Crossword clues for Epic poet 5 letters:
- The harp that once through ___ halls . . . ” nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA The Marines took it, November, 1943. nyt 1952 TARBELL Ida M. ___, famed writer on economics. nyt 1952 TARDE Afternoon, in Madrid. nyt 1952 TARDE Afternoon: Spanish. nyt 1952 TARDY Slow. nyt 1952 TARE A weed, in the Bible. nyt 1952 TARE Biblical weed. nyt 1952 TARE Darnel. nyt 1952 TARE Weed. nyt 1952 TARENTINES Inhabitants of an Italian city. nyt 1952 TARES Vetches. nyt 1952 TARES Weeds sowed among the wheat. nyt 1952 TARES Weeds. nyt 1952 TARGET A goal to be reached. nyt 1952 TARHEEL Native of North Carolina. nyt 1952 TARIFF Formerly a big political issue. nyt 1952 TARNS Lakes in the mountains. nyt 1952 TARO A plant called elephant's-ear. nyt 1952 TARO Cocoroot. nyt 1952 TARO Food for Polynesians. nyt 1952 TARO From which poi is made. nyt 1952 TARO Tropical food. nyt 1952 TAROT Card played no more. nyt 1952 TAROT Oldtime playing card. nyt 1952 TARPEIA Vestal virgin who was hurled from a rock by the Sabines. nyt 1952 TARPON Florida game fish. nyt 1952 TARPON Prized catch off Florida. nyt 1952 TARPON Prized game fish. nyt 1952 TARPONS Game fish caught off Florida. nyt 1952 TARR Tease: Var. nyt 1952 TARRED Describing roofs and roads. nyt 1952 TARRING Finishing off a roof. nyt 1952 TARRY Stay awhile. nyt 1952 TARS Briny men. nyt 1952 TARS Covers with pitch. nyt 1952 TARS Dick Deadeye and his pals. nyt 1952 TARS Men of the sea. nyt 1952 TARS Sea dogs. nyt 1952 TARSI Lower leg joints. nyt 1952 TART Small pie with no top crust. nyt 1952 TART Sour. nyt 1952 TARTANA Two-wheeled carriage of Valencia. nyt 1952 TARTAR Intractable person. nyt 1952 TARTE French dessert. nyt 1952 TARTEN Make pungent. nyt 1952 TAS Heap or pile: French. nyt 1952 TAS Heap or pile: French. nyt 1952 TASCO Clay for making melting pots. nyt 1952 TASHA River in China. nyt 1952 TASK A kind of master. nyt 1952 TASK Duty. nyt 1952 TASK Job. nyt 1952 TASK Job. nyt 1952 TASM Island south of Australia: Abbr. nyt 1952 TASMAN Discover of Fiji Islands, 1643. nyt 1952 TASMANSEA Expanse of water W of New Zealand. nyt 1952 TASS Its newsmen are suspect in U. S. nyt 1952 TASS Red news agency. nyt 1952 TASSE Cup: French. nyt 1952 TASSE Cup: French. nyt 1952 TASSEL Decoration on a mortarboard. nyt 1952 TASSELED Put forth inflorescence. nyt 1952 TASSELS Ornaments, on maize. nyt 1952 TASSO Epic poet. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian 16th century poet. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian poet of the 16th century. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian poet who wrote Jerusalem Delivered."
- ___ to Psyche.”—Keats. nyt 1948 ODEON Theatre. nyt 1948 ODER Breslau's river. nyt 1948 ODIN Brother of Vili and Ve. nyt 1948 ODINIC Of a Norse god. nyt 1948 ODIST Lyric poet. nyt 1948 ODOR Bouquet. nyt 1948 ODOR Repute. nyt 1948 ODOR Scent. nyt 1948 ODOROUS Redolent. nyt 1948 ODS Supposed forces in hypnotism. nyt 1948 ODWYER Empire City's first citizen. nyt 1948 ODWYER Father Knickerbocker's first citizen. nyt 1948 ODYSSEY Homer's epic. nyt 1948 ODYSSEY Long wandering. nyt 1948 OECIST Colonizer. nyt 1948 OED Famous dictionary: Abbr. nyt 1948 OENEUS King whose son slew the Calydonian boar. nyt 1948 OENIN Pigment in blue grape. nyt 1948 OERSTED Danish physicist, discoverer of electromagnetism (1777–1851). nyt 1948 OES Letters of the alphabet. nyt 1948 OFFERER Tenderer. nyt 1948 OFFERS Bids. nyt 1948 OFFICIO Ex ___. nyt 1948 OGEE Pointed arch. nyt 1948 OGEE S-like molding. nyt 1948 OGEES Moldings with sigmoid profiles. nyt 1948 OGI Geisha's fan. nyt 1948 OGILVIE Director General of BBC from 1938 to 1942. nyt 1948 OGIVES Arches. nyt 1948 OGLE Examine. nyt 1948 OGLE Scrutinize offensively. nyt 1948 OHARA Scarlett ___. nyt 1948 OHIO Valley sowed by Johnny Appleseed. nyt 1948 OHM Unit of electrical resistance. nyt 1948 OHMMETERS Indicators showing electrical resistance. nyt 1948 OHO Exclamation. nyt 1948 OILCUP Lubricator on a motor. nyt 1948 OILED Unctuously appeased. nyt 1948 OILS Artist's colors. nyt 1948 OILS Lubricates. nyt 1948 OILS Paintings. nyt 1948 OILS Paints. nyt 1948 OILS Unctious liquids. nyt 1948 OILY Oleaginous. nyt 1948 OISE River in north France. nyt 1948 OJEDA Spanish adventurer with Columbus (1465–1515). nyt 1948 OKAPI Giraffe-like animal. nyt 1948 OKAPI Peculiar mammal discovered in 1900. nyt 1948 OKAPIS Cousins to the giraffe. nyt 1948 OKAY All correct: Humorous spelling. nyt 1948 OKAY All right. nyt 1948 OKRAS Gumbos. nyt 1948 OLA Norse name. nyt 1948 OLAF Norway's national hero. nyt 1948 OLAND Originator of Charlie Chan.”
