lat 1998 MAO Long March leader lat 1998 MAORI New Zealand native lat 1998 MAORI New Zealand native lat 1998 MAORI New Zealand natives lat 1998 MAPLE Sappy tree lat 1998 MARC _____ Antony lat 1998 MARE Moon feature lat 1998 MARIESTCLARE Little Eva's mother lat 1998 MARINE Leatherneck lat 1998 MARIO Cuomo or Puzo lat 1998 MARIO NHL's Lemieux lat 1998 MARIS A Bronx bomber lat 1998 MARIS Mantle's teammate lat 1998 MARK Nob Hill hotel lat 1998 MARL Clayey deposit lat 1998 MARMOSET Long-tailed monkey lat 1998 MARNE Seine tributary lat 1998 MARSH Author Ngaio lat 1998 MART Trade center lat 1998 MARTA Arthur Tracy's theme song lat 1998 MARTEN Weasel family member lat 1998 MARYRUDGE Barnaby's mother lat 1998 MASA Cornmeal lat 1998 MASER Electromagnetic wave device lat 1998 MASH Swit sitcom lat 1998 MASHEDPOTATOTIME Starch from Dee Dee Sharp? lat 1998 MASHES Some sour distillations lat 1998 MASON Street's boss lat 1998 MAT Tatami lat 1998 MATCH Sports contest lat 1998 MATS Gym cushioners lat 1998 MATS Welcome items lat 1998 MATT Damon of Good Will ..."
- The ___ Falcon.” nyt 1948 MAM Mayan Indian. nyt 1948 MAMA Mother. nyt 1948 MAMOU Town in Louisiana. nyt 1948 MAN The animal that records its history. nyt 1948 MANACLED Fettered. nyt 1948 MANAGE Get along. nyt 1948 MANANA Tomorrow. nyt 1948 MANCHURIA Where Mukden is. nyt 1948 MANDATE Britain's ended in Palestine May 15. nyt 1948 MANDORES Four-stringed lutes. nyt 1948 MANE Horse hair. nyt 1948 MANET French painter. nyt 1948 MANETTE Lucie ___, Sydney Carton's beloved. nyt 1948 MANITOU Great Spirit of American Indians. nyt 1948 MANLY Brave. nyt 1948 MANLY Resolute. nyt 1948 MANN Author of Buddenbrooks."
- The Hairy ___,” by Eugene O'Neill. nyt 1948 APE Killer in the Rue Morgue. nyt 1948 APE Mimic. nyt 1948 APEPI Great serpent in Egyptian myth. nyt 1948 APER Copycat. nyt 1948 APER Copycat. nyt 1948 APER Mimic. nyt 1948 APERS Mimics. nyt 1948 APHASIC Speechless. nyt 1948 API Himalayan mountain, 22,700 feet. nyt 1948 APIARIST Maeterlinck's avocation. nyt 1948 APII Starch-yielding aroid. nyt 1948 APIS Object of worship, 3000 B.C. nyt 1948 APIS Sacred bull of ancient Egypt. nyt 1948 APLITE Fine-grained granite. nyt 1948 APO Highest mountain in Philippines. nyt 1948 APO Volcano on Mindanao. nyt 1948 APOD Footless animal. nyt 1948 APODAN Footless animal. nyt 1948 APOGEES The highest points. nyt 1948 APOLLO One of the Delian twins. nyt 1948 APPEARANCE Mien. nyt 1948 APPIAN ___ Way, ancient Roman road. nyt 1948 APPOINT Name. nyt 1948 APR Moist month: Abbr. nyt 1948 APREMONT Village NW of Verdun. nyt 1948 APTERAL The kiwi is. nyt 1948 ARA Constellation. nyt 1948 ARA Constellation. nyt 1948 ARA Greek goddess of vengeance. nyt 1948 ARA Macaw. nyt 1948 ARA Macaw. nyt 1948 ARA Macaw. nyt 1948 ARAB Belligerent in Asia. nyt 1948 ARAB Yemenite. nyt 1948 ARABIA Land of the Thousand and One Nights. nyt 1948 ARABIA Near-Eastern kingdom. nyt 1948 ARABIAN Breed of horses shipped from Aden. nyt 1948 ARABIC Language of Ibn Saud's people. nyt 1948 ARABISTAN Turkish name for large peninsula. nyt 1948 ARAG ___, a bone, and a hank of hair."
