Crossword clues for Dog pound dog:
- Corridor” along the Vistula, created by Treaty of Versailles. nyt 1952 POLITE What Alphonse and Gaston were. nyt 1952 POLL Analysis of public opinion. nyt 1952 POLL Head counting. nyt 1952 POLL Indecisive enumeration. nyt 1952 POLL List of voters. nyt 1952 POLL Pre-election activity. nyt 1952 POLLS Selective samplings of public opinion. nyt 1952 POLLTAX Levy required by seven states. nyt 1952 POLO Author of still popular travel book. nyt 1952 POLO Ball game. nyt 1952 POLO Game at Bostwick Field. nyt 1952 POLO Game often played in armories. nyt 1952 POLO Game originated in the Orient. nyt 1952 POLO Hockey on horseback. nyt 1952 POLO ___ Grounds. nyt 1952 POLONIUM Radioactive element in pitchblende. nyt 1952 POLOPONIES Four-legged participants at Westbury Field. nyt 1952 POLYTECHNIC Embracing many arts. nyt 1952 POM Dog weighing about seven pounds: Colloq. nyt 1952 POMA Fruit: Latin. nyt 1952 POME Apple, pear or quince. nyt 1952 POMERANIA Part of Germany, in the Russian zone. nyt 1952 POMP Pageantry. nyt 1952 POMS Small dogs: Colloq. nyt 1952 POND Rural skating rink. nyt 1952 POND The Atlantic, by understatement. nyt 1952 POND Tourist term for the Atlantic. nyt 1952 PONE Bread made of corn meal. nyt 1952 PONES Southern food. nyt 1952 PONG Table tennis noise. nyt 1952 PONIES They once carried the mail. nyt 1952 PONS Cara Nome" is a specialty of hers.
- ___ Charming People” by Michael Arlen. nyt 1948 THING Object. nyt 1948 THIRD One part of Caesar's Gaul. nyt 1948 THISBE Sweetheart of Pyramus. nyt 1948 THOLES Pins serving as fulcrums for oars. nyt 1948 THOMAS A Presidential candidate. nyt 1948 THOR In Bilskirnir hall he dwelt. nyt 1948 THOREZ Communist leader in France. nyt 1948 THORIUM Radioactive element no. 90. nyt 1948 THORP Hamlet. nyt 1948 THOS Macaulay's first name: Abbr. nyt 1948 THOS Masculine name: Abbr. nyt 1948 THRACE The country of Hero and Leander. nyt 1948 THRIFT Good husbandry. nyt 1948 THRONGS Hosts. nyt 1948 THUG Assassin. nyt 1948 THUG Ruffian. nyt 1948 THULE Ultima ___. nyt 1948 THUMP Strike with a heavy dull sound. nyt 1948 THUMPER Walt Disney's frantic rabbit. nyt 1948 THUMPS Pounds. nyt 1948 THUS Hence. nyt 1948 THY Pronoun. nyt 1948 TIAR Coronet: Poet. nyt 1948 TIBET Country explored by Sven Hedin. nyt 1948 TIBETAN Shangri-La native. nyt 1948 TIBIA The shin bone. nyt 1948 TIBIAL Of a bone. nyt 1948 TIDAL ___ river, as the Hudson. nyt 1948 TIDAL ___ wave. nyt 1948 TIDE Carry through. nyt 1948 TIDES Currents. nyt 1948 TIDINGS Intelligence. nyt 1948 TIE Dead heat. nyt 1948 TIE Draw. nyt 1948 TIE Hand-painted accessory. nyt 1948 TIE Sleeper. nyt 1948 TIE Standoff. nyt 1948 TIED So Gulliver finds himself. nyt 1948 TIEL Netherlands town west of Nijmegen. nyt 1948 TIEN ___ Shan, Asiatic mountains. nyt 1948 TIER Animal: Ger. nyt 1948 TIER Row of seats. nyt 1948 TIES Family ___. nyt 1948 TIGE Dog's name. nyt 1948 TIGER The Lady or the ___."