Crossword clues for German name part:
- Thus ___ Zarathustra.” nyt 1953 SPALES Timbers used in shipbuilding. nyt 1953 SPAN Arch of a bridge. nyt 1953 SPAN Nine inches. nyt 1953 SPAN Pair of matched horses or mules. nyt 1953 SPAN Part of a bridge. nyt 1953 SPAN Team of horses. nyt 1953 SPANEMIA Blood deficiency. nyt 1953 SPANG Straight: Slang. nyt 1953 SPANGLE Stud with sequins. nyt 1953 SPANIARD Native of Toledo. nyt 1953 SPANISH Language of 100,000,000. nyt 1953 SPANK Move along smartly. nyt 1953 SPANNERS Wrenches. nyt 1953 SPANO Scarce: Comb.form. nyt 1953 SPANS Parts between two supports. nyt 1953 SPANS Reaches across. nyt 1953 SPAR Coast Guard girl. nyt 1953 SPAR Coast Guard lady. nyt 1953 SPAR Member of the Coast Guard. nyt 1953 SPAR Train for a bout. nyt 1953 SPARE Bowling score. nyt 1953 SPARE Good bowling score. nyt 1953 SPAREBED Place for a weekend guest. nyt 1953 SPARED Refrained from. nyt 1953 SPARED Refrained from. nyt 1953 SPARED Was clement. nyt 1953 SPARER More gaunt. nyt 1953 SPARERIB Cut of meat. nyt 1953 SPARERIB Cut of meat. nyt 1953 SPARES Extra parts. nyt 1953 SPARES Extra tires. nyt 1953 SPARESOME Frugal. nyt 1953 SPARETIRE Blowout insurance. nyt 1953 SPARK Go courting in the good old days. nyt 1953 SPARKLE Reflect spirit and fire. nyt 1953 SPARROW Slayer in a nursery rhyme. nyt 1953 SPARSE Few and far between. nyt 1953 SPARSE Few and far between. nyt 1953 SPARSE Scanty. nyt 1953 SPARSE Thin. nyt 1953 SPARSE Thinly settled. nyt 1953 SPARTA Ally of Athens at Thermopylae. nyt 1953 SPARTAN Undaunted. nyt 1953 SPAS Evian, St. Nectaire, etc. nyt 1953 SPAS Hot Springs and French Lick. nyt 1953 SPAS Salutary spots. nyt 1953 SPAS Saratoga and Aix les Bains. nyt 1953 SPAS Springs. nyt 1953 SPASM Sudden spell of energy. nyt 1953 SPAT Slight altercation. nyt 1953 SPAT Squabble. nyt 1953 SPAT Tiff. nyt 1953 SPAT Young oyster. nyt 1953 SPAT Young oyster. nyt 1953 SPATE Flood. nyt 1953 SPATES Flash floods. nyt 1953 SPATES Freshets. nyt 1953 SPATS Gaiters. nyt 1953 SPATS Squabbles. nyt 1953 SPATTED Struck lightly. nyt 1953 SPATULAS Artists' implements for spreading paint. nyt 1953 SPAVINS Lames a horse. nyt 1953 SPCA Humane society. nyt 1953 SPEAK Command to Fido. nyt 1953 SPEAKERS Martin and his predecessor, Rayburn. nyt 1953 SPEAKFOR Represent in court: 2 wds. nyt 1953 SPEAKS Expresses opinions. nyt 1953 SPEAR Assagai. nyt 1953 SPEAR Uhlan's weapon. nyt 1953 SPEARS Asparagus tips. nyt 1953 SPEARS Blades of grass. nyt 1953 SPEARS Pieces of asparagus. nyt 1953 SPEC Wall Street activity, for short. nyt 1953 SPECIAL A particularly favored thing. nyt 1953 SPECIE What the mint makes. nyt 1953 SPECIMENS Typical examples. nyt 1953 SPECIOUS Apparently right, but not really so. nyt 1953 SPECS Successor to the pince-nez: Colloq. nyt 1953 SPECTATORS People on the sidelines. nyt 1953 SPECTRE Ghostly figure. nyt 1953 SPED Expedited. nyt 1953 SPED Expedited. nyt 1953 SPED Hied. nyt 1953 SPED Hied. nyt 1953 SPED Hurried. nyt 1953 SPED Sent swiftly. nyt 1953 SPED Went swiftly. nyt 1953 SPEE German pocket battleship, sunk in 1939. nyt 1953 SPEE German rear admiral, World War I. nyt 1953 SPEE Graf ___, scuttled ship. nyt 1953 SPEE Ship named after German count. nyt 1953 SPEE Von ___, German naval commander. nyt 1953 SPEECH Stevenson's specialty. nyt 1953 SPEECHMAN Oldtime word for an orator. nyt 1953 SPEED A transmission gear. nyt 1953 SPEEDER Man with a ticket. nyt 1953 SPEEDER State trooper's catch. nyt 1953 SPEEDLIMIT Much discussed motoring problem. nyt 1953 SPEEDS First, second, third. nyt 1953 SPEEDS Goes like sixty."