- It ___ here . . .” nyt 1954 SAYS Declares. nyt 1954 SAYS Recites. nyt 1954 SAYS States. nyt 1954 SAYSO Dictum: Colloq. nyt 1954 SAYWHEN Host's hortatory remark. nyt 1954 SCAD A fish, the saurel. nyt 1954 SCAD Food fish. nyt 1954 SCAD Horse mackerel. nyt 1954 SCAD Saurel. nyt 1954 SCADS Oodles. nyt 1954 SCALA La ___, Milan opera. nyt 1954 SCALA La ___, opera house in Milan. nyt 1954 SCALAR Ladderlike. nyt 1954 SCALD Blanch, as almonds. nyt 1954 SCALE Balance. nyt 1954 SCALE Basis for a numerical system. nyt 1954 SCALE Dieter's mentor. nyt 1954 SCALE Pare down. nyt 1954 SCALED Climbed. nyt 1954 SCALENE Describing a triangle. nyt 1954 SCALES Symbol of the blindfolded goddess. nyt 1954 SCALLION Relative of a shallot. nyt 1954 SCALLOP Baking dish. nyt 1954 SCALPEL Order from Dr. Kildare. nyt 1954 SCALPS Hair bases. nyt 1954 SCALY Like a fish. nyt 1954 SCALY ___ anteater, a pangolin. nyt 1954 SCAMP Scapegrace. nyt 1954 SCAMPERED Skedaddled. nyt 1954 SCAN Glance over. nyt 1954 SCAN Recite metrically. nyt 1954 SCAN Survey. nyt 1954 SCANDAL Political party's nightmare. nyt 1954 SCANDINAVIAN Bohr or Borge. nyt 1954 SCANNED Examined with care. nyt 1954 SCANNER TV instrument. nyt 1954 SCANS Looks over. nyt 1954 SCANS Reads. nyt 1954 SCANT Not enough. nyt 1954 SCANT Not enough. nyt 1954 SCANTED Short-changed. nyt 1954 SCAP Ridgway's former title. nyt 1954 SCAP Ridgway's former title. nyt 1954 SCAPE Flower stalk. nyt 1954 SCAPE Leafless flower. nyt 1954 SCAPE Scenic view. nyt 1954 SCAPE Scenic view. nyt 1954 SCAPE Shaft of a column. nyt 1954 SCAR Battle mark. nyt 1954 SCAR Blemish. nyt 1954 SCAR Isolated rock projecting from the sea. nyt 1954 SCAR Mark of combat. nyt 1954 SCAR Melee memento. nyt 1954 SCAR Relic of battle. nyt 1954 SCAR Rocky place. nyt 1954 SCAR Seagirt rock. nyt 1954 SCARABS Class of Poe's Gold Bug."
- He had no hair on the top of his head.” nyt 1948 NED Comedian Sparks. nyt 1948 NEDER Low: Dutch. nyt 1948 NEE Born. nyt 1948 NEE Born. nyt 1948 NEE Born. nyt 1948 NEE Formerly. nyt 1948 NEE Indicating maiden name. nyt 1948 NEED Urgency. nyt 1948 NEEDED Lacked. nyt 1948 NEEDERS Those in want. nyt 1948 NEEDS Exigencies. nyt 1948 NEEM East Indian tree. nyt 1948 NEGEB Portion of Palestine allotted to the Jews. nyt 1948 NEGOTIATE Formulate union contract. nyt 1948 NEHRU Indian Prime Minister. nyt 1948 NEIF One born a serf: Feudal law. nyt 1948 NEIGES Snows: French. nyt 1948 NEIGHERS What horses are. nyt 1948 NELLIE The Beautiful Cloak Model.”