- Took ten.” nyt 1956 RESTED Stopped. nyt 1956 RESTER Napper. nyt 1956 RESTING Taking one's ease. nyt 1956 RESTIVE Balky. nyt 1956 RESTONS Washington correspondent and family. nyt 1956 RESTORE Give back. nyt 1956 RESTORES Cleans up, as old art. nyt 1956 RESTPERIOD Relative of a coffee break. nyt 1956 RESTS Bridges, in billiards. nyt 1956 RESTS Caesuras. nyt 1956 RESTS Intervals of silence, in music. nyt 1956 RESTS Musical pauses. nyt 1956 RESTS Stops. nyt 1956 RESTS Supports for cues. nyt 1956 RESUED Took to court again. nyt 1956 RESULT Outcome. nyt 1956 RESUME Continue. nyt 1956 RESUMED Continued. nyt 1956 RESUN Something to do at 111 Across. nyt 1956 RESURGE Rise again. nyt 1956 RET Soak, as flax. nyt 1956 RET Steep by soaking. nyt 1956 RETAIL Pass on, as gossip. nyt 1956 RETAILING Business school course. nyt 1956 RETAIN Hold. nyt 1956 RETAIN Keep. nyt 1956 RETAINER Legal fee. nyt 1956 RETAINER Preliminary counsel fee. nyt 1956 RETAINS Holds on to. nyt 1956 RETAKE Extra job in movie making. nyt 1956 RETAKEN Rephotographed. nyt 1956 RETALK Speak a second time. nyt 1956 RETARD Hold back. nyt 1956 RETARD Hold back. nyt 1956 RETARD Obstruct. nyt 1956 RETE Network in anatomy. nyt 1956 RETE Network. nyt 1956 RETEM Juniper, in the Old Testament. nyt 1956 RETENT Capacity for remembering. nyt 1956 RETIA Anatomical networks. nyt 1956 RETICENT Quite reserved. nyt 1956 RETICULE Grandmother's handbag. nyt 1956 RETIN Plate again with a metal. nyt 1956 RETINA Part of the eye. nyt 1956 RETINUES Trains of followers. nyt 1956 RETIP Put a new point on. nyt 1956 RETIRE Go away. nyt 1956 RETIRE Move back. nyt 1956 RETIRE Withdraw. nyt 1956 RETIRED Emeritus. nyt 1956 RETIRED Not active. nyt 1956 RETIRER Pensionable one. nyt 1956 RETIRES Puts out, on the diamond. nyt 1956 RETITLE Change the name. nyt 1956 RETORT Witty reply. nyt 1956 RETORTION Twisting back. nyt 1956 RETORTS Replies in kind. nyt 1956 RETRACE Go over again. nyt 1956 RETRACES Goes back over again. nyt 1956 RETRACES Goes back over. nyt 1956 RETRACT Unsay. nyt 1956 RETRAIN Instruct again. nyt 1956 RETREATED Backed down. nyt 1956 RETREE Poor quality. nyt 1956 RETRIEVE Set right. nyt 1956 RETS Macerates. nyt 1956 RETS Soaks, as flax. nyt 1956 RETS Soaks, as flax. nyt 1956 RETURNS Election results. nyt 1956 RETYPES Uses 11 Down again. nyt 1956 REUNITE Link anew. nyt 1956 REUP Enlist again, in Army slang. nyt 1956 REUS Defendant: Lat. nyt 1956 REUSE Employ again. nyt 1956 REUTER Founder of British news agency. nyt 1956 REUTERS British news agency. nyt 1956 REV Church title: Abbr. nyt 1956 REV Clerical title: Abbr. nyt 1956 REV Turn of an airplane motor. nyt 1956 REVAMP Recast and fix up. nyt 1956 REVD Clerical abbreviation. nyt 1956 REVE Dream: Fr. nyt 1956 REVE Dream: Fr. nyt 1956 REVE French dream. nyt 1956 REVEAL Show. nyt 1956 REVEALED Displayed. nyt 1956 REVEILLE Bugle call. nyt 1956 REVEL Make merry. nyt 1956 REVEL Merrymaking. nyt 1956 REVENANT Ghost. nyt 1956 REVENEER Reface with fine wood. nyt 1956 REVENGER Vindicator. nyt 1956 REVENUE Income. nyt 1956 REVENUERS Moonshiners' nemeses. nyt 1956 REVERCOMB Senator-elect of W. Virginia. nyt 1956 REVERE Noted silversmith. nyt 1956 REVERED Venerated. nyt 1956 REVERENT Profoundly respectful. nyt 1956 REVERER Worshiper. nyt 1956 REVERIE Brown study. nyt 1956 REVERIE Dreamy thinking. nyt 1956 REVERS Lapel. nyt 1956 REVERS Lapels. nyt 1956 REVERSE Car gear. nyt 1956 REVERSE Certain drive button. nyt 1956 REVERSE Turn about. nyt 1956 REVERSED Set back. nyt 1956 REVERSO Left-hand book page. nyt 1956 REVERT Go back to. nyt 1956 REVICTUAL Suppy a ship or army with food again. nyt 1956 REVISAL Emendation. nyt 1956 REVISE Change or amend. nyt 1956 REVISED Emended. nyt 1956 REVISERS Play doctors, for example. nyt 1956 REVOKE Offense at bridge. nyt 1956 REVUE Musical show. nyt 1956 REVUE Stage show. nyt 1956 REWARD Guerdon. nyt 1956 REX King: Lat. nyt 1956 REY Reina's spouse. nyt 1956 REYES Spanish kings. nyt 1956 REYNARD Br'er Rabbit's foe. nyt 1956 RFC Federal lending agency. nyt 1956 RFD Part of a country address. nyt 1956 RFD Post office abbreviation. nyt 1956 RFD Postal abbreviation. nyt 1956 RFDS P. O. designations. nyt 1956 RHAPSODY ___ in Blue."