- David ___,” by Edward Noyes Westcott. nyt 1944 HARUNA Battleship bombed Dec., 1941. nyt 1944 HARUNA Jap battleship attacked by Capt. Colin Kelly. nyt 1944 HAS Owns. nyt 1944 HASAN Grandson of Mohammed. nyt 1944 HASH Jumble. nyt 1944 HASTATE Spear-shaped. nyt 1944 HASTE Hurry. nyt 1944 HATCHMENT Armorial bearing of deceased person. nyt 1944 HATE Intense aversion. nyt 1944 HATE Loathe. nyt 1944 HATERS Despisers. nyt 1944 HAUL Transport. nyt 1944 HAULM Stem of a plant. nyt 1944 HAUTES ___-Pyrenees, French province. nyt 1944 HAVANA Capital city of President-elect San Martin. nyt 1944 HAVOC U. S. fighter-bomber. nyt 1944 HAVRE French Channel port. nyt 1944 HAVRE Great invasion seaport, France. nyt 1944 HAWSE Distance forward from bow to anchor. nyt 1944 HAYE The Hague: French. nyt 1944 HAYES U. S. Ambassador to Spain. nyt 1944 HEADNOTE Summary prefixed to law report. nyt 1944 HEADS Directors. nyt 1944 HEALS Restores. nyt 1944 HEAP Accumulate. nyt 1944 HEAR Give attention to. nyt 1944 HEARN He taught English at University of Tokyo (1850–1904). nyt 1944 HEARN Interpreter of Japan to Western World (1850–1904). nyt 1944 HEARS Gives ear. nyt 1944 HEARST Newspaper publisher born 1863. nyt 1944 HEART Core. nyt 1944 HEARTY Jolly sailor. nyt 1944 HEATS Preliminary races. nyt 1944 HEATS Warms. nyt 1944 HEBETATE Dull, obtuse. nyt 1944 HECLA Volcano in southwest Iceland. nyt 1944 HECTARE Measure of 100 acres. nyt 1944 HEDDLE Part of a loom. nyt 1944 HEDIN Swedish explorer in Asia. nyt 1944 HEEHAWS Makes a sound like an animal. nyt 1944 HEIGHT Distance off an assumed base. nyt 1944 HEIRS Inheritors. nyt 1944 HEL Underworld queen. nyt 1944 HELEN Greek heroine. nyt 1944 HELEN Her abduction caused a war. nyt 1944 HELENA Capital of Gov. Ford's State. nyt 1944 HELENA Gov. Ford's capital. nyt 1944 HELICON Apollo's supposed residence. nyt 1944 HELLCAT U. S. fighter plane. nyt 1944 HELLDIVER Curtiss naval plane. nyt 1944 HELLDOG Cerberus, hound of Hades. nyt 1944 HELLENE Greek. nyt 1944 HELM Steering apparatus. nyt 1944 HELM Wheel. nyt 1944 HELMET Soldier's bullet deflector. nyt 1944 HELMETS GI equipment. nyt 1944 HELMS Ships' wheels. nyt 1944 HELOTS Spartan bondmen. nyt 1944 HELP Distress call. nyt 1944 HELVE Axe handle. nyt 1944 HEM Surround. nyt 1944 HEMPEL American operatic soprano born in Leipzig. nyt 1944 HEMS Surrounds. nyt 1944 HEN Fowl. nyt 1944 HENRI ___ Petain. nyt 1944 HER That woman. nyt 1944 HERA Queen of the gods. nyt 1944 HERALD Harbinger. nyt 1944 HERD Mob. nyt 1944 HERE Present. nyt 1944 HERMES Mercury. nyt 1944 HERMIA Lysander's love. nyt 1944 HEROD Symbol of tyranny. nyt 1944 HEROINE Gallant woman. nyt 1944 HERR German title. nyt 1944 HERR Mister. nyt 1944 HERR Title. nyt 1944 HERZOG German title of duke. nyt 1944 HESS Amateur Nazi chutist. nyt 1944 HESS Britain's uninvited guest. nyt 1944 HESS Former Nazi deputy leader. nyt 1944 HESSE State in southwest Germany. nyt 1944 HET Hot: Slang. nyt 1944 HETMANS Generals of the Cossacks. nyt 1944 HEW Shape roughly. nyt 1944 HEWER Lumber cutter. nyt 1944 HIA Hawk parrot. nyt 1944 HIATE Gape: Rare. nyt 1944 HIDEOUSLY Horribly. nyt 1944 HIDES Pelts. nyt 1944 HIES Hurries. nyt 1944 HILARIA Girl's name meaning cheerful. nyt 1944 HIM Pronoun. nyt 1944 HIM Pronoun. nyt 1944 HIM Pronoun. nyt 1944 HINALAYAS The hump."
- ___ and Beyond.” nyt 1953 ABOVE Kind of board. nyt 1953 ABRA Mouth of a canyon. nyt 1953 ABRA Narrow pass, in Southwest. nyt 1953 ABRA Part of a mystic incantation. nyt 1953 ABRA ___-cadabra. nyt 1953 ABRADES Rubs off. nyt 1953 ABRAHAM Ishmael's father. nyt 1953 ABRAHAM Part of a Carl Sandburg title. nyt 1953 ABRI Dugout or shelter: French. nyt 1953 ABRI Dugout: French. nyt 1953 ABRI Shelter, in France. nyt 1953 ABRI Shelter: Fr. nyt 1953 ABRI Shelter: French. nyt 1953 ABSENT Away. nyt 1953 ABSENTEE Type of striker. nyt 1953 ABSENTS Stays away. nyt 1953 ABSENTS Withdraws (oneself). nyt 1953 ABSOLVE Exonerate. nyt 1953 ABSORB Swallow up. nyt 1953 ABSORBS Engrosses. nyt 1953 ABT German composer. nyt 1953 ABU Arabic name. nyt 1953 ABU Oriental name. nyt 1953 ABUG As snug as ___ in a rug."