- Wilderness were Paradise ___.” nyt 1944 ENOW Enough: Poet nyt 1944 ENRAGE Make angry. nyt 1944 ENRAGES Infuriates. nyt 1944 ENRAPT Overpowered by emotion. nyt 1944 ENRICHES Makes wealthy. nyt 1944 ENROBED Invested. nyt 1944 ENS Alchemic essence. nyt 1944 ENS Ensign: Abbr. nyt 1944 ENS Entity. nyt 1944 ENS Junior naval officer: Abbr. nyt 1944 ENSIGN Naval officer. nyt 1944 ENSIGN Naval officer. nyt 1944 ENSILE Store fodder. nyt 1944 ENSMALL Minify. nyt 1944 ENSTATE Install in office. nyt 1944 ENSURED Indemnified. nyt 1944 ENT U. S. general who took part in the Ploesti raid. nyt 1944 ENTAILED Involved. nyt 1944 ENTER Come in. nyt 1944 ENTERPRISE Famous U. S. aircraft carrier, saw action in Pacific arena. nyt 1944 ENTERPRISE U. S. aircraft carrier. nyt 1944 ENTERS Comes upon the stage. nyt 1944 ENTIRE All. nyt 1944 ENTIRE Consisting of one piece. nyt 1944 ENTITLE Empower. nyt 1944 ENTO Inner: Comb. form. nyt 1944 ENTO Within: Comb. form. nyt 1944 ENTOIL Trap. nyt 1944 ENTOM Insect: Comb. form. nyt 1944 ENTRANT New member. nyt 1944 ENTREAT Obsecrate. nyt 1944 ENTREES Main dishes. nyt 1944 ENVY Begrudge. nyt 1944 ENVY Malicious grudging. nyt 1944 ENYO Greek goddess of war. nyt 1944 EOAN Of the dawn. nyt 1944 EON Geological time division. nyt 1944 EOS Memnon's mother. nyt 1944 EOSIN Red dyestuff. nyt 1944 EPAULE Shoulder: Fr. nyt 1944 EPAULET Shoulder-badge on full-dress uniform. nyt 1944 EPEE Fencing sword. nyt 1944 EPEES Dueling weapons. nyt 1944 EPEES Fencing swords. nyt 1944 EPEIROS Pyrrhus united this ancient country. nyt 1944 EPERNAY Where France's best champagne is produced. nyt 1944 EPHEMERAL Transient. nyt 1944 EPI Ornamental spire peak. nyt 1944 EPI Slender finial. nyt 1944 EPIC An Iliad or Odyssey. nyt 1944 EPICAL Noble and heroic. nyt 1944 EPICARP Outer layer of pericarp. nyt 1944 EPOPEES Epic poems. nyt 1944 EPOS Epic poetry. nyt 1944 EPOS Series of high events. nyt 1944 EPSOM English racing center. nyt 1944 EPSOM Famed English racecourse. nyt 1944 EPSOM Scene of the British Derby. nyt 1944 EPULARY Pertaining to feasting. nyt 1944 EQUATOR Latitude 0. nyt 1944 ER Parenthetical sound. nyt 1944 ERA Period. nyt 1944 ERADIATES Shoots forth nyt 1944 ERADICATION Extirpation. nyt 1944 ERAL Of an epoch. nyt 1944 ERAS Ages. nyt 1944 ERASE Destroy. nyt 1944 ERASE Liquidate. nyt 1944 ERASE Liquidate. nyt 1944 ERASED Obliterated. nyt 1944 ERASERS Presents for solvers. nyt 1944 ERASES Obliterates. nyt 1944 ERASMUS Dutch scholar (1466–1536). nyt 1944 ERASURE Obliteration. nyt 1944 ERASURE Obliteration. nyt 1944 ERATO Greek muse of poetry. nyt 1944 ERATO Muse of love poetry. nyt 1944 ERATO Muse. nyt 1944 ERD Earth: German. nyt 1944 ERDA Earth goddess in Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung."