Crossword clues for High above the ground 5 letters:
- Mrs. ___,” new hit starring Helen Hayes. nyt 1952 MDAY Start of mobilization. nyt 1952 MDVI The year Christopher Columbus died. nyt 1952 MDX 1510. nyt 1952 MEAD Lake formed by Hoover Dam. nyt 1952 MEAD Lake made by Hoover Dam. nyt 1952 MEAD Largest man-made lake in the world. nyt 1952 MEAD World's largest artificial lake. nyt 1952 MEAD World's largest artificial lake. nyt 1952 MEADE Commander of the Army of the Potomac. nyt 1952 MEADE He defeated Lee at Gettysburg. nyt 1952 MEADE One of Grant's major generals. nyt 1952 MEAGER Poor in quality. nyt 1952 MEAGRE Deficient in quantity. nyt 1952 MEAGRE Destitute of richness. nyt 1952 MEAL Ground grain. nyt 1952 MEAL High tea. nyt 1952 MEALED Pulverized. nyt 1952 MEALTIMES When cooks call, Come and get it."
- So Little ___.” nyt 1944 TIME Greenwich ___. nyt 1944 TIMES ___ Square. nyt 1944 TIMING Effective spacing of gags. nyt 1944 TIMOR Island in Malay Archipelago. nyt 1944 TIMOR Kupang is its capital. nyt 1944 TIMOR Strategic Malay island. nyt 1944 TIMOR Strategic island N. W. of Darwin. nyt 1944 TIN Export from Bolivia. nyt 1944 TIN Product of the Malay States. nyt 1944 TINAMINE Pertaining to South American quail. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINE Prong. nyt 1944 TINEA Ringworm. nyt 1944 TINED Pronged. nyt 1944 TINGE Faint color. nyt 1944 TINGS High pitched sounds. nyt 1944 TINNER Metal worker. nyt 1944 TINNY Having a metallic sound. nyt 1944 TINSMAN Dealer in metal. nyt 1944 TINT Faint color. nyt 1944 TINY Minute. nyt 1944 TIP Dumping-ground. nyt 1944 TIPS Pointers. nyt 1944 TIRANA Albanian capital. nyt 1944 TIRE First on the ration list. nyt 1944 TIRINGLY In exhaustive manner. nyt 1944 TIROL Where Innsbruck is. nyt 1944 TIROLEAN Of the Austrian Alps. nyt 1944 TIRR Uncover: Scot. nyt 1944 TISANES Medicated decoctions. nyt 1944 TITAN Powerful man. nyt 1944 TITANIA Wife of Oberon. nyt 1944 TITHER Collector of tenth part. nyt 1944 TITI South American monkey. nyt 1944 TITO He met Churchill in Rome. nyt 1944 TITO Marshal Brozovich. nyt 1944 TITO Marshal of Jugoslavia. nyt 1944 TITO Nom de guerre of General Brozovich. nyt 1944 TITO Yugoslav leader. nyt 1944 TITO Yugoslav leader. nyt 1944 TIVOLI City east of Rome. nyt 1944 TNT Block-buster stuffing."
- Br'er Rabbit,” for instance. nyt 1954 BEAT Flap. nyt 1954 BEAT Policeman's tour-of-duty. nyt 1954 BEAT Vibrate. nyt 1954 BEATA Blessed: Latin. nyt 1954 BEATER Kitchen gadget. nyt 1954 BEATER Maul. nyt 1954 BEATER Maul. nyt 1954 BEATS Flaps, as wings. nyt 1954 BEATSTIME Accentuates the rhythm. nyt 1954 BEAUTIFUL Word for Miss America. nyt 1954 BEAUX Suitors. nyt 1954 BEAVER Fur animal. nyt 1954 BEAVER High silk hat. nyt 1954 BEAVER Symbol of Oregon. nyt 1954 BEBE Girl's name. nyt 1954 BEBE Mrs. Ben Lyon. nyt 1954 BEBOP Currently popular rhythm. nyt 1954 BECALMED Made still. nyt 1954 BECAME Grew to be. nyt 1954 BECHE ___-de-mer (sea cucumber). nyt 1954 BECKY Amelia's friend. nyt 1954 BECOMES Turns into. nyt 1954 BED Ground prepared for plants. nyt 1954 BEDAMP Moisten. nyt 1954 BEDAZE Bewilder. nyt 1954 BEDE Adam ___. nyt 1954 BEDELL Walter ___ Smith, Under-Secretary of State. nyt 1954 BEDEW Dampen. nyt 1954 BEDEW Moisten. nyt 1954 BEDLOE Liberty Island. nyt 1954 BEDROOM Part of a hotel suite. nyt 1954 BEDROOMSLIPPERS Accessory for a peignoir. nyt 1954 BEDS Bunks. nyt 1954 BEDS Plant plots. nyt 1954 BEDS Strata. nyt 1954 BEDS Strata. nyt 1954 BEDSLATS Box spring supports. nyt 1954 BEE Bonnet" decoration.